of January 26, 2009 No. 12
About approval of rules of carriages of goods by railway transport public
Based on the paragraph of the fifth of part one of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 6, 1999 "About rail transport" and parts five of Item 6 of the Charter of rail transport of the general use approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 2, 1999 No. 1196, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 237-Z
1. Approve:
Rules of issue of loads on rail transport public (are attached);
Rules of filling of carriage documents on carriage of goods by railway transport public (are attached);
Rules of transportations by railway transport public of loads by groups of cars on one delivery note (are attached);
Rules of transportations by railway transport public of loads by consignor routes (are attached);
Rules of transportations by railway transport public of loads in ordinary containers (are attached);
Rules of transportations by railway transport public of loads in specialized containers (are attached);
Regulations of Admission of shipping requests of loads (are attached) by railway transport public.
2. This resolution becomes effective in two months after its official publication.
Minister |
V. G. Sosnovsky |
It is approved State committee on standardization of the Republic of Belarus January 26, 2009 |
V.N.Koreshkov |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of January 26, 2009 No. 12
1. These rules regulate procedure for issue of loads on rail transport public and are applied also to issue of loads when transporting in the international railway service if other is not established by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.
2. Issue of loads can be performed both in places public, and in places of uncommon use.
3. The carrier needs to notify the consignee on the load which arrived to its address no later than 12 hours of the next day.
By carrier for the notification the available communicating device can be used. For ensuring acceptance of notifications with the consignee persons, responsible for acceptance of notifications, are determined, surnames and phone numbers (faxes and telex) of which are in writing reported to carrier. Transfer of the notification at the same time is registered carrier on railway station in the book of notifications on time of giving of cars for loading or unloading (further - the book of notifications).
Preliminary informing consignees on approach of loads is made by contract carrier. The method of the notification is established by the agreement.
If the carrier did not notify the consignee on arrival of load, the consignee does not pay payment for use of cars, containers of carrier or payment for stay on railway tracks public of cars, containers of the consignor, consignee and is exempted from introduction of the storage charge of load pending notification about its arrival.
4. In case of receipt of load the authorized person of the consignee represents to carrier on railway station of assignment the power of attorney on the right of receipt of load which is drawn up according to the legislation.
The power of attorney can be issued on one-time receipt of load on specific delivery note. In this case after rascreditovaniye of carriage documents it is put to the road sheet. The power of attorney issued on the right of numerous making of the actions stated above is stored at carrier on railway station.
Loads are issued:
to the physical person specified in delivery note - without power of attorney in case of presentation of the identity document, under list in the road sheet with indication of the date of receipt of load and data of the identity document (series (in the presence), number, date of issue, the name of the state body which issued the document);
to the physical person authorized by the consignee - in case of presentation to properly drawn up power of attorney and the identity document.
5. In case of registration of issue of load to the consignee the original of delivery note under list in the road sheet with indication of in it numbers and dates of issue of the warrant for receipt of load is issued.
6. Issue of loads is performed by carrier in the following procedure:
on the loads transported in the closed cars which are sealed up by seals or locking and sealing devices (further – ZPU) or using curling, by carrier performs check by visual survey of condition of cars. At the same time such loads in cars are issued without check;
on the loads (except for transported in containers) transported on open railway vehicles, the carrier performs check by visual survey of load in the car on availability of signs of loss, shortage or damage. At the same time such loads in cars are issued without check;
on the loads transported in large size containers which are accepted by carrier on railway station of departure by the doors submerged in cars, covers of hatches outside issue it is performed according to the procedure, provided by provisions of paragraph two of this part;
on the loads transported in the containers loaded into cars by doors, covers of hatches inside the consignor in places of uncommon use and subjects to unloading in places of uncommon use, the carrier performs check of condition by visual survey of containers in cars. At the same time containers in cars are issued without check;
on the loads transported in the containers loaded into cars by doors, covers of hatches inside carrier and subjects to unloading in places of uncommon use, the carrier performs check of containers in the commercial relation at the time of unloading of containers from the car. The containers with load unloaded from cars are issued according to the procedure, provided by provisions of paragraph two of this part;
on the loads transported in containers which issue is performed on places public issue it is performed according to the procedure, provided by provisions of paragraph two of this part.
