Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  September 9, 2018 according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of June 29, 2018 No. 1199-VQ


of July 2, 1999 No. 700-IG

About Audit Chamber

(as amended on 31-10-2017)

This Law determines the status, functions, organizational structure, forms and the principles of activities of Audit Chamber of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - Audit Chamber).

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Status of Audit Chamber of the Azerbaijan Republic

Based on article 92 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic of Millie the Majlis creates Audit Chamber.

The Audit Chamber is accountable to Millie to Majlis permanent body of the state budget and financial control. The Audit Chamber has organizational and functional independence.

Requirements to members of Audit Chamber, procedure for their appointment are determined by article 44 of the internal charter of Millie of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic and article 10 of the Law "About Millie's Committees of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic".

Audit Chamber - the legal entity.

The Audit Chamber has seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Azerbaijan Republic and designation of the name.

The Audit Chamber is in the city of Baku.

Article 2. Main functions of Audit Chamber

The Audit Chamber performs the following functions:

draws the conclusion according to drafts of the government budget and budgets of off-budget state funds (institutes);

exercises control of timely execution of income and expense items of the government budget and budgets of off-budget state funds (institutes) for amount, structure and appointment;

draws the conclusion according to the annual performance report of the government budget and the relevant bills;

analyzes conducting financing from the government budget as it is established in the approved government budget, prepares and represents Millie to Majlis of the offer on elimination of the revealed variations, and also enhancement of the budget process in general;

exercises control of management, the order of state-owned property and receipt in the government budget of the means received from privatization of state-owned property;

at the request of Millie of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic and its committees carries out financial expertize of the bills connected with the government budget and off-budget state funds (institutes), approved in Millie Majlis of the international treaties supported by the Azerbaijan Republic;

analyzes compliance of revenues to the treasurer account and uses of means of the government budget to the indicators established in the approved government budget and the Majlis informs on it Millie;

receives from the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic and authorized banks, credit institutions of the data on movement on bank accounts of means of the government budget and means of off-budget state funds (institutes), analyzes them and represents offers to Millie Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic;

represents Millie to Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic of data on the offenses revealed as a result of the carried-out control measures;

 in case of identification of offenses with signs of administrative offense or crime in case of control of management of state-owned property, the order it, execution of the State Budget, receipt in the government budget of the means received from privatization of state-owned property, proper use of the funds allocated to legal entities and municipalities from the government budget without delay directs materials to relevant organ of the executive authority or to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Azerbaijan Republic;

performs activities in interrelation with other state bodies of control;

performs audit of the income and expenses of the state and summary budgets, and also off-budget state funds according to the legislation.

Article 2-1. Field of activity of Audit Chamber

The Audit Chamber exercises control of approval and execution of the State Budget, management, the order of state-owned property, receipt in the government budget of the means received from privatization of state-owned property in case of allocation to legal entities and municipalities of means from the government budget - behind use of these means to destination.

Article 3. Legislation on Audit Chamber

Legal basis of activities of Audit Chamber is constituted by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, this Law, other laws of the Azerbaijan Republic and the internal charter of Audit Chamber.

Article 4. Internal charter of Audit Chamber

The Audit Chamber performs the organization and regulation of the activities on the basis of the internal charter.

The Audit Chamber prepares the internal charter.

The internal charter of Audit Chamber affirms the Law.

Chapter II. Bases of the organization and activities of Audit Chamber

Article 5. Members of Audit Chamber and terms of their powers

The Audit Chamber consists of the chairman, the vice-chairman and 7 auditors.

Term of office of the chairman, vice-chairman and auditors of Audit Chamber - 7 years.

Members of Audit Chamber carry out the obligations as it is provided in this Law and the internal charter of Audit Chamber, protect interests of the state, physical persons and legal entities.

Article 5-1. Board of Audit Chamber

For the purpose of consideration of the questions concerning the organization of activities of Audit Chamber, normative and methodological ensuring its control activities, reports, resolutions, conclusions of Chamber, etc. the Board consisting of the chairman of Audit Chamber (the chairman of Board), members of Chamber on positions and heads of its structural divisions is created.

The number of members and structure of Board of Audit Chamber affirm the Chairman Millie of Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic on representation of the chairman of Audit Chamber.

Meetings of Audit Chamber are authorized with the assistance of more than a half of members of Board at them.

Resolutions of Audit Chamber are accepted by a simple majority vote the members of Board participating at meeting. In case of equality of votes the voice of the chairman of Audit Chamber is decisive.

Article 6. Principles of activities of Audit Chamber

Activities of Audit Chamber are based on the principles of legality, independence, objectivity, collective nature, publicity and justice.


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