Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 30, 2009 No. 372

About approval of the list of processing equipment (including accessories and spare parts to it) which analogs are not made in the Russian Federation which import to the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to taxation on value added

(as amended on 13-11-2024)

For the purpose of implementation of subitem 7 of Article the Government of the Russian Federation decides 150 parts two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

1. Approve the enclosed list of processing equipment (including accessories and spare parts to it) which analogs are not made in the Russian Federation which import to the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to taxation on value added.

2. To the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to approve procedure for preparation of offers on modification of the list of processing equipment (including accessories and spare parts to it) which analogs are not made in the Russian Federation which import to the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to taxation on value added.

3. Recognize invalid:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 6 "About release from taxation on value added of processing equipment (accessories and spare parts to it) which analogs are not made in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2000, No. 44, the Art. 4385);

Item of 21 changes which are made to some orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2001 No. 830 "About the Customs tariff of the Russian Federation and the commodity nomenclature applied when implementing foreign economic activity" (The Russian Federation Code, 2001, No. 50, the Art. 4735);

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 935 "About modification of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 806" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 1, the Art. 51).

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2009, No. 372

The list of processing equipment (including accessories and spare parts to it) which analogs are not made in the Russian Federation which import to the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to taxation on value added


Code of the CN FEA EEU

Name of processing equipment

8413 81 000 0


8414 80 900 0

System of supply of CU 2/25 chemicals


The compressor for Armed mattress

8417 80 700 0

Equipment of installation of direct recovery of iron

8419 39 000 8

The dryer granulator in the pseudo-liquefied layer, the LGL200 model; equipment for drying of organic products and waste, models: GC-100, GC-2000; equipment for drying of organic products and waste of GAIA Corporation, model: GC-200, GC-300, GC-400, GC-600, GG-1200H, GG-1000H, GG-2000H

8419 40 000 9

The equipment of processing line on production of benzene and derivatives; the equipment of processing line on butadiene production; equipment of oxygen-transfer shop No. 2; equipment of airdividing installation

8419 60 000 0

Equipment of the plant on liquefied natural gas production of the South Tambey gas field; equipment of the plant on liquefied natural gas production

8419 89 989 0

Equipment of block and modular installation (plant) on production of synthetic liquid fuel; the equipment of complex installation on ammonia production; installation on methanol production; the equipment on production of ammonia-carbamide-melamine on the basis of blowing-off gas of production of methanol; the equipment of processing line on ethylene production it is also sawn through; equipment of complete installation of pyrolysis

8420 10 100 0

The calenders or other roll machines used in the textile industry

8420 10 800 0

Machine of drawing covering of PA 540-16m;

processing line on production of multilayered composite materials with finishing finishing covering up to 3400 mm wide, method of one-time direct drawing polyvinylchloride or polyurethane composition on woven or nonwoven bases for one pass

8421 21 000 9

Equipment of water treatment of installation of direct recovery of iron; water treatment equipment for electrometallurgical complex

8421 39 200 1

The equipment and devices for filtering or purification of air with collection of waste of spinning production

8421 39 800 6

Gas purification installation equipment

8422 20 000 9

Station of sink of BINS YQG-D-M-3.6-H model

8422 30 000 1

The equipment for filling, obstruction of bottles, cans, closing of boxes, sacks or other reservoirs, for their sealing or labeling, for hermetic packing by caps or covers of bottles, cans, tubas and similar reservoirs for the medical industry

8422 40 000 1

Equipment for packaging or wrapper for the medical industry

8423 20 000 0


8424 30 100 0

Scales for continuous weighing of products on conveyors


Abrazivostruyny installation with rotary table, SIGG, the KA model 6/3

8424 89 000 9

Koater, P350 model

8426 11 000 0

The electrobridge razlivochny crane load-carrying capacity 300/80/16/16t, with width of flight of 15 m;

the electrobridge razlivochny crane load-carrying capacity 300/80/16/16t, with width of flight of 23 m;

the electropavement crane charging with a loading capacity of 460/80/16/16 t, width of flight is 33 m

8428 33 000 0



8430 69 000 8

Equipment of specialized port conveyor complex for transfer of bulked cargoes (coal)


Set of the equipment of the towed uninhabited underwater plow for digging of trenches and laying of underwater telecommunication and power cables in seabed soil, the CPS-2 model

8435 10 000 0

Equipment for winemaking, production of cider, fruit juice or similar drinks


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