The carrier performs issue of loads from cars, containers with check if the circumstances causing the necessity to carrier to take part in issue of load according to Item 57 of the Charter of rail transport public are found.
7. Loads are issued on railway station of assignment to the consignee specified in delivery note after introduction by it to carrier of the carriage charge of loads and other payments which are due to carrier if those were not brought by the consignor. In case of identification of the circumstances involving need of recalculation of the freight charge and the amount of other payments and penalties which are due to carrier, recalculation can be made after issue of load. The consignee undersigns for the road sheet in receipt of load. At the same time:
when implementing unloading of loads in places public by carrier the mark on the back the original of delivery note in the column "Cargo exportation" brought by the authorized representative of carrier on railway station of assignment and certified by stamp of carrier on railway station is considered confirmation and date of the actual issue of load. In case of issue of load in parts in the specified column each part of load separately registers;
when implementing unloading of loads in places public and in places of uncommon use in the territory of railway station of the consignee, and also on railway tracks of uncommon use when giving cars to emptying points the locomotive of carrier of confirmation of the actual issue of load are signatures of authorized representatives of carrier on railway station and the consignee in the instruction sheet of the acceptance inspector;
in case of issue of containerized freights in places public confirmation of the actual issue of loads are signatures of authorized representatives of carrier on railway station and the consignee in the job specification;
when giving under unloading on railway tracks of uncommon use of cars with loads by the locomotive which is not belonging to carrier, confirmation of the actual issue of loads in case of interchange switching, containers signatures of authorized representatives of the owner of railway track of uncommon use or the partner with which the contract for operation of railway track of uncommon use or the contract for giving and cleaning of cars, and carrier on railway station in the instruction sheet of the acceptance inspector is signed are. In this case acceptance transactions are performed on the exhibition ways established by agreements to date of transmission of cars, containers.
In case of interchange switching, containers with the load which is subject according to Item 57 of the Charter of rail transport public to issue with participation of carrier including on contractual basis, the mark in the instruction sheet of the acceptance inspector in the column "Note" about availability of the circumstances confirming need of participation of carrier for issue of load with check becomes. In this case confirmation of the actual issue of loads is the mark of carrier in railway station in delivery note about results of issue, stipulated in Item 22 these rules.
8. If after transfer of cars by carrier with loads, including with containers, to the owner of railway track of uncommon use or the partner with whom the contract for operation of railway track of uncommon use or the contract for giving and cleaning of cars is signed the circumstances testimonial of access to load which are not established by transfer and not reflected in the instruction sheet of the acceptance inspector will be found, responsibility for not safety of loads is born by the party (the owner of railway track of uncommon use or the partner) who accepted load from carrier, and cargo reception is made by the consignee without participation of carrier.
9. In cases when the carrier according to Item 57 of the Charter of rail transport public issue load with check, opening of the car, container by the consignee is made in the presence of the authorized representative of carrier on railway station. When opening the car, container by the consignee without participation of the authorized representative of carrier on railway station responsibility for safety of this load is born by the consignee and cargo reception is made by the consignee without participation of carrier. The fact of opening of the car, container by the consignee without participation of carrier is drawn up by carrier the act of general format.
10. No. 23 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 15.04.2024
11. Under unloading to the consignee the carrier not later than two hours before giving of cars, containers notifies the consignee on giving of cars, containers according to the procedure and method, stipulated in Item 3 these rules.
