of December 27, 2004 No. 861
About approval of Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy and rendering these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in supervisory control in power industry and rendering these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to services of the commercial operator of the wholesale market and rendering these services and Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks
For the purpose of assistance to development of the competition in the market of production and sale of electrical energy, consumer protection of electrical energy and according to Articles 20, of 21, 25 and 26 Federal Laws "About Power Industry" Government of the Russian Federation decide:
1. Approve enclosed:
Rules of non-discriminatory access to services of the commercial operator of the wholesale market and rendering these services;
2. Determine Federal Antimonopoly Service authorized federal executive body by ensuring the state control of observance of rules of non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy, services in supervisory control in power industry and to services of Trading System Administrator.
Determine Federal Antimonopoly Service authorized federal executive body by ensuring control of observance of rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks.
3. To the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation in 3-month time to develop and approve technique of determination of normative and actual losses of electrical energy in power networks.
4. The Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy and rendering these services and the Rule of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy approved by this Resolution, and also objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons are applied to power networks in the territory of the municipality the resort town of Sochi in the period of the organization and holding the XXII Olympic winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 taking into account the features established by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 No. 341 "About approval of the Regulations on features of provision of specifications determinations of payment for technological accession and features of technological accession to objects of electric grid economy of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy in the territory of the municipality the resort town of Sochi in the period of the organization and holding the XXII Olympic winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Fradkov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861
1. These rules determine the general principles and procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy, and also rendering these services.
From the date of entry into force of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2020 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning functioning of active energy complexes" till December 31, 2030 these rules are applied No. 320 if other is not installed by application No. 5 to the Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 "About functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy, complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy".
2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:
"the act of implementation of technological accession (the act of technological accession)" - the document constituted upon termination of the procedure of technological connection of power receiving devices to power networks and confirming technological accession in accordance with the established procedure in which technical characteristics of technological accession, including the size of the maximum capacity, border of balance sheet accessory of power generation facilities (power receiving devices) of the parties and limit of responsibility of the parties for operation of the relevant power generation facilities (power receiving devices) and (or) objects of electric grid economy are determined;
"the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power supply networks (the act of differentiation of borders of balance sheet accessory of the parties, the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power networks)" - the document constituted by owners of power generation facilities (power receiving devices), determining borders of balance sheet accessory;
"the act of differentiation of operational responsibility of the parties" - the document constituted by owners of power generation facilities (power receiving devices), determining limits of responsibility of the parties for operation of the relevant power generation facilities (power receiving devices);
"the size of technological armor" - the size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) and duration of time established based on the project documentation (in the absence of the project documentation - based on the agreement of the network organization and the consumer of electrical energy (capacity), necessary for completion at the appointed time engineering procedure, cycle of production of the consumer using in the production cycle continuous engineering procedures which sudden termination causes irreversible violation of engineering procedure and (or) danger to life and human health, the environment then shutdown of the corresponding power receiving devices can be made, and approved by the network organization according to the procedure provided by these rules and Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy facilities for production of electrical energy, and also objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons, to power networks, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861 "About approval of Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy and rendering these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to services in supervisory control in power industry and rendering these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to services of Trading System Administrator of the wholesale market and rendering these services and Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks" (further - Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks);
"the size of emergency armor" - the size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) with completely stopped engineering procedure providing its condition, safe for life and human health and the environment, established based on the project documentation (in the absence of the project documentation - based on the agreement of the network organization and the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) and equal to the size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices of emergency and security lighting, the security and fire alarm, pumps of fire extinguishing, communication, the emergency ventilation of such objects approved by the network organization according to the procedure, provided by these rules and Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also electric grid economy objects, belonging to the network organizations and other persons, to power networks;
"border of balance sheet accessory" - the line of the Section of power generation facilities between owners on the basis of property or ownership on other basis provided by the Federal Laws determining limit of operational responsibility between the network organization and the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy is signed) for condition and servicing of electroinstallations;
"documents on technological accession" - the documents constituted (constituted) in the course of technological accession (after completion of technological accession) power receiving devices (power generation facilities) to electric grid economy objects, including specifications, the act of implementation of technological accession, the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power supply networks, the act of differentiation of operational responsibility of the parties;
"the declared capacity" - the size of the capacity planned to use in the forthcoming settlement period of regulation, applied for the purpose of establishment of rates for services in transfer of electrical energy and estimated in megawatts;
"the maximum capacity" - the largest size of capacity determined to one-stage use by power receiving devices (electric grid economy objects) according to documents on technological accession and caused by structure of the power accepting equipment (electric grid economy objects) and engineering procedure of the consumer within which the network organization assumes liabilities to provide transfer of electrical energy, estimated in megawatts;
"handling capacity of power network" - the technologically most admissible size of capacity which can be transferred taking into account service conditions and parameters of reliability of functioning of electric utility systems;
"the network organizations" - the organizations owning on the property right or on other basis established by the Federal Laws electric grid economy objects with which use such organizations render services in transfer of electrical energy and perform in accordance with the established procedure technological connection of power receiving devices (power plants) of legal entities and physical persons to power networks, and also the conclusions of service provision agreements performing the right on transfer of electrical energy with use of the objects of electric grid economy belonging to other owners and other legal owners and entering single national (all-Russian) power network;
"territorial distribution network" - complex of the power lines which are not part of single national (all-Russian) power network and the equipment used for provision of services on transfer of electrical energy;
"delivery point" - the place of obligation fulfillment according to the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy used for scoping of cross liabilities of agreement parties, located on border of the balance sheet accessory of power receiving devices determined in documents on technological accession, and before creation in accordance with the established procedure documents on technological accession - in point of connection of the power receiving device (power generation facility);
"point of accession to power network" - the place of physical connection of the power receiving device (power plant) of the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy is signed) with power network of the network organization;
"the notification on providing with the network organization possibility of accession to power networks" - the document constituted upon termination of the procedure of technological accession to power networks of power receiving devices of the applicants specified in Items 12 (1), 13(2) - 13(5) and 14 Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks which technological connection of power receiving devices is performed at the level of tension of 0,4 of kV and below, and confirming technological accession to power networks in accordance with the established procedure in which technical characteristics of technological accession, including the size of the maximum capacity are determined, borders of balance sheet accessory of power generation facilities (power receiving devices) of the parties and limit of responsibility of the parties for operation of the relevant power generation facilities (power receiving devices) and (or) objects of electric grid economy;
"power receiving devices of the consumer" - the devices which are at the consumer, aggregates, mechanisms, devices and other equipment (or their complex) intended for transformation of electrical energy to other type of energy for the purpose of use (consumption) and having among themselves electric communications.
The concept "measuring complex" used hereunder corresponds to the concept "measuring complex" determined by the Section X of Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy.
