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The document ceased to be valid since  August 29, 2023 according to article 50 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 27, 2023 No. ZRU-819


of April 23, 2009 No. ZRU-213

About technical regulation

Accepted by Legislative house on November 11, 2008

Approved by the Senate on March 27, 2009

(as amended on 14-01-2021)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of establishment, applications and execution of mandatory requirements to safety of products, works and services.

Article 2. Legislation on technical regulation

The legislation on technical regulation consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about technical regulation then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

technical regulation - establishment, application and execution of mandatory requirements to safety of products of works and services;

safety of products, works and services - condition of products, processes of its designing, production, operation (use), installation, adjustment of storage, transportation, realization and utilization, the performed works, the rendered services in case of which there is no unacceptable risk connected with probability of damnification of life, to health of the person, the environment, property of legal, physical persons and the states;

regulating documents in the field of technical regulation, technical regulations, regulating documents on standardization, health, veterinary, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary regulations and regulations, town-planning, environmental standards and rules and other documents in the field of technical regulation;

the technical regulation - the regulating document in the field of technical regulation establishing mandatory requirements to safety of products of services;

the general technical regulation - the regulating document in the field of technical regulation establishing mandatory requirements to safety of group of uniform products and services;

the special technical regulation - the regulating document in the field of technical regulation establishing mandatory requirements to safety of separate type of products and services which are not provided by the general technical regulation;

technical barriers in trade - the obstacles in trade arising owing to distinction or change of mandatory requirements to safety of products and the services containing in regulating documents in the field of technical regulation.

Article 4. Main objectives of technical regulation

The main objectives of technical regulation are:

safety of life and health of the person, property of legal, physical persons and state;

ensuring environmental protection, and also rational use of natural resources;

elimination of technical barriers in trade;

the prevention of the actions misleading consumers concerning safety of products, works and services.

Article 5. Basic principles of technical regulation

The basic principles of technical regulation are obligation of application of technical regulations;

unity of application of technical regulations;

compliance of technical regulations to national and international regulating documents in the field of technical regulation;

availability of technical regulations, information on procedure for their development, acceptance and publication.

Article 6. State system of technical regulation

The state system of technical regulation is constituted:

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

authorized state bodies in the field of technical regulation the Uzbek agency of standardization, metrology and certification, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection;

the bodies of the public and economic board performing activities within the competence in technical regulation.

Chapter 2. Powers of the state and other bodies and organizations in the field of technical regulation

Article 7. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of technical regulation

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

determines the main activities of the bodies entering the state system of technical regulation;

provides functioning of the bodies entering the state system of technical regulation;

approves programs of development of technical regulations;

approves general technical regulations, makes to them changes and additions, and also cancels the specified regulations.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan can perform also other powers according to the legislation.

Article 8. Powers of the Uzbek agency of standardization, metrology and certification in the field of technical regulation

Uzbek agency of standardization, metrology and certification:

brings the generalized project proposals of programs of development of technical regulations in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, brought by authorized state bodies in the field of technical regulation and bodies of the public and economic board;

within the competence coordinates and will organize activities of bodies of the public and economic board for development of general and special technical regulations;

makes in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on approval of general technical regulations, on introduction of changes in them and amendments, and also about cancellation of the specified regulations;

creates commission of experts in the field of technical regulation;

within the competence carries out expertize of the general and special technical regulations developed by bodies of the public and economic board;

within the competence approves the special technical regulations developed by bodies of economic board, makes to them changes and additions, and also cancels the specified regulations;

approves the list of regulating documents in the field of technical regulation, the determining methods of sampling, the testing and measurements of products necessary for assessment of conformity of products and services for the requirements established in technical regulations

within the competence exercises the state control of observance of general and special technical regulations;

creates the state fund of regulating documents in the field of technical regulation;

within the competence performs international cooperation in the field of technical regulation.


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