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of December 19, 2007 No. 495

About creation of the special economic zone "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark"

(as amended on 25-11-2016)

1. Create the special economic zone "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark" (further - SEZ) for the period till December 31, 2032.

2. Approve enclosed:

1) Regulations on SEZ;

2) target indicators of functioning and critical level of not achievement of the SEZ target indicators.

3. To the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to take measures for ensuring activities of SEZ.

4. This Decree becomes effective from the date of signing.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

N. Nazarbayev

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 19, 2007 No. 495

Regulations on the special economic zone "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark"

1. General provisions

1. The special economic zone "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark" (further - SEZ) is located in the territory of the Atyrau area according to the enclosed plan.

The territory of SEZ constitutes 3475,9 of hectare and is integral part of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. SEZ is created for the purpose of:

1) developments and implementation of breakthrough investment projects on creation and development of world-class petrochemical productions in deep conversion of hydrocarbonic raw materials and release of wide competitive petrochemical products with high value added;

2) investment attraction in construction and complex development of petrochemical productions on the basis of mechanisms of public-private partnership;

3) constructions of the new interconnected, highly effective and innovative petrochemical productions;

4) implementation of integration of the Kazakhstan petrochemical products into universal production system and sale, creation of innovative, competitive domestic petrochemical products according to international standards (ISO);

5) developments and implementation of research and scientific and technical innovative projects on creation and enhancement of petrochemical productions and technologies for cleaning, deep conversion of hydrocarbonic raw materials;

6) preparation and retraining of specialists for petrochemical productions according to international standards.

3. Activities of SEZ are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 21, 2011 "About special economic zones in the Republic of Kazakhstan", this Provision and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Types of activity in the territory of SEZ are:

1) processing industry, except for:

productions of food;

productions of drinks;

tobacco products manufactures;

productions of wooden and pith products, except furniture;

productions of products from straws and materials for weaving;

seal and reproduction of the written-down materials;

productions of furniture;

repair and installation of machines and equipment;

2) construction and commissioning of the objects intended directly for implementation of the types of activity provided by the subitem 1) of this Item within the design estimates;

3) construction and commissioning of infrastructure facilities according to the design estimates.

2. Management of SEZ

5. Control of SEZ is exercised according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 21, 2011 "About special economic zones in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

3. The taxation in the territory of SEZ

6. The taxation in the territory of SEZ is regulated by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Customs regulation

7. Customs regulation in the territory of SEZ is performed according to provisions of the customs legislation of the Customs union and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. Customs procedure of free customs zone can be applied in the territory of SEZ or on part of its territory.

9. Under customs procedure of free customs zone the goods intended for placement and (or) use in the territory of SEZ by persons performing priority types of activity in the territory of SEZ according to the agreement on implementation of activities as the member of SEZ are located.

10. The territory of SEZ in which customs procedure of free customs zone is applied is the customs control zone. Borders of SEZ on its perimeter are equipped and equipped with special barriers for the purpose of carrying out customs control.

11. In the territory of SEZ places of temporary storage of goods according to the procedure, determined by the customs legislation of the Customs union and the Republic of Kazakhstan can be created.

12. In the territory of SEZ the goods placed under customs procedure of free customs zone, and also the goods of the Customs union which are not placed under customs procedure of free customs zone, and the foreign goods placed under other customs procedures can take place and be used.

13. The goods imported on the territory of SEZ and placed under customs procedure of free customs zone are considered as being out of customs area of the Customs union for the purposes of application of customs duties, taxes, and also measures of non-tariff regulation.

14. The customs transactions connected with temporary storage, customs declaring, customs clearance and release of goods, and also carrying out customs control in the territory of SEZ are performed according to the procedure, determined by the customs legislation of the Customs union and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Environmental protection

15. Activities of SEZ regarding ecological regulation are performed according to the ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are based on rational and effective use of natural resources by means of creation of conditions for transition to sustainable development and environmental protection on the basis of balance of economic, social and ecological aspects of improvement of quality of life.

6. Final provisions

16. The conditions established in this Provision can change the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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