2(1). In these rules:
a) separate parts of price zones of the wholesale market for which the Government of the Russian Federation establishes features of functioning wholesale and the retail markets, are the territories provided by appendix No. 3 to the Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1172 "About approval of Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity" (further - Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity);
b) the separate parts of price zones of the wholesale market which were earlier relating to technologically isolated territorial electric utility systems for which the Government of the Russian Federation establishes features of functioning wholesale and the retail markets are the territories provided by appendix No. 4 to Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity.
3. Non-discriminatory access to services in transfer of electrical energy provides equal conditions of provision of the specified services to their consumers irrespective of form of business and legal relations with person rendering these services.
The network organization when rendering services in transfer of electrical energy shall observe the single quality standards of servicing by the network organizations of consumers of services of the network organizations approved by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex.
4. Consumers of services in transfer of electrical energy are the persons owning on the property right or on other legal cause power receiving devices and (or) power generation facilities, who are technologically attached in accordance with the established procedure to power network (including indirectly) the subjects of the wholesale market of electrical energy performing export (import) of electrical energy, and also the power sales organizations and the guaranteeing suppliers for the benefit of the consumers of electrical energy served by them (since January 1, 2013 - on the terms of determination of obligations on rendering services in transfer of electrical energy concerning points of delivery of each consumer of electrical energy served by the power sales organization and the guaranteeing supplier). Services in transfer of electrical energy are provided by the network organization based on the agreement on paid rendering services in transfer of electrical energy (further - the agreement).
5. If power receiving devices of the consumer of electrical energy are attached to power networks of the network organization via power stations of electric power producers, objects of electric grid economy of persons who are not rendering service in transfer of electrical energy or ownerless objects of electric grid economy which have direct accession to networks of the network organizations (further - the mediated accession to power network), such consumer signs the contract with that network organization to which networks power stations of electric power producers, ownerless objects of electric grid economy or power receiving devices (electric grid economy objects) of persons who are not rendering service in transfer of electrical energy to which its power receiving device is directly attached are attached.
At the same time point of contract supply will be the point of connection of the power accepted device of the consumer of electricity to object of electric grid economy of person who is not rendering services in transfer of electrical energy.
In case when the owner or other legal owner of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network is limited according to the Federal Law "About Power Industry" in implementation of the rights regarding the right of the conclusion of service provision agreements on transfer of electrical energy with use of the specified objects, the consumer whose power receiving devices are attached to such objects of electric grid economy signs the contract with the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network.
6. Owners and other legal owners of objects of electric grid economy through which the power receiving device of the consumer having no right to interfere with overflow through their objects of electrical energy for such consumer and to require for it payment is indirectly attached to power networks of the network organization.
The specified owners and other legal owners of objects of electric grid economy through which the power receiving device of the consumer is indirectly attached to power networks of the network organization have the right to render services in transfer of electrical energy with use of the electric grid economy objects belonging to them after establishment for them of rate for services in transfer of electrical energy. In this case the provisions of these rules provided for the network organizations are applied to their relations on transfer of electrical energy.
The consumers of services indirectly attached to power networks pay services in transfer of electrical energy according to the methodical instructions approved by federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates.
Since January 1, 2020 actual expenses of the owner or other legal owner of objects of the electric grid economy which is not rendering service in transfer of electrical energy in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in its objects of electric grid economy in connection with providing overflow of electrical energy in power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy which are attached to such objects of electric grid economy based on the agreement on implementation of the technological accession concluded by such owners or other legal owners of objects of electric grid economy according to Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks, during the period in which the specified owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy rendered with their use services in transfer of electrical energy in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation (further - electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed), compensations by the territorial network organization to which power networks such objects of electric grid economy, according to the statement of the specified owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy are attached are subject.
If electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed are attached to power networks of two and more territorial network organizations, expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in such objects of electric grid economy are subject to compensation by each territorial network organization in proportion to the released amount of electrical energy in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed.
Compensations expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy, the pricing Bases specified in Items 81.6 and 81.7 in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry is performed are not subject.
6(1). The owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy who has intention to receive compensation for expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed sends to the territorial network organization to which power networks such objects of electric grid economy, the written application in any form are attached by the method allowing to confirm the fact and date of its obtaining by the territorial network organization.
In the statement it is specified:
information on the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy:
the complete and reduced (in the presence) name of the legal entity, its form of business or surname, name and middle name (in the presence) the individual entrepreneur;
identification taxpayer number and reason code of statement of the legal entity on accounting in tax authority;
postal address;
number (numbers) of contact telephone number;
address (addresses) of e-mail (in the presence);
the location of objects of electric grid economy with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed;
the period for which compensation is subject to payment;
the size of expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy, compensation subjects is performed.
The statement is certified by the signature of the responsible person and seal (in the presence).
The following proving materials are enclosed to the application:
copies of the documents confirming the property right or other legal causes of ownership concerning electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy (was performed by reorganization of the legal entity - transfer acts), during the period in which the specified owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy rendered with their use services in transfer of electrical energy in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, and also the period for which compensation is subject to payment;
copies of acts of implementation of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy to electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed. In case of change of the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy the renewed documents on technological accession are in addition attached;
the schemes of connections of objects of electric grid economy with designation of transformer and other substations, and also power lines approved by the head or other authorized person of the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy;
calculation of amount of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy, according to actual data according to method of calculation of technological losses of electrical energy is performed by its transfer on power networks in base period approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, for the period for which compensation is subject to payment. At the same time the amount of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy considered in case of determination of the size of expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy is performed cannot exceed the amount of losses of electrical energy determined proceeding from the standard rate of losses of electrical energy by its transfer by power networks of the territorial network organizations at appropriate level of tension for the corresponding group of the territorial network organizations approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
the copies of documents which are drawn up within the agreement performance providing sale of electrical energy in the retail market, confirmatory actual expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed;
calculation of the size of expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy, compensation subjects containing information on amount of such technological losses of the electrical energy and the price of electrical energy (capacity) applied within the agreement performance providing sale of electrical energy in the retail market during the period for which compensation is paid is performed. At the same time the size of expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy, compensation subjects is performed cannot exceed acquisition value the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy of electrical energy for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in such objects of electric grid economy at the guaranteeing supplier under agreements of power supply in the corresponding amounts during the period for which compensation is paid, regardless of with what subjects of the retail market the contracts providing sale of electrical energy in the retail market were actually signed.
For the purpose of confirmation of the actual rendering by such owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy of service in transfer of electrical energy in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation in case of the conclusion it agreements on implementation of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy to electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed, at the request of the territorial network organization the executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates represents it the verified copy of the decision of executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates about establishment of the individual price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy for settlement between the network organizations for the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered each other for the regulation period specified in request. The executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates shall within 4 working days from the date of receipt of such request direct the written answer with appendix of required data.
