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of May 13, 2009 No. 357

About approval of Traffic regulations

(as amended on 17-07-2024)

For the purpose of accomplishment of provisions of article 37 of the Law No. 131-XVI of June 7, 2007 on traffic safety (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 103-106, 443) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Traffic regulations according to appendix No. 1.

2. The note to Item 6 of the Order of the Government No. 1139 of September 18, 2003. "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for use of technical means, including gages and the medical equipment from equipment of police" (2003, Art. No. 204-207, 1190) to exclude the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

3. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government according to appendix No. 2.

4. This resolution becomes effective in two months after publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Prime Minister

Zinaida Grechany


Deputy Prime Minister


Valentin Mezhinski

Minister of Internal Affairs

George Papuk

minister of information development

Pavel Buchatsky

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 13, 2009 No. 357

Traffic regulations

Chapter I. General provisions

1. Traffic regulations (further - Rules) contain the regulations determining procedure for movement of vehicles and pedestrians on public roads of the Republic of Moldova, and also in the territories adjoining to them. Observance of these rules guarantees safety of all participants of traffic, environmental protection, protection of legitimate rights and interests of physical persons and legal entities, and also protection of their property.

2. In the Republic of Moldova right-hand traffic of vehicles is established. Movement on public roads of motorized vehicles at which the steering wheel is established to the right of longitudinal axle is forbidden if they do not correspond to the technical specifications provided in Item 104, except for of the vehicles participating in international movement.

3. Participants of traffic shall follow traffic rules, requirements of means of the road alarm system, signals and instructions of the traffic controller, the technical specifications stated in these rules and the actions not to cause damage to other participants of traffic, not to endanger them, and also not to create unreasonably obstacles in movement big, than it is caused by inevitable circumstances.

4. Each participant of traffic following these rules having the right to expect that, as other participants of traffic fulfill their requirements.

5. It is forbidden to create obstacles for movement of vehicles and pedestrians in case of accomplishment of roadwork, to warehouse materials or any other objects on the carriageway of public roads or on sidewalks without preliminary approval of police. The materials or objects which are on sidewalks are not considered as obstacle, if at the same time they do not create hindrances for movement of pedestrians.

The obstacles limiting movement on public roads shall be designated by those who created them, appropriate means of designation of roadwork, according to instructions of police.

6. On public roads the organization of tenders, trainings or auto racing is prohibited, except for those which got permission of the administrator of the respective road and are previously approved with police. Organizers shall take all necessary measures for safe holding such actions, and also for protection of participants of traffic.

7. In these rules the following concepts and terms designate:

the road accident - the event which took place owing to violation of regulations of traffic safety, with involvement of one or several vehicles which are in movement on the public road, led to violation of health, infliction of bodily injury, death of one or several people or causing material damage;

roadside - the longitudinal strip located between the carriageway and the region of roadbed;

the traffic controller - the person respectively equipped, given authority on control and regulation of traffic by means of the signals established by these rules (the police officer, on duty on railroad crossing, the worker of road operational service, the person on duty on ferry crossing);

structure of vehicles - the structure created from the motorized vehicle which is the tractor and trail car or semitrailer truck which moves on the public road as single whole;

the highway - the road which is specially designed, equipped and designated by sign 5.2, having the carriageways separated from each other by lane line, and in case of its absence - other means, intended only for movement of motorized vehicles at great speed, not having crossings flush with other roads, railway tracks and crosswalks;

the motorized vehicle - the driverless vehicle intended for transportation of people or loads or works, except for the moped and rail vehicles. The trolleybus is considered the motorized vehicle;

driving lane - the longitudinal strip of the carriageway designated or not designated by road marking, having width sufficient for free movement in one number of vehicles of others, than two-wheeled;

lane line - the road element allocated structurally and/or by means of marking which divides adjacent carriageways and which is not intended for movement and stop of vehicles;

the bicycle (tricycle) - the vehicle equipped with two (three) wheels and pedals or levers for its movement by means of the muscular strength of the user. Bicycle the vehicle which pedalling is performed by means of the auxiliary electric motor with a rated power level no more than 500 W which is terminated when the cyclist ceases to twist pedals is also considered, or gradually decreases in process of increase in speed of the vehicle and finally stops before achievement of the speed of 25 km/h;

it is excluded;

give way - the obligation of the participant of traffic to refrain from movement if it forces other participants having advantage to change sharply driving direction, speed or to stop;

the registration document or the document of accounting of the vehicle - the official state document confirming registration or registration of the vehicle and giving the permission to operate to its owner or person having the mandate;

the moped - the vehicle with two or three wheels equipped with the internal combustion engine or the electric motor. Engine displacement of internal combustion does not exceed 50 cm 3, capacity, both the internal combustion engine, and the electric motor does not exceed 4 kW, and the constructive speed of this vehicle does not exceed 45 km/h;

regulated movement - regulation of actions of participants of traffic by means of signals of the traffic controller or the traffic light;

limited visibility - the visibility in driving direction limited to geometrical parameters of the road, engineering constructions, roadside green plantings or other vehicles;

official column - column of vehicles ahead of which the vehicle with the privilege of movement on which flashing indicators of blue and/or red color, and also special sound signal are switched on moves;

the driver - the person managing on public roads the vehicle, conducting organized group of people, accompanying single, pack, riding animals or flock, herd, etc. and also instructors on driving of vehicles and examiners;

