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of December 13, 2000 No. 220

About approval of Rules of transportation of dangerous goods by air transport

(as amended on 16-12-2016)

In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About transport" of July 27, 1999 the No. 165 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve "Rules of transportation of dangerous goods by air transport" (are applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Artur Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 13, 2000 No. 220

Rules of transportation of dangerous goods by air transport

General provisions

1. These rules establish relevant requirements for safety control of transportation of dangerous goods ** air transport according to the Chicago Convention on International civil aviation (ChKMGA), the Instruction accepted by International Civil Aviation Organization (MOGA - ICAO) on the basis of the Chicago Convention, the Air code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About transport", other legal acts.

These rules determine special condition of carriages of dangerous goods air transport and are the main normative legal document which accomplishment is obligatory for the organizations, legal entities and physical persons connected with transportation of such loads by air transport.

2. These rules do not extend to transportation of military dangerous goods with special requirements and instructions.

3. The state supervision of transportation of dangerous goods by sea transport is exercised by the State committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on supervision of safe operation in the industry and to mountain supervision (further - the Goskomtekhnadzor) according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About technical safety", the corresponding legal acts of the republic.

4. Regardless of pattern of ownership and legal form, transportation of dangerous goods by air transport is allowed to legal entities and physical persons after obtaining from the Goskomgortekhnadzor of special permission (license) concerning implementation of the corresponding type of activity on transportation of dangerous goods according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

5. If instructions and condition of carriages of dangerous goods are prepared from the transporting dangerous goods of the state and non-state organizations, legal entities and physical persons, they shall be approved from Goskomgortekhnadzor and state body of management of Civil aviation of the Azerbaijan Republic (GOUGA). ________________________________

* it is signed on December 7, 1944 in Chicago from 52 countries.

** Substances, the products and products dangerous to people, other living beings and the environment, lists of dangerous goods and the main information about them are given in the corresponding tables.

6. Legal entities and physical persons (carriers, lift trucks, dischargers and skladchik of dangerous goods) bear responsibility for safe operation in connection with requirements of these rules and standard rates for technical safety.

For transportation of some dangerous goods in the cases provided for safe transportation or license conditions, the cargo carrier, the consignor or the consignee can designate person in charge and protection.

7. Legal entities and physical persons (consignors, consignees, lift trucks, dischargers, skladchik) according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About technical safety", based on the requirement of relevant organs of the executive authority shall provide the Declaration of technical safety.

8. Cargo carriers (consignors or consignees) shall provide primary urgent data on each emergency case which came in transit dangerous goods, GOUGA and to the Goskomgortekhnadzor of the Azerbaijan Republic.

9. According to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic legal entities and physical persons are forbidden to submerge on air vehicles radioactive and toxic waste for import in the republic.

10. Availability of appropriate certificates about the executive training of the companies of civil aviation, aviasquadrons, the civil airports and production associations borrowing with transportation, loading, unloading and storage of dangerous goods on air vehicles and aircraft crew, about increase in their knowledge according to requirements of rules and standard rates for technical safety, passing of certification by them is in the appropriate order provided with the state body managing Civil aviation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

11. Requirements of technical safety consist of the conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements established by these rules, other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also technical regulating documents accepted in the appropriate order and ensuring technical safety.

Requirements of technical safety shall conform to state standards, industrial safety rules, and also regulations of ecological and flammability control, environmental protection, industrial and construction, sanitary and epidemiologic regulations, regulations of protection of the population and the territory from emergency situations.

12. The technical installations, machines and mechanisms used on potentially dangerous objects from the point of view of compliance to requirements of technical safety, shall be certified according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic. The list of the certified technical installations used on potentially dangerous objects affirms the Goskomgortekhnadzor based on representation of GOUGA of the Azerbaijan Republic.

13. Obligations of workers in transit, unloading, loading and storage of dangerous goods:

- observance of requirements of the technical regulating documents establishing rules of conducting work on potential dangerous objects and also activities in the conditions of accident and incident;

- passing in accordance with the established procedure physical examination and certification;

- in case of approach of accident or incident on potentially dangerous object work suspension according to the procedure established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, immediate informing management or other service employee on accident or incident.

14. The legal entities and physical persons which are engaged in transportation of dangerous goods for the purpose of accident prevention which can come on objects, and elimination of effects of the happened accidents:

- prepare and perform systematic measures;

- will organize systematic supervision for the purpose of prevention and prevention of expected accidents;

- immediately stop works in case of approach of accident or incident;

- carry out other obligations following from these rules, other regulations, and also technical regulating documents establishing rules of activities in emergency situation.

15. GOUGA of the Azerbaijan Republic, the company of civil aviation, the joint aviagroups, the integrated aviasquadrons, the independent airports, legal, service and physical persons which are engaged in transportation, loading, unloading and storage of dangerous goods on air vehicles:

- shall provide accounting of explosive and radioactive materials, explosive materials and sources of ionic radiation, their storage, loading, safe transportation according to the procedure, conforming to requirements of technical regulating documents;

- observe the corresponding instructions, orders and the instructions Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic.

- GOUGA of the Azerbaijan Republic represents to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan Republic the information about workers to which powers on the organization and implementation of interdepartmental supervision of observance of requirements of technical safety are conferred.


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