6(2). The territorial network organization shall pay compensation and send to the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy with whose use the overflow of electrical energy, is performed by the method allowing to confirm the fact and date of its obtaining by such owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy signed in return in 2 copies the act of compensation payment, containing data on its size and the period for which it is paid within 30 calendar days from the date of the beginning of action of the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy in case of which establishment of the subject of the Russian Federation by executive body in the field of state regulation of rates the expenses which are subject to compensation to such owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy are considered in necessary gross revenue of the territorial network organization.
The owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy who received compensation shall no later than 2 working days from the date of obtaining from the territorial network organization of the act of payment of compensation send to such territorial network organization by the method allowing to confirm the fact and date of its obtaining by the territorial network organization signed from its party copy of the act of compensation payment.
In case of the receipt of the statement and the proving materials specified in Item 6 (1) these rules, not in full or with violation of requirements to their content, or inclusions in calculation of the size of expenses on acquisition of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of compensation of losses of electrical energy in volume of the technological losses of electrical energy which arose in the electric grid economy objects with which use the overflow of electrical energy is performed which are subject to compensation for expenses, not stipulated in Item 6 these rules, the territorial network organization within 10 working days from the date of their obtaining notifies such owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy on refusal in payment of compensation with indication of causes of failure.
The statement and the proving materials specified in Item 6 (1) these rules, to the owner or other legal owner of objects of electric grid economy do not return.
In case of elimination of the circumstances which led to refusal in compensation payment the owner or other legal the owner of objects of electric grid economy repeatedly directs the application and the missing and (or) modifed proving materials specified in Item 6 (1) these rules, in the territorial network organization to which power networks such objects of electric grid economy are attached.
7. Activities of the consumer (producer) of electrical energy using electrical energy by provision to him residential and non-residential premises in lease, in employment and (or) operation are not recognized service in transfer of electrical energy.
8. For the purpose of ensuring execution of the obligations to consumers of services (buyers and sellers of electrical energy) the network organization signs contracts with other network organizations having technological accession to electric grid economy objects with which use this network organization renders services in transfer of electrical energy (further - the adjacent network organizations) according to the Section III of these rules.
8.1. For the purpose of identification, determination and rational use of size of capacity of objects of electric grid economy the network organization shall record the reserved maximum capacity concerning consumers of electrical energy whose maximum capacity of power receiving devices in borders of balance sheet accessory makes at least 670 kW, including actions for determination and regular monitoring of changes of size of the reserved maximum capacity according to this Item.
The reserved maximum capacity is determined as difference between the maximum capacity of power receiving devices of the consumer and capacity used in the corresponding settlement period for determination of the size of obligations of the consumer on fee on transfer of electrical energy according to Item 15.1 of these rules. In case of lack of data on hourly amounts of consumption of electrical energy the reserved maximum capacity is calculated proceeding from results of carrying out control measurements and other available information.
Since July 1, 2012 the network organization upon termination of settlement period concerning each consumer of electrical energy who signed the contract with this network organization and which maximum capacity of power receiving devices in borders of balance sheet accessory makes at least 670 kW calculates the size of the reserved maximum capacity. In the information purposes the network organization specifies the size of the reserved maximum capacity separately in the invoices for payment of services in transfer of electrical energy which are made out by it to consumers of electrical energy for whom the specified size is subject to determination.
The network organization no later than the 20th following the termination of every quarter represents to the relevant executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates data on the size of the reserved maximum capacity average in quarter totally on all consumers of electrical energy concerning whom this size is determined and concerning which power receiving devices such network organization signs the agreement, with breakdown on each level of tension.
8(2). For the purpose of ensuring equality of single boiler tariffs for services in transfer of electrical energy for all consumers of the services located in the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation and belonging to one group (category), from among concerning what the legislation of the Russian Federation provides differentiation of rates for electrical energy (capacity), and also for the purpose of obligation fulfillment of the guaranteeing suppliers according to electric power supply agreements and capacity before consumers of electrical energy and capacity the territorial network organization signs the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy (capacity) with other territorial network organization in case of observance of the following compulsory provisions:
other territorial network organization corresponds to criteria of reference of owners of objects of electric grid economy to the territorial network organizations;
other territorial network organization is attached to the territorial network organization through objects of electric grid economy of the organizations entering single national (all-Russian) power network;
for the territorial network organization and other territorial network organization individual rates for transfer of electrical energy for settlement between the network organizations in previous period of regulation were established.
In the service agreement on transfer of electrical energy (capacity) signed between the territorial network organization and other territorial network organization according to paragraph one of this Item, the amount of the services rendered by other territorial network organization is determined in points of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of other territorial network organization and the consumers of electrical energy (capacity) having agreements of power supply with the guaranteeing supplier acting in zone of activities of other territorial network organization and (or) with positive balance of overflow of electrical energy from networks of other territorial network organization in network of the territorial network organizations, adjacent to it, within one subject of the Russian Federation - in points of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of objects of electric grid economy of other territorial network organization and the territorial network organizations, adjacent to it.
8(3). In case of establishment of single boiler tariffs for services in transfer of electrical energy in the territories of 2 and more subjects of the Russian Federation in coordination between management officials of such subjects of the Russian Federation (chairmen of the supreme executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation) according to Item 10 (1) pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry the territorial network organization performing activities in the territory of one such subject of the Russian Federation signs the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy (capacity) according to requirements of the Section III of these rules with the territorial network organization performing activities in the territory of other such subject of the Russian Federation (other such subjects of the Russian Federation).
9. The agreement is public and obligatory to the conclusion for the network organization.
10. The agreement cannot be signed before the conclusion of the agreement on implementation of technological connection of power receiving devices (power plants) of legal entities and physical persons to power networks, except as specified, when act as the consumer of services:
a) persons, whose power receiving devices are technologically attached to power network;
b) the persons which are performing export (import) of electrical energy and not having in ownership, in use and the order the power generation facilities attached to power network;
c) the power sales organizations (the guaranteeing suppliers) signing the agreement for the benefit of the consumers of electrical energy served by them.
11. Concerning consumers of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement, the network organization of the technical characteristics of the power receiving devices necessary for rendering services in transfer of electrical energy having the right for the purpose of determination is signed to request from the corresponding persons and (or) authorized bodies of the government of the data and documentation on technological accession.
12. Within the agreement the network organization shall perform complex organizationally and technologically connected actions providing transfer of electrical energy via technical devices of power networks, and the consumer of services - to pay them.
