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of February 1, 1999 No. 618-IG

About approval, entry into force of the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic and the questions of legal regulation connected with it

Article 1

Approve the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 2

The labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic becomes effective since July 1, 1999.

Article 3

I. From the date of entry into force of the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic to declare the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of the Azerbaijani SSR of December 10, 1971 invalid.

II. From coming into force of the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic to recognize invalid the listed below laws and other regulatory legal acts or their corresponding parts:

1. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About change of Article 256 of the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1973, No. 17-18, Article 158; No. 24, Article 216);

2. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1975, No. 7, Article 52; No. 15, Article 125);

3. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1977, No. 5-6, Article 34; No. 13, Article 91);

4. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About introduction of amendments to article 66 of the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1978, No. 9, Article 77; No. 14, Article 139);

5. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About introduction of amendments to article 37 of the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1980, No. 1-2, Article 3; No. 6, Article 83);

6. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1980, No. 19, Article 191; No. 21, Article 223);

7. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1982, No. 24, Article 288; 1983, No. 11-12, Article 111);

8. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1983, No. 16, Article 154; 1984, No. 1-2, Article 13);

9. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1983, No. 17-18, Article 166; 1984, No. 1-2, Article 13);

10. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1983, No. 23, Article 215; 1984, No. 1-2, Article 13);

11. The I part of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1984, No. 19, Article 157; No. 23, Article 202);

12. The V part of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1985, No. 12, Article 143; No. 23-24, Article 248);

13. The IV part of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1986, No. 12, Article 72; No. 13, Article 93);

14. Article 2 of the Law of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification of some legal acts of the Azerbaijani SSR in connection with approval of the Main directions of reform of comprehensive and vocational school" and new edition of the Law of the Azerbaijani SSR "About national education" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1986, No. 13, Article 90);

15. Item 2 of the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About some changes according to the procedure of collection of the alimony for minor children" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1987, No. 6, Article 47);

16. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1987, No. 19, Article 179; No. 21, Article 215);

17. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1988, No. 5-6, Article 31; No. 11-12, Article 114);

18. The decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1988, No. 8, Article 59; No. 11-12, Article 114);

19. The first part of the Law of the Azerbaijani SSR "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Azerbaijani SSR" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1990, No. 13-14, Article 172);

20. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About introduction of amendments to article 66 of the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1991, No. 3, Article 47);

21. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About entering of amendments into the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1991, No. 9-10, Article 151);

22. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1991, No. 21-22, Article 373);

23. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About the announcement of day of shekhid" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1992, No. 3, Article 42);

24. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1992, No. 14, Article 561);

25. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About modification and amendments in the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, 1992, No. 19, Article 846);


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