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of July 16, 2009 No. 573

About approval of the Regulations on import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illicit trafficking for the purpose of their use in expert activities

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.06.2017 No. 754)

For the purpose of ensuring the state control of import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illicit trafficking and according to article 28 of the Federal law "About Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Regulations on import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illicit trafficking for the purpose of their use in expert activities.


Prime Minister

Russian Federation V. Putin

Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 573

Regulations on import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illicit trafficking for the purpose of their use in expert activities

1. This Provision establishes procedure for import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation (further - import (export)) drugs, the psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illicit trafficking (further - drugs), for the purpose of their use in expert activities.

2. For each case of crossing of customs border of the Russian Federation for the purpose of import (export) of drugs the state bodies specified in article 35 of the Federal law "About Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" (further - state bodies), get permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (further - permission).

The form of permission is established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3. Effective period of permission cannot exceed 1 year from the date of its issue.

4. For receipt of permission state bodies submit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the request in the form established by this Ministry in which the following data are specified:

a) the purpose of import (export) of drugs according to international treaties or other reasons for need of their import (export);

b) the name, the location of the state body performing import (export) of drugs, and also competent authority of foreign state - the receiver (sender) of drugs;

c) dosage form of drug (if it is medicine);

d) reasons for amount of the imported (exported) drugs;

e) mode of transport which is supposed to be used for import (export) of drugs;

e) the expected place and period of time of movement through customs border of the Russian Federation of drugs.

5. To the request, stipulated in Item 4 this provision, the copies of the following documents certified by the head of state body or its deputy are attached:

a) the international treaty of the Russian Federation providing possibility of import (export) of drugs;

b) request of competent authority of foreign state with request for import to the territory of this state of drugs or the written permission (consent) of competent authority of foreign state for their export from the territory of this state.

6. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation makes the decision on issue or on refusal in issue of permission within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request, stipulated in Item 4 this provision, and documents, stipulated in Item the 5th this provision.

7. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in case of incompleteness of the data stated in the request, and (or) attached to the request of the documents provided respectively by items 4 and the 5th this provision refuses issue of permission.

The decision on refusal in issue of permission is brought to the attention of state body in writing within 5 days from acceptance date of such decision with reasons for causes of failure.

Decision making about refusal in issue of permission does not interfere with repeated submission of the request, stipulated in Item 4 this provision, on condition of elimination by state body of the reasons which formed the basis for refusal.

The decision on refusal in issue of permission can be appealed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Modification of the issued permission is not allowed.

9. In case of change of the name or the location of state body or loss of permission the state body if necessary represents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the request about renewal of permission or issue of its duplicate.

Issue of the renewed permission or its duplicate is performed within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request of state body.

10. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation cancels permission in cases:

a) response competent authority of foreign state of request with request for import to the territory of this state of drugs or permission (consent) to their export from the territory of this state;

b) cancellation of the international treaty of the Russian Federation providing possibility of import (export) of drugs.

11. The cancellation notice of permission goes to the state body which got permission and to the Federal Customs Service within 5 days from acceptance date of such decision.

12. Customs authorities of the Russian Federation on the back of permission do mark about movement through customs border of the Russian Federation of drugs.

13. State bodies report within 15 days after implementation of import (export) of drugs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation about the actual amount of drugs, mode of transport which was used for their import (export), and also the place and time of movement through customs border of the Russian Federation of drugs.

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