12. When giving the cars including loaded by containers to places of general and uncommon use in the territory of railway station under unloading by the consignee, and also when giving cars on railway tracks of uncommon use of the locomotive of carrier interchange switching, containers is made directly in emptying points if other is not defined by the agreement on operation of railway track of uncommon use or the contract for giving and cleaning of cars. When unloading cars, containers by consignees on railway tracks of uncommon use when servicing by their locomotive which is not belonging to carrier interchange switching, containers is made on the railway exhibition tracks established by the contract for operation of railway track of uncommon use or the contract for giving and cleaning of cars.
13. Issue of the loads which arrived in operational cars, containers and with the operational seals or ZPU which are sealed up by consignors, and in case of opening of cars, containers for carrying out customs examination or other types of control by the customs or other controlling (supervising) authorities - customs authority or carrier, is made by carrier without check of condition, weight and seating capacity of loads, except as specified, stipulated in Item 57 Charters of rail transport public.
14. The carrier in case of issue of load shall check its weight, seating capacity and condition in the following cases:
arrivals of the load submerged by carrier;
arrivals of load in defective car, container, and also in the car, container with the damaged seals (ZPU) or with seals (ZPU) imposed on way railway stations;
arrivals of load with signs of shortage, damage (spoil) in transit on open railway rolling stock or in closed cars (including specialized) without seals (ZPU) if such transportation is provided by the Rules of sealing of cars and containers on rail transport public approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of March 31, 2008 No. 40;
arrivals of perishable load with violation of deadline of its transportation or with violation of temperature condition of transportation in refrigerated cars of carrier;
issues of the loads unloaded by carrier.
15. Check of quantity and condition of load in cases, stipulated in Item 57 Charters of rail transport public, is made in the following procedure:
tare, breakbulk cargoes which mass in case of departure was determined by the standard and by cliche are issued by carrier with check of seating capacity in sending and masses or quantities of unit of cargos only in the damaged places. In case of detection of damage of container or other circumstances which can influence load condition the carrier makes taking into account the available accompanying documents (the invoice, the inventory, packaging label and others) check of load in the damaged places with opening of these places;
the loads transported by bulk and embankment which mass is determined by weighing are issued with check of weight on railway truck scales. At the same time the tare mass of the car is accepted according to cliche on the car. In the presence of railway truck scales on railway station of assignment at carrier or at the consignee it is allowed to make weighing of container of the car. Check of mass of load in case of issue is performed, as a rule, by the method similar to method of its determination in case of loading of this load. In the absence of railway truck scales at the consignee and on railway station of assignment at carrier the loads transported by bulk and embankment which arrived without shortage signs are issued without check of their weight on scales;
in case of issue with check of mass of the loads transported with the removable equipment, and also insulating materials, the net weight of load is determined as difference between weight gross and the amount of tare mass of the car, the removable equipment and insulating materials. The mass of insulating materials, vegetable, grain boards and other removable equipment is accepted according to the data specified in delivery note;
in transit timber cargoes, timber, firewood in stacks which mass is determined by measurement check of quantity of load is made by means of measurement only in stacks with the broken fixture and with shortage signs. If the mass of timber cargoes, timber, firewood in case of departure is determined by weighing on railway truck scales, check of mass of load on station of destination is made by the same method. In the absence of railway truck scales at the consignee and on railway station of assignment at carrier these loads which arrived without shortage signs are issued without check of their weight on scales;
including drank the loads transported in transport packets - and forest products, metal products, are issued with check of quantity of transport packets, weight or quantity of unit of cargos only in defective transport packets;
the meat and meat products transported unpacked are issued with check of mass of load (by weighing on commodity scales) and seating capacities in cases when in delivery note their number is specified;
potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables, melon cultures transported by bulk including in grids, are issued to the consignee with check of their weight. Issue of the perishable loads transported in packaging with indication of seating capacity in delivery note including in grids, boxes of open type which mass is determined in case of departure by cliche or the standard is performed with check of seating capacity of load, and also weight or quantity of unit of cargos only in the damaged places;
the mass of the loads transported by filling is checked by carrier together with the consignee, as a rule, by the same method by what the mass of such load in case of departure was determined. When weighing on railway truck scales for static weighing or on railway truck scales all wheels of the tank car shall be in movement at the same time on cargo receiver of scales (that is povagonno), and in the absence of scales - settlement way by means of metrshtok.