13. The agreement shall contain the following essential conditions:
a) the size of the maximum capacity of the power receiving devices which are technologically attached in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to power network, determined according to Item 13.1 of these rules, with distribution of the specified size on each point of delivery;
b) the procedure for determination of the size of obligations of the consumer of payment services of services in transfer of electrical energy according to Item 15.1 of these rules including:
data on the amount of electrical energy (capacity) used for determination of the size of obligations or procedure for determination of such amount;
procedure of payments of cost of services of the network organization for transfer of electrical energy;
c) responsibility of the consumer of services and the network organization for condition and servicing of objects of electric grid economy which is determined by balance sheet accessory of the network organization and the consumer of services (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement is signed) and is fixed in the documents on technological accession which are appendices to the agreement (in case of the conclusion of the agreement for the benefit of the citizens performing conducting gardening or truck farming on the parcels of land located in borders of the territory of conducting by citizens of gardening or truck farming for own needs (further - the territory of gardening or truck farming), - according to documents on technological connection of the power receiving devices relating to property public of such gardening or gardening non-commercial partnership or documents on technological connection of power receiving devices, belonging to such citizens (in the presence);
d) data on the metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) (measuring complexes) established for date of the conclusion of the agreement concerning power receiving devices, power generation facilities and used for agreement settlements with indication of places of their installation, serial numbers, dates of the previous and next checking, intertesting interval;
e) obligations of the Parties on ensuring installation and the admission in operation of metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) (measuring complexes) conforming to the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (concerning power receiving devices (power generation facilities) which for date of the conclusion of the agreement are not equipped with metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) (measuring complex) or if the established metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) (measuring complex) do not conform to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation), according to Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy;
e) obligation of the consumer of the services in ensuring operation belonging to it on the property right or on other legal cause of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment (including devices of relay protection, antiemergency, regime and network automatic equipment, devices of registration of emergency processes and events) established according to Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks or these rules, and also on possibility of realization of impact of devices of antiemergency, regime and network automatic equipment according to requirements of the subject of supervisory control in power industry and the network organization;
g) order of interaction of the network organization and the consumer of services under the organization and implementation of operational and technological management according to requirements of Rules of technological functioning of the electric utility systems approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2018 No. 937 "About approval of Rules of technological functioning of electric utility systems and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (further - Rules of technological functioning of electric utility systems);
h) penalty in the amount of and in cases which are provided by the Section X of Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy.
13.1. The size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices (electric grid economy objects) is determined in the course of technological accession or according to the Section IV of Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks and it is specified in documents on technological accession if other is not established by this Item.
If in documents on technological accession the size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices is not specified and (or) if documents on technological accession are lost, the size of the maximum capacity is determined according to the Section VIII of Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks.
13(2). If consumer of services is the guaranteeing supplier (the power sales organization), the agreement shall contain order of interaction of the network organization and the guaranteeing supplier (the power sales organization) regarding interaction and exchange of information, necessary for observance of the single quality standards of servicing by the network organizations of consumers of services of the network organizations approved by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex in case of consumer service of electrical energy for the benefit of which the agreement is signed.
13(3). In the contract with the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy (except for consumers of services - the guaranteeing suppliers (the power sales, power supplying organizations), the network organizations and subjects of the wholesale market of electrical energy performing export (import) of electrical energy) except information, stipulated in Item 13 these rules, the subscriber number allocated with the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication and the e-mail address of such consumer of services intended for the direction to it of the notification on introduction of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy shall be specified.
13(4). The procedure, formats and protocols of data exchange between the parties within functioning of intellectual system of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) concerning the metering devices of electrical energy attached to intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) shall be provided in the agreement.
14. In case of agreement performance the consumer of services shall:
a) observe the mode of consumption (production) of electrical energy (capacity) provided by the agreement and documents on technological accession;
b) pay services of the network organization for transfer of electrical energy in the amount of and terms which are determined by Items 15 (1), 15(3) and 15 (5) these rules;
c) support in proper technical condition the means of relay protection and antiemergency automatic equipment belonging to it, metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) and measuring transformers used for commercial accounting of electrical energy (capacity), the devices providing regulation of jet capacity, and also other devices necessary for maintenance of required parameters of reliability and quality of electrical energy including to ensure safety and integrity of the metering devices of electrical energy (capacity) established concerning power receiving devices of the consumer and (or) measuring transformers, and also control seals and (or) signs of visual inspection if the metering device and (or) measuring transformers are established in borders of the parcel of land belonging to such consumer on the property right or other legal cause on which power receiving devices of the consumer (border of the parcel of land) are located (in rooms, limits of balance sheet and (or) operational responsibility) and to observe the requirements established for technological accession and operation of the specified means and devices and also to provide maintenance of the established autonomous reserve power supplies in ready state to use in case of extra procedural shutdowns, introduction of emergency restrictions of the mode of consumption of electrical energy (capacity) or use of antiemergency automatic equipment;
d) perform operation of the power receiving devices belonging to it according to Rules of technological functioning of electric utility systems, rules of technical operation, safe engineering and supervisory control;
e) observe set in accordance with the established procedure by the network organization, the system operator (the subject of supervisory control) of the requirement to installation of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, and also to support the scheme of electric utility service with allocation of responsible loads of the feeding lines reserved external providing leave of electrical energy for covering of technological and emergency armor;
e) support on border of balance sheet accessory of measure value of quality of electrical energy, caused by operation of its power receiving devices, conforming to mandatory requirements, including observe the values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity established by the agreement determined for separate power receiving devices (groups of power receiving devices);
g) fulfill requirements of the network organization and the subject of supervisory control in power industry about restriction of the mode of consumption according to the approved schedules of emergency restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy (capacity) in case of emergence (origin threat) of deficit of electrical energy and capacity, and also in other cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation as the basis for introduction of complete or partial restriction of the mode of consumption;
h) provide in the network organization technological information (the main electric circuits, characteristics of the equipment, the scheme of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, operational data on technological operating modes of the equipment);
i) inform the network organization in the terms established by the agreement on emergencies on energy objects, planned, routine maintenance and overhaul repairs on them;
j) inform the network organization on amount of participation in antiemergency and automatic regime control, and also on the list and capacity of electroreceivers of the consumer of services which can be disconnected by devices of antiemergency automatic equipment;
k) to freely allow authorized representatives of the network organization in Items of control and accounting of quantity and quality of the transferred electrical energy according to the procedure and the cases established by the agreement;
l) provide observance of the order of interaction of agreement parties established in the agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the course of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) with use of metering devices, including in part:
the admission of the established metering device (measuring complex) in operation;
operation of the metering device (measuring complex, the measuring transformer) established by the consumer of services;
transfers of indications of metering devices;
messages on metering device exit from operation;
ensuring access to metering device installation site (measuring complex, measuring transformer);
m) provide observance of the coordination of technological and (or) emergency armor of the mode of consumption of electrical energy (capacity), and also level of loading of technological and (or) emergency armor and date of completion of engineering procedure established by the act in case of introduction of restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy;
o) provide carrying out measurements on power receiving devices (power generation facilities) concerning which the agreement is signed (except for power receiving devices (power generation facilities) concerning which metering devices (measuring complexes) after July 1, 2020 are established and put into operation) and to provide to the network organization information on results of the carried-out measurements within 3 working days from date of the corresponding measurement, except availability cases at the consumer of electrical energy of system of accounting, remote access to which data is provided to the network organization, when obtaining from the network organization of the requirement about carrying out control or extraordinary measurements taking into account the frequency of such measurements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on power industry including according to task of the subject of supervisory control in power industry;
o) provide provision of the draft of the act of coordination of technological and (or) emergency armor to the network organization within 30 days from the date of the conclusion of the agreement if for this date at the consumer of electrical energy whose restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy (capacity) can lead to economic, ecological, social consequences which categories are determined in appendix to the Rules of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 "About functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy, complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy" (further - Rules of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy), and also at the consumer of electrical energy whose power receiving device is referred to the first category of reliability, there was no act of coordination of technological and (or) emergency armor, or within 30 days from the date of emergence of the bases for change of such act established by these rules.
