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of May 18, 2009 No. 306

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for passing of alternative service by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 29-02-2024)

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for passing of alternative service as citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. To the ministries, the state committees, administrative departments, other executive bodies, local public administrations and local government bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic to accept this Provision to management and to provide its strict accomplishment.

3. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of October 17, 2002 No. 705 "About approval of the Regulations on passing of alternative (extra army) service by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic".

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the authorized state body knowing questions of defense.


Prime Minister

I. Chudinov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 18, 2009 No. 306

Regulations on procedure for passing of alternative service by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Regulations on procedure for passing of alternative service by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Provision) are developed according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About general conscription of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, about military and alternative services" (further - the Law).

The provision determines:

- procedure for passing of alternative service by citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and dismissal them in inventory;

- accounting treatment, transfer and dismissal of employees of alternative service;

- the rights and obligations of the citizens passing alternative service;

- responsibility of employees of alternative service for violation of procedure for passing of alternative service.

2. Alternative service - the type of service provided to citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic instead of compulsory military service, considering their religious beliefs, the state of health, marital status or desire to perform socially useful works.

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10.02.2023 No. 68

4. Concerning passing by citizens of alternative service heads of local public administrations, local government bodies and territorial authorities of internal affairs interact with military commissariats, according to the Law and this Provision.

5. The management of appeal of citizens on alternative service, control of passing of alternative service by them and the course of introduction of money is performed by the authorized state body knowing questions of defense through military commissariats in interaction with heads of local public administrations and local government bodies.

6. Military commissioners bear responsibility for accounting of citizens, alternative service, observance of established procedure of passing of alternative service by them.

To military commissioners it is assigned:

- accounting of employees of alternative service, maintaining accounting and military and other accounting documents during service;

- control of passing by citizens of alternative service, course of introduction of money by them;

- control of timely transfer to the reserve of the citizens who served fixed terms of service;

- periodic informing heads of local public administrations and local government bodies on condition of alternative service in the area (city).

Chapter 2. Procedure for passing of alternative service

§1. Acceptance and procedure for passing of alternative service

7. Based on the decision of the district (city) draft commission on appeal on alternative service citizens are considered being in the alternative service and hereinafter are referred to as as employees of alternative service. It writes out certificates of the employee of alternative service.

Service life is estimated from the date of appeal.

8. After reception of citizens, called on alternative service, officials of military commissariat shall:

- explain to employees of alternative service procedure for passing of alternative service, their right and obligation;

- if necessary to hand certificates of the employee of alternative service;

- write down in the magazine of personal accounting of employees of alternative service;

- get on serving personal account;

- send at the place of residence to executive bodies of local self-government of persons called on religious beliefs and also persons who showed willingness to perform socially useful works, according to the personalized list.

9. During service in case of not entering by the employee of alternative service of money into the terms established by the law the military commissioner in writing informs the employee, and in its absence - close relatives on need of repayment of the available debt.

10. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 14.03.2018 No. 133

11. Heads of the companies, territorial authorities of internal affairs and local government bodies on which employees of alternative service serve shall:

- notify them on challenge in military commissariat and help their timely appearance on this challenge;

- in case of change at the employee of alternative service of marital status, the state of health, education, specialty, the residential address and other data to make these changes to its accounting card and in week time to notify on it military commissariat.

Executive bodies of local self-government distribute employees of alternative service in places of accomplishment of socially useful works.

In local government bodies it is recorded hours and types of the performed socially useful works as employees of alternative service according to acts of the performed works in which the amount of the performed socially useful works is specified. Statements are drawn up and signed by officials of local government bodies and organizations, organizations in the territory of which works were performed.

Executive bodies of local self-government after accomplishment by the employee of alternative service of socially useful works in number of 48 hours issue it certificates of the number of the fulfilled hours and the performed works.

After the publication of the order of the military commissioner on early transfer to the reserve of employees of alternative service in connection with payment of the established fee in complete size the military commissariat sends the notification to executive bodies of local self-government on exception from accounting of employees of alternative service.

12. Heads of the companies, territorial authorities of internal affairs and local government bodies are forbidden to interfere with the address of employees of alternative service to military commissariat concerning service.

13. The employee of alternative service shall:


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