16. In cases, stipulated in Item 57 Charters of rail transport public, check of condition, weight and seating capacity of the arrived dangerous goods it is made by the consignee in the warehouse in the presence of the authorized representative of carrier on railway station, except as specified, when dangerous goods is transported by small sendings.
17. The loads included in the freight list, allowed to transportation in the intra republican message in cars without seals or ZPU, but with compulsory use of wire curling, established by Rules of sealing of cars and containers on rail transport public are issued without check of their weight, condition and seating capacity.
18. The period of time of forced wagon demurrage, container waiting for arrival of the authorized representative of carrier for participation in issue of load in cases, stipulated in Item 57 Charters of rail transport public, in use of the consignee does not join in general dwell-time of the car, container. This circumstance is confirmed by the act of general format with indication of in it idle time of the car, container from the moment of the notification of carrier on need of presence of the authorized representative of carrier until its arrival. The act of general format is signed by authorized representatives of the consignee and carrier.
19. Issue of loads in the cars, containers which arrived accompanied by conductors of the consignor or the consignee is made by carrier without check. Issue and confirmation of the actual issue of loads without check are performed according to the procedure, provided by Items 6, of 7 these rules.
20. No. 103 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 05.12.2022
21. About issue of load by carrier without check of condition, weight and seating capacity of load the carrier upon the demand of the consignee in the column "Marks about Issue of Load" of the original of delivery note does mark of the following content:
for the loads which arrived in the cars, containers which are sealed up by the consignor, customs authority or carrier (in case of opening of cars, containers for carrying out customs examination or other types of control by the customs or other controlling (supervising) authorities): "The load on this delivery note arrived in the operational car / container (unnecessary to cross out) No. ____________ behind operational seals (ZPU) of the sender, customs authority or carrier and is issued" __" ___________ ____ according to the Item 57 "UZhT OP" without check";
for loads which transportation is allowed without seals or ZPU, but with obligatory imposing of curling, and also on open railway vehicles: "The load on this delivery note arrived in the operational car No. ________ without signs of loss, shortage, spoil or damage and is issued" __" _________ ____ according to the Item 57 "UZhT OP" without check".
22. When the carrier according to Item 57 of the Charter of rail transport public issues load with check, the carrier on railway station of assignment does mark of the following content in the original of delivery note:
in case of lack of circumstances for creation of the commercial act in the column "Marks about Issue of Load": "The load is issued according to delivery note truly, without claims";
in case of issue of the load corresponding to data of the passing commercial act in the column "Marks about Issue of Load": "The load according to the passing commercial statement No. ____ from" __" _________ ____, drawn up at the ______ station is issued truly";
in case of detection of shortage of the mass of load which is not exceeding rate of natural loss of mass of this load and values of error of measurements of net weight and also in case of detection of excess of the mass of load which is not exceeding values of error of measurements of net weight in the column "Marks about Issue of Load": "When checking load" __" _________ ____ weight constituted ______ kg (digits and copy-book)";
in case of registration of results of check of weight and seating capacity of load the commercial act in the column "Marks of Carrier": "The commercial statement No. ________ from" __" ____________ ____ is drawn up".
Stipulated in Item 21 these rules and this Item of mark on issue of load make sure the signature of the authorized representative of carrier with indication of its position of the employee assured by lower case stamp of carrier.
The consignee shows to carrier on railway station of assignment the original of delivery note for entering into it of the marks specified in this Item in day of unloading or no later than the days following behind day of unloading.