15. In case of agreement performance the network organization shall:
a) provide transfer of electrical energy in point of delivery of the consumer of services (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement is signed) which quality and parameters shall conform to the mandatory requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing the relations in the sphere of power industry with observance of sizes of emergency and technological armor;
b) perform transfer of electrical energy according to the approved category of reliability of power receiving devices of the consumer of services (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement is signed);
c) determine according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity for separate power receiving devices (groups of power receiving devices) concerning which the agreement is signed if documents on technological connection of such devices provide requirements to regulation of jet capacity, independently, if such power receiving devices are attached to objects of electric grid economy of 35 kV and below and if power receiving devices are attached to objects of electric grid economy over 35 kV - taking into account the values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity set by the subject of supervisory control in power industry on tires of 110 kV and above objects of electric grid economy of this network organization;
d) according to the procedure and the terms established by the agreement to inform the consumer of services (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement is signed) on emergencies in power networks, the repair and scheduled maintenance influencing obligation fulfillment under the agreement;
e) to freely allow authorized representatives of consumers of services in Items of control and accounting of quantity and quality of the electrical energy transferred to this consumer, according to the procedure and the cases established by the agreement;
e) perform commercial accounting of electrical energy (capacity) in the retail markets of electrical energy and for the purposes of rendering residential energy services which electric utility service is not performed with use of common property according to the Rules of provision of utilities to owners and users of rooms in apartment houses and apartment houses approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 "About provision of utilities to owners and users of rooms in apartment houses and apartment houses", the Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 "About functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy, complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy";
g) provision of the minimum functionality of intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) according to the procedure and cases which are established by rules of provision of access to the minimum set of functions of intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), stipulated in Item 1 article 21 of the Federal law "About Power Industry";
h) provide carrying out measurements on power receiving devices (power generation facilities) concerning which the agreement, and in all points of delivery in which metering devices (measuring complexes) since July 1, 2020 are established and put into operation is signed.
15(1). Obligations of the consumer of services are determined in the amount of the cost of the rendered services, established according to this Item.
The cost of services in transfer of electrical energy is determined proceeding from the rate for services in transfer of electrical energy determined according to the Section V of these rules and amount (amounts) of the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy.
The amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered by the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network is determined concerning the power receiving device (if the consumer has several power receiving devices having among themselves electric communications through the electric grid economy objects belonging to the consumer (further - set of power receiving devices), - concerning set of power receiving devices) the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) in the following procedure:
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) for the rate used for the purposes of expense determination on payment of normative losses of electrical energy by its transfer on power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy is equal to the work of amount of consumption of electrical energy at appropriate level of tension and the standard rate of losses of electrical energy by its transfer on power networks of single national (all-Russian) power network approved by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of fuel and energy complex;
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) for the rate reflecting the specific size of maintenance costs of power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy till January 1, 2015 is equal to the size of the declared capacity, and since January 1, 2015 is determined according to the procedure, provided by this Item for scoping of the services in transfer of electrical energy for settlement period rendered by the other network organizations.
Till January 1, 2015 if during the settlement period of regulation for any 2 and more than an hour excess of the declared capacity more than for 10 percent, since settlement period in which such excess is revealed will be revealed, and until the end of settlement period of regulation of the obligation (except for obligations of the network organizations) are determined by payment of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered by the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network proceeding from the greatest regulation of hourly value of consumption of electrical energy for settlement period.
Amounts of the services in transfer of electrical energy for settlement period rendered by the other network organizations are determined depending on the pricing applied according to Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry to the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) of option of the price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy concerning the power receiving device (set of power receiving devices) of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) in the following procedure:
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) for settlement period for the odnostavochny price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy is determined concerning each of tension levels on which such prices (rates), equal to amount of consumption of electrical energy at appropriate level of tension are differentiated;
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) for settlement period for the rate used for the purposes of expense determination on payment of normative losses of electrical energy by its transfer on power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy is determined concerning each of tension levels on which such prices (rates), equal to amount of consumption of electrical energy at appropriate level of tension are differentiated;
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) for settlement period for the rate reflecting the specific size of maintenance costs of power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy is determined concerning each level of tension on which such price (rate), equal to arithmetic average to value from the maximum values in every working day of settlement period from total on all points of delivery at appropriate level of tension relating to the power receiving device (set of power receiving devices) of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) of hourly amounts of consumption of electrical energy in the planned hours of peak load established by the system operator is differentiated.
Determination of obligations of the guaranteeing supplier (the power sales, power supplying organization) who is acting for the benefit of the consumers of electrical energy (capacity) served by it under agreements of power supply on payment of services in transfer of electrical energy it is performed according to requirements of this Item for each level of tension for set of points of delivery of each of the consumers of electrical energy (capacity) served by it (except for the population and categories of consumers equated to it) corresponding to the power receiving device (set of power receiving devices) proceeding from option of the price (rate) applied concerning the corresponding consumer of electrical energy (capacity) according to pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry and amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) determined according to the procedure, provided by this Item. At the same time change of option of the price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy applied concerning the corresponding consumer of electrical energy (capacity) according to pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry after 1 month from the date of official publication of decisions of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates about establishment of the corresponding prices (rates) is allowed only in case of coordination by the consumer of services of the specified change with the network organization. The network organization has no right to require application of different way of determination of obligations on fee on transfer of electrical energy of the guaranteeing supplier (the power sales, power supplying organization).
