Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 26, 1993 No. 744

About defense

(as amended on 08-10-2024)

The Azerbaijan Republic, proceeding from the Constitutional act "About the State Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic" and the international precepts of law, assumes as a basis the principles of peaceful co-existence with all states and keeps the defense capability at the level of defense sufficiency for protection against aggression.

This Law determines bases of the organization of defense of the Azerbaijan Republic.

I. General provisions

Article 1. Bases of defense of the Azerbaijan Republic

Defense of the Azerbaijan Republic is system of the political, economic, legal, military and social measures performed by the state for the purpose of ensuring preserving the state independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty of the Azerbaijan Republic and protection of the population against aggression.

The purpose of defense of the Azerbaijan Republic is creation of all necessary conditions for ensuring suppression of military attack on the Azerbaijan Republic and the armed repelling possible aggression against it at any time and under any circumstances.

Defense of the Azerbaijan Republic is based on permanent readiness for defense of Armed Forces, economy, the population, the territory and will be organized according to the military doctrine of the state.

The military doctrine of the Azerbaijan Republic is determined by the principle of defense sufficiency in construction of Armed Forces and is based on lack of territorial claim of the Azerbaijan Republic to any state and not unleashing by the first if does not become object of aggression, military operations against any state, except the obligations relying on international law.

Article 2. Organization of defense of the Azerbaijan Republic

Enters into the organization of defense of the Azerbaijan Republic:

forming of military policy and doctrine of the state;

acceptance of adequate measures in the international sphere for the purpose of aggression suppression;

development of military science;

legal regulation of questions of defense and military construction;

preparation, forming and enhancement of structure, ensuring necessary number of Armed Forces, maintenance of their high fighting capacity, combat and mobilization readiness;

development and implementation of military and technical policy of the state, providing Armed Forces with arms, military equipment, food, regimentals and other material resources;

mobilization readiness of state bodies, economies, the populations and territories of the country to activities during war;

protection of frontier;

preparation of the population and the territory of the country for defense, and also the civil defense connected with military operations;

ensuring preserving the state secret.

Article 3. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic concerning defense

The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic concerning defense consists of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Constitutional act "About the State Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic", this Law and other legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic for defense.

II. Powers of state bodies in the field of defense

Article 4. Millie Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic

Legislative regulation of questions of defense and military construction belongs to exclusive maintaining Millie of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Millie approves Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic:

military doctrine;

the amount of assignments from the budget on defense;

the main directions of cooperation of the Azerbaijan Republic with other states in the military sphere, the international and interstate agreements on military questions;

presidential decrees of the Azerbaijan Republic about the announcement, prolongation of effective period and cancellation of warlike situation in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic;

text of the military oath and general charters;

battle flags and flags of Armed Forces;

form of military regimentals and signs of distinction of the military personnel;

state program of development of arms and military equipment.

Millie Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic:

based on the address of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic agrees about declaration of war and to conclusion of peace;

makes the decision on use of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic outside the Azerbaijan Republic according to the international obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic;

on representation of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic makes the decision on involvement of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic to accomplishment of the tasks which are not connected with their appointment;

controls implementation of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic concerning defense;

establishes military ranks.

Article 5. President of the Azerbaijan Republic

The president of the Azerbaijan Republic is the Supreme Commander Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The president of the Azerbaijan Republic as the Supreme Commander Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic:

submits the draft of the military doctrine, the state program of development of arms and military equipment for Millie's approval of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic;

with the consent of Millie of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic declares war and makes the peace;

appoints to positions and dismisses the highest command structure of Armed forces of the Azerbaijan Republic;

gives the highest military ranks;

approves the concept of military construction, general structure and number of Armed Forces;

creates and abolishes military educational institutions of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, military departments of higher educational institutions and, scientific institutions and the organizations;

establishes, within the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, power of relevant organs in the field of defense, and runs their organization and procedure for activities their activities;

conducts negotiations concerning joint defense and military cooperation, collective security and disarmament and signs the International agreements of the Azerbaijan Republic;

approves development plans, mobilization, location and use of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, plans of economic mobilization and management, the plan of civil defense of the Azerbaijan Republic and Regulations on territorial defense:


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