23. When unloading tare and breakbulk cargoes in places of uncommon use in cases when the authorized representative of carrier on railway station takes part in check of load, the consignee stacks load separately from earlier unloaded the possibility of rechecking of the unloaded load was provided if necessary.
24. The mass of load is considered correct (corresponding specified in delivery note) if the difference in the mass of load determined on railway station of departure in comparison with the weight which appeared on railway station of assignment does not exceed:
in case of shortage of weight – rates of natural loss of mass of this load and limiting discrepancy in results of determination of net weight;
in case of excesses of weight – limiting discrepancy in results of determination of net weight.
Rates of natural loss of mass of loads are calculated:
from weight gross load – on the loads transported in container and packaging;
from load net weight – on the loads transported without container and packaging.
Extreme values of discrepancies in results of determination of net weight of load are established by carrier, including national association "Belarusian railroad" concerning national (common network) carriers.
Rates of natural loss of mass of loads are established according to appendix, except as specified, stipulated by the legislation.
25. The shortage of weight exceeding extreme value of discrepancy in results of its determination and rate of natural loss is established as difference between the data specified in delivery note and data of check of lot on site of assignment or along the line taking into account extreme value of discrepancy in results of determination of weight and rate of natural loss.
26. The assignments found on railway station when unloading in places of general and uncommon use excessive places of loads and excessive loads on weight if the carrier performed their loading, determination of mass of load or sealing of cars, are issued in the following procedure:
tare and breakbulk cargoes remain in places public at the station before clarification of their accessory, and in places of uncommon use are issued to the consignee on safe custody on receipt;
the loads transported by bulk, embankment or in bulk, and also perishable loads to which spoil threatens when unloading in places of general and uncommon use are issued to the consignee on safe custody on receipt together with the main quantity of load specified in delivery note.
By transfer on safe custody of load the obligation not to use the received excess freights and to return them on the first demand of carrier is provided in the consignee's receipt.
Results of detection of excess freights are drawn up by the commercial act.
The carrier on railway station of departure after obtaining from railway station of purpose of the telegram about the found excesses of loads informs on it the consignor who shall in ten-day time, and on perishable loads in four-day time to report to carrier on railway station of departure how to dispose of the revealed excess freights. In case of non receipt in the specified information terms from the consignor the loads which are on railway station in places public are subject to realization according to the legislation. The loads transferred to safe custody remain at the disposal of the consignee after return by carrier to the consignee of the receipt.
27. If when checking weight, seating capacity or condition of load on railway station of assignment its shortage or damage (spoil) is found or if these circumstances are certified by the commercial statement which is drawn up along the line the carrier determines the actual sizes of these of shortage, injuries (spoil) agrees to the documents shown by the consignee and issues to the consignee the commercial act.
In case of non-presentation of the specified documents the load is issued to the consignee only after creation of the commercial act with the detailed inventory of the load which appeared available and creation in necessary cases of the appraisal certificate.
28. In need of conducting examination the carrier on the initiative or upon the demand of the consignee invites experts or the corresponding specialists. Along with the expert's challenge the carrier notifies on it the consignee.
Examination is not made if the cost of shortage, damage (spoil) of load does not exceed the size of basic size on one delivery note and also if the cost of examination exceeds the size of losses. In these cases the size or the reason of shortage, damage (spoil) of load and the size of losses are determined jointly by carrier on railway station and the consignee and are specified in the commercial act.
29. No. 103 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 05.12.2022
30. Issue of the load transported according to the dosylochny road sheet in the cases provided by the Rules of filling of carriage documents on carriage of goods by railway transport public approved by the resolution which approved these rules is made:
the arrived part of load on delivery note - on receipt in the road sheet with issue to the consignee of delivery note and the commercial act on cargo shortage;
the arrived missing part of load according to the dosylochny road sheet - on receipt in the dosylochny road sheet on presentation by the consignee of delivery note and the commercial act with entering of marks into them of arrival of part of load according to the dosylochny road sheet. At the same time the commercial act at the consignee is withdrawn and remains in cases of carrier on railway station.