If the network organization, amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered by other network organization, including the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network acts as the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy it is determined concerning electric grid economy objects according to this Item depending on the pricing applied according to Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry to the consumer of services of option of the price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy in the following procedure:
amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of services for settlement period for the odnostavochny price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy, and also amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of services for settlement period for the rate used for the purposes of expense determination on payment of normative losses of electrical energy by its transfer on power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy are determined according to the procedure, provided by this Item for determination of such amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by consumers of electrical energy (capacity);
the amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy paid by the consumer of services in the rate reflecting the specific size of maintenance costs of power networks, the two-part price (rate) for services in transfer of electrical energy is equal to the size of the declared capacity determined according to Item 38 of these rules.
Amounts of consumption of electrical energy for the purposes of this Item are determined according to the procedure, established by Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity - for subjects of the wholesale market and Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy - for subjects of the retail markets.
In case of violation of obligations by the network organization for ensuring commercial accounting of electrical energy (capacity) in the retail markets of electrical energy (capacity) and for rendering residential energy services, stipulated in Item the 5th article 37 of the Federal law "About Power Industry", the cost of services in transfer of electrical energy is determined taking into account the features established by the Section X of Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy and the Section VII of Rules of provision of utilities to owners and users of rooms in apartment houses and the apartment houses approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 "About provision of utilities to owners and users of rooms in apartment houses and apartment houses".
15(2). During the calculating and use of the price (rate) for services in transfer of the electrical energy differentiated on tension levels according to pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry, tension level concerning each point of delivery is determined in the following procedure:
if the power receiving device of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) is located in subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the level of tension of BH1, is entered according to pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry and it is attached, including indirectly via power stations of electric power producers, objects of electric grid economy of persons who are not rendering service in transfer of electrical energy or through ownerless objects of electric grid economy to the electric grid economy objects leased by the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network BH1 tension level is accepted;
in other cases if the limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of objects of electric grid economy of the network organization and power receiving devices and (or) other power generation facilities of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) is established on electric grid economy objects on which there is transformation of levels of tension (transformation), tension level corresponding to value of the feeding (highest) tension of the specified electric grid economy objects is accepted;
in other cases if the power receiving device and (or) other power generation facilities of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) are attached to power networks of the network organization through facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) of the electric power producer (capacity), the highest level of tension at which facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) of the electric power producer (capacity) are attached to power networks of the network organization is accepted;
in other cases the level of tension at which power receiving devices and (or) other power generation facilities of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) are connected is accepted and if such power receiving devices and (or) other power generation facilities of the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) are connected to objects of electric grid economy of the network organization indirectly through objects of electric grid economy of persons who are not rendering service in transfer of electrical energy or through ownerless objects of electric grid economy, the level of tension at which objects of specified persons or ownerless objects are connected to objects of electric grid economy of the network organization is accepted.
Provisions of this Item do not extend to the population and the categories of consumers equated to it.
Paragraph of the seventh ceased to be valid
Paragraph of the eighth ceased to be valid
Paragraph ninth ceased to be valid
Paragraph tenth ceased to be valid
In case of the bases for payment to the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) by the network organization of the penalty provided by Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks, the network organization has no right to demand from the consumer of payment of the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy before payment to the consumer of the specified penalty. The consumer of electrical energy (capacity) shall pay the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered by such network organization, within 3 working days from payment date the network organization to the consumer of the specified penalty.
15(3). Consumers of services in transfer of electrical energy are the guaranteeing suppliers, the power sales, power supplying organizations pay the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered in interests of the population and the categories of consumers equated to it, except for contractors of utility to the 12th following settlement period.
Consumers of services in transfer of electrical energy are the guaranteeing suppliers, the power sales, power supplying organizations pay the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered in interests of contractors of utility to the 17th following settlement period.
Consumers of services in transfer of electrical energy are the guaranteeing suppliers, the power sales, power supplying organizations pay the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered in interests of other consumers, in the following procedure:
30 percent of cost of services in transfer of electrical energy in the amount of the rendered services which is subject to payment in month for which payment is performed, it is brought to the 12th day of this month;
40 percent of cost of services in transfer of electrical energy in the amount of the rendered services which is subject to payment in month for which payment is performed, it is brought to the 27th day of this month.
The cost of services in transfer of electrical energy in the amount of the rendered services which is subject to payment in month for which payment is performed, it is determined proceeding from the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy determined according to pricing Bases in the field of regulated prices (rates) in power industry for preceding settlement period.
The amount of services in transfer of electrical energy which is subject to payment in month for which payment is performed is accepted equal determined according to Item 15 (1) these rules to amount of services in transfer of electrical energy for preceding settlement period.
Consumers of services in transfer of electrical energy (except for the guaranteeing suppliers, the power sales, power supplying organizations - consumers of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered in interests of the population and the categories of consumers equated to it, including contractors of utility, and also other consumers) pay 50 percent of cost of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered to them on the terms of advance payment.
The cost of amount of the services in transfer of electrical energy rendered in consumer interests of electrical energy (capacity) (except for the population and categories of consumers equated to it, including contractors of utility), for settlement period, reduced by the size of funds deposited by the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy as payment of the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy in month for which payment is performed or on the terms of advance payment is paid to the 20th following settlement period.
The amount which is excessively paid for services in transfer of electrical energy is set off on account of the payment which is subject to payment for the next month.
15(4). For the consumer of services (consumers of the services entering one group of persons and (or) owning on the property right or other legal cause power receiving devices which are used by them within single engineering procedure), amount of the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy to which is to the preferential to the territorial network organization corresponding criteria of reference of the network organizations established by the Government of the Russian Federation to the network organizations serving mainly one consumer (the buyer who is acting for the benefit of such consumer) the cost of service in transfer of electrical energy is determined and paid proceeding from the amount (amounts) of the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy determined according to Item 15 (1) these rules, the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy for the network organization serving mainly one consumer and the prices (rates) for services in transfer of electrical energy of the other network organizations which objects of electric grid economy are used for transfer of electrical energy to such consumer. If the other network organizations which objects of electric grid economy are used for transfer of electrical energy to such consumer are including the territorial network organizations, payment of the services rendered by them it is performed by the single boiler tariff for services in transfer of electrical energy established in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation.
15(5). Calculations between the network organization and the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy - the guaranteeing supplier in case of receipt of the notification by the network organization from the specified consumer about unilateral refusal of agreement performance in connection with the planned agreement signature about transfer of function of the guaranteeing supplier according to Item 227 (1) Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy are performed based on the account which the network organization within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the specified notification shall send to such consumer. The specified account includes:
outstanding amount of the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy - the guaranteeing supplier under the agreement, about unilateral refusal of which execution it is specified in the notification of such consumer, the date of receipt of the notification (in case of its availability);
the cost of services in transfer of electrical energy calculated proceeding from the rate for services in transfer of electrical energy determined according to the Section V of these rules, and predicted by the network organization of amount of services in transfer of electrical energy which will be rendered under the agreement before the date of the agreement cancelation determined proceeding from amount of the services rendered in the settlement period preceding the period in which bill is made out less the amount of the payments made by the guaranteeing supplier according to paragraphs to third declared in the notification - the fifth Item 15 (3) these rules.
