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of December 14, 2005 No. 1454

About procedure for the organization of work with citizens in the bodies registering acts of civil status for issue of the references or other documents containing confirmation of the facts having legal value

(as amended on 06-12-2024)

1. It is excluded

2. Approve Regulations on order of registration of acts of civil status and issue of documents and (or) references by the bodies registering acts of civil status it (is applied).

Grant to the Ministry of Justice the right to make explanations on application of this Provision.

3. It is excluded

4. Determine that the procedure for storage of civil registrations and registers of births in the bodies registering acts of civil status and archives of the bodies registering acts of civil status of head departments of justice regional and Minsk city executive committees is established by the Ministry of Justice.

5. To the Ministry of Justice till December 20, 2005 to take necessary measures for accomplishment of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 13, 2005 No. 432 "About some measures for enhancement of the organization of work with citizens in state bodies, other state organizations" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 143, 1/6789) and this resolution.

6. Recognize invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 2.

7. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2006, except for Item 5 and this Item which become effective from the date of adoption of this resolution.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

V. Semashko

Appendix 1

It is excluded

Appendix 2

to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 14, 2005 No. 1454

List of invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

1. The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 7, 2000 No. 821 "About approval of the Regulations on order of registration of acts of civil status in the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 59, 5/3405).

2. The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 21, 2001 No. 379 "About recognition No. 821 which voided Item 2 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 7, 2000" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 31, 5/5528).

3. Subitem 1.5 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 26, 2004 No. 1503 "About modification and amendments in some orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus concerning notariate and notarial activities" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 192, 5/15231).

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 14, 2005 No. 1454

Regulations on order of registration of acts of civil status and issue of documents and (or) references by the bodies registering acts of civil status

Section I. General provisions


* Departments of civil registration of local executive and administrative organs, Houses (Palaces) of civil ceremonies of city executive committees, city (the cities of district subordination), settlement, rural executive and administrative organs, consular establishments, diplomatic representations of the Republic of Belarus in case of accomplishment of consular functions by them treat the bodies registering acts of civil status.

3. Ministerial procedures are performed by bodies of registry office based on the documents provided by interested persons according to Chapter 5 of the list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations for petitions from citizens, No. 200 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2010 (further – the list).

Implementation of ministerial procedures is made by body of registry office according to the written and (or) oral statements of interested persons (interested person) submitted during acceptance which shall be registered in day of their giving.

The body of registry office makes the executive decision on refusal in adoption of the statement of the interested person or on refusal in implementation of ministerial procedure in the cases provided by the Code, the Law and this Provision. If the maximum term of implementation of ministerial procedure established by the list is less than the term, established by the Law for adoption of the executive decision on refusal in adoption of the statement, such decision is made in time, not exceeding term established by the list.

The decision of department of civil registration of local executive and administrative organ, the House (Palace) of civil ceremonies of city executive committee (further – department of registry office), city (the cities of district subordination), settlement, rural local executive and administrative organ (further – gorposselyispolok) about refusal in adoption of the statement or implementation of ministerial procedure can be appealed in head department of justice of regional executive committee, the Minsk Gorispolkom if other is not established by the Code.

The decision of consular establishment, diplomatic representation of the Republic of Belarus in case of accomplishment of consular functions by it (further – foreign institution) about refusal in adoption of the statement or in implementation of ministerial procedure can be appealed in the head consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if other is not established by the Code.

The decision of head department of justice of regional executive committee, Minsk Gorispolkom, the head consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be appealed in court.

4. Citizens in case of the appeal to body of registry office represent:

4.1. the documents proving their identity, capacity to act (civil capacity to act), powers on making of actions from name and for the benefit of other citizens.

Identity documents, for the purposes of this provision are:

for citizens of the Republic of Belarus – the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus or the ID card of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus;

for the foreign citizens who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus – the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or the biometric residence permit in the Republic of Belarus the foreign citizen;

for the persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus – the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus or the biometric residence permit in the Republic of Belarus stateless persons;

for the foreign citizens and stateless persons which are temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus, – the valid passport or other document replacing it, intended for trip abroad and issued by relevant organ of the state of civil accessory or the regular residence of the foreign citizen, stateless person or the international organization (further – the document for trip abroad), in the presence in it or on the insert to the document for trip abroad of mark on registration of the foreign citizen, stateless person in the Republic of Belarus if other is not established by the legal acts regulating legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;

for the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are temporarily living in the Republic of Belarus – the document for trip abroad with the "Dazvol on Hour to the Prazhyvayena" brand;

for foreign citizens and stateless persons to which additional protection in the Republic of Belarus is provided, – the certificate on provision of additional protection in the Republic of Belarus (in case of lack of the identity document);

for foreign citizens and stateless persons to which the status of the refugee in the Republic of Belarus is provided, – the certificate of the refugee.

The identity documents issued by competent authorities of foreign states and stated in foreign language are accepted by body of registry office on condition of their transfer to one of state languages of the Republic of Belarus, attested notarially. If necessary the authentic document (translation) returns to person which provided it with leaving in body of registry office of its copy which is certified by the official of body of registry office with indication of its surname and initials, position, date and putting down of the signature;

4.2. documents and (or) data which issue requires pronouncement of the court decree;

4.3. the documents issued by competent authorities of foreign states (except identity documents of the citizen) which are accepted by body of registry office on condition of their legalization or putting down of apostille if other is not established by the Law, international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, and transfer to one of state languages of the Republic of Belarus, attested notarially;

4.4. the documents and (or) data specified in Items 5.1-5.14 of Chapter 5 of the list.

5. The data and (or) documents necessary for civil registration, modification, amendments, corrections, recovery and cancellation of civil registrations, issues of repeated registration certificates of acts of civil status, issues of documents and (or) references and not provided in Items 5.1-5.14 of Chapter 5 of the list, the body of registry office requests independently:

copies of the civil registrations made by bodies of registry office of the Republic of Belarus, and (or) the copy of the civil registrations made by competent authorities of foreign states in the presence of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus;

the document on lack of the registered marriage with other person concerning foreign citizens and stateless persons to which are provided the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus, – from divisions on nationality and migration of Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk city executive committee, the Departments of Internal Affairs of regional executive committees;

the notice of Committee for State Security in case of registration of death of persons repressed according to decisions of non-judicial and judicial authorities – from Committee for State Security;

information about the died person (personal data) in case of lack of the identity document of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus, and also the foreign citizen or the person without citizenship who is constantly living in the Republic of Belarus – from the state centralized automated information system "Register of the Population" (further – the register of the population), except for registration of death by foreign institutions;

other data and (or) documents which can be received from state bodies, other organizations, including from the register of the population and other information systems (resources), necessary for implementation of ministerial procedures.

The inquiry is sent by body of registry office according to the procedure and terms, the stipulated in Article 22 Laws.


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