Final settlement on transportation is made on delivery note. About issue of the load which arrived according to the dosylochny road sheet, carrier the mark in delivery note becomes.
In case of arrival of load according to the dosylochny road sheet before arrival of load on delivery note issue to the arrived part of load is made on receipt the consignee in the dosylochny road sheet. Besides, the consignee issues to carrier on railway station the commitment letter that the received part of load will be offset by it on account of the main sending. This obligation is stored in cases of carrier on railway station.
In case of arrival according to the dosylochny road sheet of all load according to the receipt on cargo reception and not receipt of the main delivery note on railway station of assignment the carrier based on this receipt constitutes copies of the original of the superimposed and road sheet instead of lost and registration of issue is made in the procedure established by these rules.
Issue of the load transported according to the electronic dosylochny road sheet is made in similar procedure.
31. In case of load non-arrival on railway station of assignment after 5 days from the moment of the termination of fixed term of delivery the consignee shows to carrier on railway station the authentic receipt on cargo reception. The carrier shall be convinced of load non-arrival on railway station of assignment and for check of authenticity of the shown receipt on cargo reception to transportation to transfer request for railway station of departure. After receipt of the answer with confirmation of authenticity of the shown documents the authorized representative of carrier on railway station of assignment shall make mark in the shown receipt: "The load did not arrive" and to certify this record by calendar stamp of carrier and the signature with indication of the employee's position.
Search of the load which did not arrive to destination at the scheduled time of delivery is made according to the statement of the consignee to carrier on railway station of assignment.
In confirmation of justification of the requirement about search of load the consignee shall provide the receipt on cargo reception, and in case of its absence – one of the following documents: the supplier invoice (in the original or in the copy), the document of the supplier (consignor) replacing the invoice if the specified documents have data on load sort, shipping date, railway stations of departure and assignment, number of delivery note and the wagon number (in case of car sending) or number of container (in case of shipment in container).
In case of non-arrival of the load transported according to the electronic waybill, the consignee can impose on carrier requirement about search of load. For this purpose the consignee submits to carrier on railway station the written statement in which he specifies number of sending and railway station of departure.
32. The natural wastage represents the losses of loads (reduction of its weight when preserving quality within requirements of regulating documents) which are consequence of physical and chemical properties of loads, impacts of meteorological factors and imperfection of the remedies of loads applied by consignors from losses in case of transportation.
Rates of natural loss of mass of loads are limiting in case of determination of pattern of actually revealed decrease of mass of loads in transit. Names of loads (including tariff group, line item) are provided according to the Single Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature of Loads (STSNL) approved by the decision of the 20th meeting of Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
33. Rates of natural loss are effective in case of carriages of goods by railway transport public in the intra republican message. In case of carriages of goods in the international railway service it is necessary to be guided by the regulations given in the Agreement on the international railway freight traffic of November 1, 1951 or other international treaties.
34. Rates of natural loss are not applied in transit loads:
which accounting of quantity is made in units different from weight (except for alcohol ethyl);
in leak-proof package;
liquid in glass packaging;
hygroscopic and easily perceiving moisture in transit with participation of sea and river transport;
the packed-up butter, margarine, processed cheese, refined sugar in packs, the food concentrates, fish fillet of ice cream, canned food of everyones in tin and glass container and laundry soap packed into standard container and going on sale without weighing;
the tuzluchny salty rybotovar packaged in jellied standard drum, fishes of spicy salting.