The bill exposed according to paragraph one of this Item shall be paid by the consumer of services in transfer of electrical energy - the guaranteeing supplier no later than 15 working days before the date of agreement cancelation declared in the notification.
For implementation of final settlements on the rendered services in transfer of electrical energy the consumer and the network organization according to Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy and the agreement shall provide provision of indications of metering devices of electrical energy and the capacity used for agreement settlements on the date of its termination.
Final settlements on services in transfer of electrical energy shall be made by agreement parties in the terms provided by paragraphs the first, second and ninth Item 15 (3) these rules.
16. In case of variation of the consumer of services from the values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity established by the agreement as a result of participation in regulation of jet capacity under the agreement with the network organization he pays services in transfer of electrical energy, including as a part of final rate (price) of the electrical energy delivered to it under the agreement of power supply taking into account the decreasing coefficient established according to the methodical instructions approved by federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates.
Upon identification by the network organization based on indications of metering devices of violations of values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity the statement which goes to the consumer is drawn up. The consumer of electrical energy within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the act in writing notifies on the term during which it will provide observance of the established characteristics by independent installation of the devices providing regulation of jet capacity or on impossibility to fulfill the specified requirement and consent to application of the raising coefficient to the cost of services in transfer of electrical energy. The specified term cannot exceed 6 months. If after 10 working days the notification is not directed by the consumer of services, the network organization, and also the guaranteeing supplier (who is power supplying, the power sales organizations) under the agreement of power supply apply the raising coefficient to rate for services in transfer of electrical energy (including as a part of final rate (price) of electrical energy). The raising coefficient is applied before installation of the corresponding devices by the consumer of services who allowed violation of values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity.
The size of the coefficients specified raising and lowering is established according to the methodical instructions approved by federal executive body in the field of state regulation of rates.
The losses arising at the network organization or the third parties in connection with violation identified values of ratio of consumption of active and jet capacity, are compensated by person which allowed such violation according to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
17. In case of installation on power receiving devices of consumers of services of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment their safety and reliable functioning, and also possibility of timely accomplishment of teams of the system operator (the subject of supervisory control of technologically isolated territorial electric utility system) are provided with the consumer of services if the agreement does not provide that the specified actions are performed by the network organization.
If in case of the conclusion by the consumer of services and the network organization of the agreement on implementation of technological accession specifications for technological accession did not include requirements about connection of power receiving devices of the consumer of services to devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, including the devices of special automatic shutdown of loading and devices providing remote input of schedules of temporary shutdown of consumption according to dispatching teams of the subject of supervisory control, the corresponding conditions are provided by the contract between the same parties. Actions for equipment of power receiving devices of consumers of services are performed by devices of relay protection and automatic equipment according to requirements of appropriate subject of supervisory control of the network organization based on the specified terms of the contract if other is not established by the agreement of the parties.
Failure to carry out by the consumer of services of the terms of the contract concerning ensuring functioning of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment is the basis for introduction of restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy to such consumer and (or) for the direction to it of the offer on agreement cancelation in connection with fundamental breach by the consumer of services of terms of the contract.
18. Person who intends to sign the agreement (further - the applicant) sends to the network organization:
a) the statement for the conclusion of the agreement with indication of the following data confirmed by the copies of documents attached to it:
concerning applicants (consumers of electrical energy) - physical persons, except for individual entrepreneurs, - surname, name and middle name, date and agreement number of power supply, the location of power receiving devices concerning which the applicant intends to sign the agreement;
concerning applicants (consumers of electrical energy) - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - the name, identification taxpayer number, date and agreement number of power supply (the purchase and sale agreement (delivery) of electrical energy (capacity)) concluded in the wholesale and (or) retail markets of electrical energy, the location of the applicant, the location of power receiving devices concerning which the applicant intends to sign the agreement and also if in borders of balance sheet accessory in addition to power receiving devices facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) are located, - the location of such objects;
the size of the maximum capacity of power receiving devices concerning which the applicant intends to sign the agreement, with its distribution on delivery points;
the starting date of rendering services in transfer of electrical energy confirmed by the agreement extract of power supply about start date of electric power supply to the consumer of the electrical energy represented by the guaranteeing supplier or the power sales organization, or the agreement extract of purchase and sale (delivery) of electrical energy (capacity) containing data on start date of sale of electrical energy to the consumer of electrical energy, on points of the contract supply, and also on details of person acting as the seller under such agreement, represented by the applicant who signed such agreement, or the agreement extract about accession to trade system of the wholesale market of the electrical energy and capacity provided by the applicant specified in the statement;
b) the act of implementation of technological accession (in case of its availability);
c) the unilinear scheme of power network of the applicant (the consumer of electrical energy for the benefit of whom the agreement is signed) with indication of points of accession to electric grid economy objects;
d) the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power supply networks and the act of differentiation of operational responsibility of the parties (in case of their availability);
e) the documents containing the description of the metering devices established concerning power receiving devices with indication of types of metering devices and their classes of accuracy, places of their installation, serial numbers, dates of the previous and next state checking, intertesting interval;
e) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2022 No. 2556
g) the draft agreement - at the request of the applicant;
h) the act of coordination of technological and (or) emergency armor (in case of its availability).
18.1. If there passed no more than 3 years from the date of the agreement cancelation which is earlier concluded by the applicant with the network organization and if the applicant has intention again to sign the contract with the same network organization and concerning the same power receiving devices provided that for the specified term changes were not made to documents on technological accession, he directs to the network organization the application for the conclusion of the relevant agreement with indication of information specified in the subitem "an" of Item 18 of the these rules, with appendix confirming this information of documents and at will - the draft agreement. In this case other documents specified in Item 18 of these rules, the applicant shall provide only under condition if in them there are changes concerning the documents provided to them to the network organization in case of the conclusion of the previous agreement, and in the absence of such changes the network organization in case of the conclusion of the agreement uses the documents provided to it in case of the conclusion of the previous agreement.
18(2). Concerning power receiving devices which have no technological accession (direct or mediated) to objects of electric grid economy of the network organization, but concerning which the application about implementation of technological accession to power networks of the network organization is submitted, the conclusion of the agreement is performed taking into account the features provided by Rules of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, facilities for production of electrical energy, and also the objects of electric grid economy belonging to the network organizations and other persons to power networks.