overtaking - the advancing of the moving vehicle connected with departure from the occupied strip. Movement of vehicles on one strip of the carriageway with speed bigger, than the speed of vehicles on the next strip, is not considered overtaking;

the main road - the road designated by signs 1.7.1-1.7.3, 2.3 and 5. 2, or it is expensive with any covering in relation to the unpaved road. Covering availability right in front of the intersection on minor road does not equalize it with the main road;

the public road - any land way of the message, including artificial features and earth roads, open for movement of vehicles and pedestrians, being under authority of authorized body, and also access roads to the territories which are not in close proximity to the road. Along with carriageways elements of the road are lane lines, sidewalks, roadsides, ditches and sawn-off shotguns;

mobile group of Boundary police - the operational education consisting of the boundary police officers performing the activities according to the established powers with use of mobile automeans of Boundary police which are identified by distinctive marks of organization;

mobile group of Customs Service - the special operational division of Customs Service created for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the customs legislation;

the intersection - the place of crossing, adjunction or branching of roads at one level which borders are the imagined lines connecting the beginnings of curves of the carriageway of each road. The place of departure from the adjacent territory is not considered the intersection;

the settlement - the village, the commune, the city and municipium, entrances to which and departures from which are designated by route signs 5.63.1-5.66;

the permitted maximum weight - the total mass of the equipped vehicle with load, the driver and passengers established by manufacturer as the most admissible. The permitted maximum mass of structure of vehicles is the amount of the permitted maximum mass of the vehicles which are part;

the self-propelled machine - the motorized vehicle (including the tractor) intended for accomplishment of construction, agricultural, forestry and landscape and other works;

the motorcycle - the two-wheeled motorized vehicle with side trail car or without it, equipped with the engine with working volume of cylinders more than 50 cm3. The motorized vehicle with three wheels (tricycle) or four wheels symmetrized rather longitudinal axle (kvadritsikl) which has effective engine cylinder capacity more than 50 cm3 and weight in the equipped condition less than 400 kg is considered the motorcycle;

forced stop - traffic congestion of the vehicle because of its materiel failure, the possible danger connected with the transported load, the state of health of the driver (passenger) or obstacle in the road;

office stop - traffic congestion of the vehicle on the prohibiting signal of the traffic controller, the traffic light, at sign or to give way to the vehicle (pedestrian) taking advantage;

the stop - traffic congestion of the vehicle for time necessary for landing or disembarkation of passengers, or its loadings or unloading, at the same time the driver is at wheel or near the vehicle and, if necessary, can take away it;

the parking - the parking of the vehicle in the place specially allotted for this purpose designated by signs 5.26, 5.48.1-5.48.3 and marking of 1.1.1 d);

the carriageway - the part of roadbed intended for movement of vehicles; the road can consist of several carriageways which are accurately separated from each other, in particular, by lane line or difference in level;

the participant of traffic - person who is taking part in the course of movement as the driver, the pedestrian or the passenger;

the pedestrian - the person who is on the road out of the vehicle and not performing on it work. Also the persons moving in wheelchairs for persons with limited athletic ability without engine, conducting the bicycle, the moped, the motorcycle, the sledge, hand truck, the nursery or wheelchair are considered as pedestrians;

strip, path for cyclists - the strip of the carriageway or sidewalk differentiated by marking and designated by sign 5.42. 3, or the strip of the site equipped and designated by signs outside the road, intended for movement of bicycles, scooters, electroscooters and mopeds;

roadbed - the part of the road including the carriageway (carriageways), lane line (lane lines) and roadsides;

benefit - the right to first-priority movement in the planned direction or implementation of maneuver in relation to other participants of traffic;

trail car - the vehicle intended for its towage by the motorized vehicle;

easy trail car - trail car which permitted maximum mass does not exceed 750 kg;

semitrailer truck - trail car which part of weight is the share of the motorized vehicle which is the tractor; road situation - set of the factors characterizing road conditions, availability of obstacles in sections of roads, intensity and level of the organization of traffic which each driver in case of the choice of speed, driving lane and acceptances of vehicle control shall consider;

the parking - traffic congestion of the vehicle for the reasons which are not connected with landing or disembarkation of passengers, or its loading or unloading and not limited by time necessary for this purpose;

the territory adjacent to the road - the territory located in close proximity to the road (the yards, stalls, gas stations, the companies, etc.);

night-time - period from the end of evening twilight prior to the beginning of dawn;

railroad crossing - crossing of the road with railway tracks at one level;

the crosswalk - the site of carriageway or construction in different levels intended for movement of pedestrians across the road. These transitions are designated by route signs 5.50.1-5.50.2, 5.51.1-5.51.4 and/or road marking 1.14. 1, 1.14.2. In the absence of road marking the territory of the crosswalk is determined by distance between route signs. Within the intersection, in the absence of signs and/or marking, the territory of the crosswalk is determined by width of sidewalks or roadsides;

the electroscooter - the individual vehicle with one, two or three wheels, with wheel (or without it), equipped with the electric motor with continuous rated power level no more than 500 W;

the sidewalk - the road element intended for movement of pedestrians which adjoins the carriageway or is separated it by lawn;

the vehicle - the self-propelled or not self-propelled mechanical system intended for transportation of people and loads or equipped with mechanisms which can perform certain works;


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