of June 24, 2009 No. 115
About approval of the Provision of the State Committee according to the statistics Azerbaijan Republic and structure of Committee
For the purpose of enhancement of the normative legal basis of activities of the State Committee according to the statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic I decide:
1. Approve "Provision of the State Committee according to the statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic" it (is applied).
2. Approve "Structure of the State Committee according to the statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic" it (is applied).
3. Charge to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in a month:
3.1. prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of the existing legal acts to compliance with this Decree;
3.2. provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the relevant central executive bodies in compliance with this Decree and inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.3. determine numerical limit of workers of the office of the State Committee according to the statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic and the structures entering into its structure;
3.4. resolve other issues following from this Decree.
4. The presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of November 24, 2005 No. 323 "About approval of regulations on the State Committee according to the statistics the Azerbaijan Republic" (Collection of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2005, No. 11, Article 1018; 2008, No. 11, Article 970) to declare invalid.
Azerbaijan Republic Ilham ALIYEV
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of June 24, 2009 No. 115
1. The state committee according to the statistics of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - Goskomstat) is the central executive body performing state policy in the sphere of statistics and creating official statistical data on social, economic and demographic country situation on the basis of single methodology.
2. Goskomstat in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic, and this Provision.
3. In case of accomplishment of the tasks and implementation of the rights Goskomstat interacts with other executive bodies, local government bodies and non-governmental organizations.
4. Goskomstat has separate balance, the state-owned property which is according to the legislation at its disposal, treasurer and bank accounts, seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Azerbaijan Republic and own name, the corresponding stamps and forms.
5. Maintenance costs and activities of Goskomstat are financed by means of the government budget of the Azerbaijan Republic and other stipulated by the legislation sources.
6. Goskomstat is in the city of Baku.
7. Activities of Goskomstat are:
7.1. participation in forming of single state policy in the sphere of statistics and ensuring implementation of this policy;
7.2. timely collection of statistical data and ensuring their compliance to the social and economic processes happening in the country;
7.3. ensuring development of the sphere of statistics;
7.4. organization and carrying out statistical investigations of condition of the economic, social, demographic and social sphere;
7.5. maintaining the state register of statistical units;
7.6. implementation of activities in other directions established by the legislation.
8. According to the activities established by this Provision Goskomstat carries out the following tasks:
8.1. within the powers performs normative regulation in the sphere of statistics;
8.2. within the powers provides implementation of state programs and concepts of development;
8.3. develops the annual program (plan) of statistical works of Goskomstat and approves it in case of coordination in the appropriate order with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic;
8.4. determines in the annual program of the statistical works scope, type, frequency and subject of each element necessary for data acquisition connected with studying of the resources existing in the country, economic, demographic, social and ecological situation;
8.5. submits in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic the annual statement about accomplishment of the program of statistical works and publishes the report;
8.6. according to regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic conducts censuses and researches;
8.7. will organize obtaining, and also representation by all legal entities (their representations and branches) who are in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and physical persons in state bodies of statistics in electronic form of necessary data for conducting the state (regional) observations, based on official statistic reports of necessary statistical data, performs application of selective observations along with general statistical observations;
8.8. according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About statistics" and other regulatory legal acts, accepts rules and instructions about preparation of official statistical materials and filling of forms of account;
8.9. will organize processing of statistical data based on single methodology and modern information technologies;
8.10. analyzes the statistical data concerning social and economic processes, level of living and expenses on accommodation of the population, will organize carrying out social and demographic observations, statistics of households, conducts surveys;
8.11. constitutes based on collected data the generalized and grouped conclusions over the country and regions, publishes in the appropriate order statistical collections, bulletins, reviews, releases and other statistical materials of the established amount and the name, provides their distribution among users, publishes the generalized statistical data, the attracting general interest in seal, will organize interpretation of official statistical data;
8.12. analyzes statistical data, conducts the generalized calculations of social and economic and demographic processes;
8.13. provides state bodies, the international organizations, physical persons and legal entities with statistical data at the level of the country, the region and industry level with ensuring privacy of primary data;
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