18(3). If the application for the conclusion of the agreement is directed to the owner or other legal owner of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network, and at the same time the specified owner or other legal owner is limited according to the Federal Law "About Power Industry" in implementation of the rights regarding the right of the conclusion of service provision agreements on transfer of electrical energy with use of the specified objects, such owner or other legal owner shall send to the applicant within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the statement the non-availability notice of possibility of the conclusion of the contract with the applicant and need of the conclusion of the electrical power transmission agreement with the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network.
19. The contracts signed for the purposes of use of electrical energy by provision to citizens - to consumers of residential energy service (and also in case of absence centralized heat supplies and (or) hot water supply for the purposes of its use by provision of utility on heating and (or) hot water supply), or the contracts signed for the benefit of citizens - consumers of electrical energy in the retail markets, including for the benefit of the citizens performing conducting gardening or truck farming on the parcels of land located in borders of the territory of gardening or truck farming consist the guaranteeing supplier (the power sales organization) serving the corresponding consumers. Such agreements include the conditions specified in subitems "v" - "e" Item 13, subitems "an" - "in" (in the presence of the corresponding equipment), "l" and "m" of Item 14, subitems "a", "b" and "g" of Item 15 of these rules.
20. The network organization within 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents provided in Item 18 of these rules shall consider and send them to the applicant the draft agreement signed by the network organization or motivated refusal of its conclusion or the protocol of disagreements to the draft agreement in accordance with the established procedure.
21. In case of absence in the submitted documents of the data specified in the subitem "an" of Item 18 of these rules, the network organization within 6 working days notifies on it the applicant and in 30-day time from the date of receipt of missing data considers the application.
22. The applicant who received the draft agreement from the network organization fills it regarding the information about the applicant and directs 1 copy of the draft agreement of the network organization signed by it.
23. The agreement is considered the draft agreement signed by the applicant imprisoned from the date of receipt by the network organization if other is not established by the agreement or the judgment.
Paragraph two of ceased to be valid.
If the applicant directs to the network organization the draft agreement signed in return concerning power receiving devices concerning which the agreement on implementation of technological accession to power networks is signed, before completion of the procedure of technological accession, obligation fulfillment under the agreement is performed since specified in the agreement of date and time, but no later than signature date the network organization and the consumer of the act of technological connection of the corresponding power receiving devices.
24. The network organization has the right to refuse the conclusion of the agreement in case:
a) ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2022 No. 2556
b) ceased to be valid;
c) the directions of the statement for the conclusion of the agreement concerning power receiving devices which have no technological accession (direct or mediated) to objects of electric grid economy of this network organization and concerning which the agreement on implementation of technological accession to power networks of this network organization and (or) which have technological accession to the electric grid economy objects which were disposed from ownership of this network organization in the procedure established by the law is not signed. At the same time the compulsory provision for the conclusion of the contract with the guaranteeing suppliers and the power sales organizations is availability of technological joining of consumers of electrical energy in whose interests such agreement, or the signed agreement on implementation of technological accession to power networks of the network organization of power receiving devices concerning which the agreement is signed, and for the organizations performing activities for export import of electrical energy - availability of connection of power networks of this network organization with power networks of neighboring states on which territories export-import deliveries of electrical energy are performed is signed;
d) absence at the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network of possibility of rendering services in transfer of electrical energy concerning power receiving devices (power plants) attached to the electric grid economy objects entering single national (all-Russian) power network and belonging to persons who are limited according to the Federal Law "About Power Industry" in implementation of the rights regarding the right of the conclusion of service provision agreements on transfer of electrical energy with use of the specified objects, owing to not conclusion these persons of the contract determining procedure for use of the specified objects with the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network.
24(1). The network organization has no right to refuse the conclusion of the agreement in case of the direction of the statement for the conclusion of the agreement concerning power receiving devices which have no technological accession (direct or mediated) to objects of electric grid economy of this network organization and concerning which the agreement on implementation of technological accession to power networks of this network organization is signed.
25. Unreasonable evasion or refusal of the network organization of the conclusion of the agreement can be appealed by the consumer of services according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
26. Ceased to be valid.
27. In the presence of the bases for refusal of the conclusion of the agreement the network organization shall no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the statement or the draft agreement specified in Item 18 of these rules to direct to the applicant motivated refusal of the conclusion of the contract in writing with appendix of the proving documents.
28. The compulsory provision to start rendering services in transfer of electrical energy to the consumer of services is the beginning of execution by the consumer of services of the agreement of power supply (the purchase and sale agreement (delivery) of electrical energy (capacity)) in the wholesale and (or) retail markets of electrical energy.
Start date of agreement performance of power supply (the purchase and sale agreement (delivery) of electrical energy (capacity)) is determined according to Basic provisions of functioning of the retail markets of electrical energy or the Treaty of Accession to trade system of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity. At the same time start date of delivery of electrical energy according to the purchase and sale agreement (delivery) of electrical energy (capacity) cannot be before date of the conclusion of the service provision agreement on transfer of electrical energy.
29. The network organization according to the procedure and on the bases which are specified in Rules of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy introduces complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy on the consumer of electrical energy (capacity).
The network organization has the right to initiate in connection with approach of the circumstances determined by Rules of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy, introduction of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy on the consumer of electrical energy (capacity).
Introduction of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy on the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) does not involve agreement cancelation of rendering services in transfer of electrical energy and does not exempt such consumer of electrical energy (capacity) from obligation to pay the network organization in complete size the cost of the rendered services, and also from responsibility for improper execution by the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) of the obligations for such agreement.
30. If the consumer of electrical energy (capacity) plans to perform purchase and sale of electrical energy (capacity) in the wholesale market with use of points of delivery of the retail market or performs concerning the points of delivery of the retail market matching the delivery points which are part of groups of points of delivery in the wholesale market, purchase and sale of electrical energy (capacity) in the wholesale market concerning which the metering devices attached to intellectual system of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), the network organization which is the owner of this intellectual system of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), having no right to interfere with use by the specified consumer of electrical energy (capacity) of such metering devices and (or) intellectual system of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) for the purpose of its participation in trade in electrical energy and capacity in the wholesale market are established. Such network organization provides to the consumer this concerning the specified point (points) of delivery, the provisions of access to the minimum set of functions of intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity) conforming to requirements of rules, for their use in calculations on wholesale and (or) the retail markets of the electric power (capacity).
30(1). In case of the accession to power network including mediated and the conclusion of the agreement the right to electrical energy during any period of time of validity within the maximum capacity determined by the agreement which quality and parameters shall conform to the mandatory requirements established by regulations is reserved for any consumer of services.
Restriction of the right to electrical energy (capacity) is possible only according to Rules of complete and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy.
When implementing access to services in transfer of electrical energy in the conditions of limited handling capacity of power networks the possibility of collection of additional fare is excluded.
31. Ceased to be valid.
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