35. In transit loads in the indirect mixed freight traffic of rate of natural loss of weight are applied to each mode of transport participating in transportation in unary size for all haulage distance on this mode of transport according to the relevant transport document.
to Rules of issue of loads on rail transport public
Rates of natural loss of mass of loads
Group 01
Tariff group, line item and name of load |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load when transporting on kilometric distance |
till 1000 | |
01 Grain, except transported in cars grain carriers |
0,09 |
01 The grain transported in cars grain carriers |
0,09 |
Group 02
Rates of natural loss of acorns, seeds of flax and hemp
Tariff group, line item and name of load |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load |
024 Acorns dried |
0,18 |
024 Acorns crude |
0,36 |
021 The seeds of flax and hemp transported in container |
0,13 |
Rates of natural loss of the seeds which are not named above
Tariff group, line item and name of load |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load when transporting on kilometric distance |
till 1000 | |
02 Seeds, except acorns, seeds of flax and hemp in container |
0,09 |
Note. On seeds of herbs of clover, lucerne, the tributary, herd grass, meadow grass meadow, polevitsa white, zhitnik, wheat grass beskornevishchny, fescues meadow, red, etc., cock's head, seradella, mogar, lyupinus and Sudanese grass: |
Group 03
Tariff group, line item and name of load |
Period of year |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load |
031 Raw cotton |
Autumn and winter |
0,6 |
Spring and summer |
0,3 | |
03 State Healthcare Institution |
0,72 |
Note. In case of determination of rates of natural loss the autumn and winter period time from October 1 to March 31, and spring and summer – from April 1 to September 30 is considered. |
Group 04
Rates of natural loss of cabbage early and late
Tariff group and line item of load |
In-transit time, days. |
Method of transportation and rate of natural loss in % of mass of load | ||
cabbage early |
cabbage late | |||
in refrigerated cars on weight |
in closed cars on net weight | |||
net |
gross | |||
041 |
1 |
1,7 |
0,5 |
0,6 |
2 |
2,3 |
0,9 |
0,8 | |
3 |
2,7 |
1,2 |
1,0 | |
4 |
3,2 |
1,5 |
1,0 | |
5 |
3,5 |
1,7 |
1,1 | |
6 |
3,8 |
2,0 |
1,2 | |
7 |
4,1 |
2,2 |
1,2 | |
8 |
4,4 |
2,4 |
1,3 | |
9 |
4,6 |
2,6 |
1,4 | |
10 |
4,8 |
2,8 |
1,4 | |
11 |
5,0 |
3,0 |
1,5 | |
12 |
5,2 |
3,2 |
1,5 | |
13 |
5,4 |
3,4 |
1,6 | |
14 |
5,6 |
3,6 |
1,6 | |
15 |
5,8 |
3,8 |
1,6 | |
16 |
5,9 |
4,0 |
1,7 | |
17 |
– |
– |
1,7 | |
18 |
– |
– |
1,7 | |
19 |
– |
– |
1,7 | |
20 |
– |
– |
1,7 |
Dining room carrots rates of natural loss
Tariff group and line item of load |
In-transit time, days. |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load | |
net |
gross | ||
041 |
Up to 3 days |
1,2 |
0,8 |
4 |
1,7 |
1,3 | |
5 |
2,1 |
1,6 | |
6 |
2,4 |
1,8 | |
7 |
2,6 |
2,0 | |
8 |
2,8 |
2,2 | |
9 |
3,0 |
2,4 | |
10 |
3,2 |
2,5 | |
11 |
3,3 |
2,6 | |
12 |
3,4 |
2,8 | |
Note. The rate of natural loss on weight is gross applied in case of receipt of load from carrier, and on net weight – when settlings the consignee with the consignor. |
Rates of natural loss of eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes
Tariff group, line item and name of load |
Sort of railway vehicles |
Rates of natural loss in % of mass of load | |
for the first three days |
for every next day | ||
041 Eggplants |
Rail reefers with chilling |
1,8 |
0,2 |
041 Cucumbers |
Rail reefers |
2,0 |
0,2 |
041 Tomatoes (tomatoes) |
Rail reefers with chilling |
1,2 |
0,2 |
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You also may open the section Frequently asked questions. This section provides answers to questions set by users.