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of May 21, 2009 No. 664

On regulation of emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air

(as amended on 20-12-2023)

Based on subitems 1.3 and 1.5 of Item 1 of Article 6, of Item 3 of Article 12 and part two of Item 3 of article 38 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2008 "About protection of atmospheric air" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 2-Z

1. Approve:

The regulations on procedure for issue of permissions to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air (are applied);

The regulations on procedure for approval of inventory reports of emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air (are applied).

Establish categories of objects of impact on atmospheric air and lists of the objects of impact on atmospheric air belonging to the different categories according to appendix.

2. To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection till July 10, 2009 to take measures for implementation of this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective since July 10, 2009, except for Item 2, of this resolution which is becoming effective from the date of official publication.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

V. Semashko


Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 21, 2009 No. 664

Regulations on procedure for issue of permissions to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Provision establishes procedure for issue of permissions to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air (further if other is not provided, – permission to emissions) and their duplicates, introduction of changes in them, the termination of their action.

2. Permission to emissions is issued to the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur (further – the applicant) when planning and (or) implementing the economic and other activity connected with emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air from stationary sources of emissions and (or) their sets (further – object of impact on atmospheric air) belonging to them on the property right, economic maintaining, operational management, lease or other legal cause in the cases specified in part one of Item 1 of article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About protection of atmospheric air".

3. Issue to the applicant of permission to emissions or its duplicate, entering into permission to emissions of changes, the termination of its action are performed regional, Minsk city by committees of natural resources and environmental protections (further – body of issue of permissions) in the location of object of impact on atmospheric air.

4. Separate permission to emissions is issued to the applicant:

when implementing commissioning, acceptances for operation of object of impact on atmospheric air;

in case of operation of objects of impact on atmospheric air, including in case of production (development) of energy with use of waste of 1-3rd of classes of danger and (or) neutralization of waste on objects of impact on atmospheric air (further if other is not provided, – operation of objects of impact on atmospheric air).

5. The decision made by body of issue of permissions becomes effective from the date of, specified in such decision, at the same time this day cannot be established later by what after 15 calendar days from the date of adoption of this decision.

6. Documents and (or) data (their copy) provided by the applicant or his representative for receipt of permission to emissions, introduction in it of changes are stored in the body of issue of permissions which issued permission to emissions, except for the Section "Environmental protection" of the approved project documentation and the case provided in part three of Item 17 of this provision.

Chapter 2. Procedure for adoption of statements on issue of permissions to emissions

7. For receipt of permission to emissions the applicant or his representative submits the following documents to relevant organ of issue of permissions:

7.1. when implementing commissioning, acceptances for operation of object of impact on atmospheric air:

the statement on receipt of permission to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air in form according to appendix 1;

the Section "Environmental protection" *, including the copy of the ecological passport of the project, approved according to the procedure, established by the legislation on architectural, town-planning and construction activities, the project documentation on the object accepted in operation;

the document confirming payment of the state fee for issue of permission to emissions;


* It is provided without withdrawal.

7.2. in case of operation of objects of impact on atmospheric air:

the statement on receipt of permission to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air in form according to appendix 1;

the draft of standard rates of admissible emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air (on electronic and paper carriers);

the inventory report of emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air (further – the inventory report of emissions) (on electronic and paper carriers);

the document confirming payment of the state fee for issue of permission to emissions.

8. The decision on refusal in adoption of the statement on issue of permission to emissions is made according to the procedure and on the bases provided in article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z "About bases of ministerial procedures".

Chapter 3. Procedure for consideration of the applications and issue of permissions to emissions

9. The body of issue of permissions in time established in subitem 6.21.1 of Item 6.21 of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of the managing approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 548, considers the documents and (or) data provided by the applicant or his representative for receipt of permission to emissions, performs compliance of the documents and (or) data represented on receipt of permission to emissions to requirements of the legislation on protection of atmospheric air and makes the decision on issue of permission to emissions or on refusal in issue of permission to emissions.

By consideration of the documents and (or) data provided by the applicant or his representative for receipt of permission to emissions in case of need of confirmation of conformity of the basic data specified in them to actual data the body of issue of permissions performs departure to the location of object of impact on atmospheric air.

10. The decision on refusal to the applicant in issue of permission to emissions is made in cases:

provided in article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures";

establishments of the facts of wrong determination (calculation) of sizes of standard rates of admissible emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air;

failures to carry out of conditions of implementation of emissions of the pollutants in atmospheric air established in earlier issued permission to emissions in case of their availability and possibility of accomplishment.

11. Permission to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air is filled in form according to appendix 2 in duplicate. One copy of permission to emissions is issued to the applicant or his representative, the second – is stored in body of issue of permissions.

Number of permission to emissions remains during the entire period of implementation by the applicant of emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air and represents the HH/FF.NNNN digital code where:

XX – the two-digit digital code of the place of issue of permission equal 01 – for the Brest region, 02 – for the Vitebsk region, 03 – for the Gomel region, 04 – for the Grodno region, 05 – for the Minsk region, 06 – for the Mogilev region and 07 – for Minsk;

FF – the two-digit digital code of administrative and territorial unit (area) corresponding to its sequence number. For each of areas numbering of sequence numbers of the areas located in alphabetical order begins with 01. If body of issue of permissions is the Minsk city committee of natural resources, the two-digit digital code of administrative and territorial unit (area) is established equal 00;

NNNN – the four-digit digital code of sequence number of permission having end-to-end numbering in ascending order starting with number "0001", and for the permissions to emissions issued when implementing commissioning, acceptances for operation of object of impact on atmospheric air – starting with number "7001".

12. Permission to emissions is registered body of issue of permissions in register of permissions to emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air in form according to appendix 3.

13. Permission to emissions is issued for ten years, except as specified, provided in parts two and third this Item.

When implementing commissioning, acceptances for operation of object of impact on atmospheric air permission to emissions is issued for the term of carrying out such works, specified in the statement.

In case of operation of objects of impact on atmospheric air which are referred to the I category according to categories of objects of impact on atmospheric air and the lists of the objects of impact on atmospheric air belonging to the different categories, established by the resolution which approved this Provision permission to emissions is issued for five years.

14. The notification on the decision made by body of issue of permissions goes to the applicant according to the procedure, provided in article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures".

15. Permission to emissions is issued:


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