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The agreement on preparation and training of military and civil personnel of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States for participation in peace support operations

of January 19, 1996

The State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States, being guided by the Perspective plan of integration development of the Commonwealth of Independent States approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 21, 1994, the Decision of Council of collective security on the Concept of collective security of the State Parties of the Agreement on collective security of February 10, 1995 and also in view of need of the approved and high-quality training of military and civil personnel for participation in peace support operations,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purpose of increase in efficiency of carrying out peace support operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States to organize since October 1, 1996 preparation and training of the military and civil personnel allocated in structure of Collective forces on peacekeeping in the Commonwealth of Independent States according to the enclosed List.

Permit the Council of Ministers of Defense of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Council of Foreign Ministers of state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States to make in case of need the approved changes to the specified List.

Article 2

To perform preparation and training of the military and civil personnel specified in Article 1 of this agreement in the centers of preparation of peacekeeping forces for the single programs approved by the Council of Ministers of Defense of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in coordination with Council of Foreign Ministers of state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The centers of preparation of peacekeeping forces, quantity and terms of their readiness for work, and also procedure for preparation in them for the personnel allocated in structure of Collective forces on peacekeeping in the Commonwealth of Independent States are determined by Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth by common offering of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Council of Foreign Ministers of state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The list of the centers of preparation and procedure for preparation and training of military and civil personnel, are approved by the Decision of Council of Heads of Government of October 18, 1996.

Preparation and training of the police (militia) personnel allocated in structure of divisions of police (militia) is performed by the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the State Parties of this Agreement.

Article 3

Material logistics and financing of the centers of preparation of the peacekeeping forces specified in Article 2 of this agreement is performed at the expense of the states in the territory of which these centers are located.

Article 4

Preparation and training of military and civil personnel of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States sent to the centers of preparation of peacekeeping forces of other State Party is made according to the procedure, determined by bilateral contracts on training.

Article 5

Coordination of the questions connected with preparation and training in the centers of preparation of peacekeeping forces of the military and civil personnel allocated in structure of Collective forces on peacekeeping in the Commonwealth of Independent States is performed by the Council of Ministers of Defense of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States together with Council of Foreign Ministers of state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Article 6

This agreement is open for accession of any State Party of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and also other states dividing the purposes of this Agreement.

Article 7

This agreement becomes effective from the date of its signing.

The agreement is signed for a period of five years. After this term operation of the Agreement is prolonged for the next five-year period.

Any participant of this agreement can leave it by the direction to depositary of the written notice of the intention at least in six months. The depositary notifies on it all agreement parties in a month.

It is made in the city of Moscow on January 19, 1996 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in the Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States which will send to each state which signed this agreement, its verified copy.


For the Azerbaijan Republic

For the Republic of Moldova

For the Republic of Armenia

For the Russian Federation

For the Republic of Belarus

Belarus does not send the military contingent in structure of peacekeeping forces

For the Republic of Tajikistan

For Georgia

For Turkmenistan

For the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the Kyrgyz Republic

For Ukraine


to the Agreement of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States on preparation and training of military and civil personnel of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States for participation in peace support operations of January 19, 1996

The list of the military and civil personnel allocated in structure of Collective forces on peacekeeping in the Commonwealth of Independent States, which are subject to training in the centers of preparation of peacekeeping forces

1. Military personnel:

The joint command of Collective forces on peacekeeping in the Commonwealth of Independent States;

military units (divisions);

military observers and officers of communication.

2. The police (militia) personnel allocated in structure of divisions of police (militia).

3. Civil personnel:

a) observers of the Mission of observation for:

respect for human rights,

actions of administration on places,

actions of divisions of police (militia),

course of elections to municipalities of domicile and central authorities, holding referenda;

b) specialists in questions of humanitarian assistance.


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