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of October 5, 1999 No. 705-IQ

About compulsory national personal insurance of employees of judicial and law enforcement agencies

(as amended on 20-12-2022)

This Law governs the relations in the field of obligatory state personal life insurance and health of employees of judicial and law enforcement agencies for the purpose of strengthening of their social protection.

Article 1. Legislation on compulsory national personal insurance of employees of judicial and law enforcement agencies

Compulsory national personal insurance of employees of judicial and law enforcement agencies is regulated by this Law, the Law "About the State Protection of Employees of Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies" and other Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also other regulations.

Article 2. Basic concepts

2.1. The basic concepts used in this Law have the following values:

2.1.1. the national compulsory personal insurance - system of the relations directed to compulsory insurance of life and the health insured according to this Law;

2.1.2. The insurer - the body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority, performing activities for the national compulsory personal insurance and exercising control of insurance funds according to the procedure, established by this Law;

2.1.3. Insured - judges, prosecutors (except military prosecutors), the investigators, persons serving in judicial authorities, migratory bodies, performing the inquiry, conducting investigation and search operations, and also mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, protection of public order, the staff of body (agency) appointed by the relevant organ of the executive authority providing and organizing customs affairs;

2.1.4. Insurer - the body (organization) determined by the relevant organ of the executive authority paying insurance premium for the insurer, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Azerbaijan Republic and courts of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.1.5. Person having the right to insurance indemnity, - the insured or his heir having the right to insurance indemnity according to the procedure, established by this Law;

2.1.6. insured event - the case determined by article 5 of this Law, which is the basis for payment of insurance indemnity to person having the right to insurance indemnity;

2.1.7. insurance premium - the sum of money which is subject to payment by the insurer to the insurer for every year for each insurer according to the procedure and the size, provided by this Law;

2.1.8. insurance funds - the funds created at the expense of sources, the stipulated in Article 8-1.1 presents of the Law;

2.1.9. insurance indemnity - lump sum payment by the insurer to person having the right to insurance indemnity in case of loss occurrence;

2.1.10. Insurance reserve - the fund estimated in structure to 5% of the forecast of annual receipts for insurance premiums for the purpose of ensuring stability of insurance payments.

Article 3. Principles of the national compulsory personal insurance

3.1. The basic principles of the national compulsory personal insurance are:

3.1.1. obligation of the national compulsory personal insurance;

3.1.2. Equality of subjects of the national compulsory personal insurance (insurer, insured, insured).

Article 4. Size of insurance sum and insurance premium

4.1. The insurer is insured for the amount of 5-year salary.

4.2. The insurance premium is determined in the amount of 1 percent of insurance sum, the stipulated in Article 4.1 presents of the Law.

4.3. The size of insurance premium can be increased according to the decision of the insurer.

Article 4-1. Rights and obligations of insured

4-1.1. Insured has the following rights:

4-1.1.1. demand from the insurer of availability of compulsory national personal insurance;

4-1.1.2. demand from the insurer and insured explanation of their rights and obligations on the national compulsory personal insurance;

4-1.1.3. demand from the insurer of payment of insurance indemnity according to the procedure and the terms established by this Law;

4-1.1.4. receive information on the amount of the insurance premium estimated and paid based on the written application from the insurer or the insurer.

4-1.2. The following obligations are assigned to the Insurer:

4-1.2.1. in cases when receipt of information by the insurer through centralized electronic information system of body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority taking into account requirements of article 30.5 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About Administrative production", the documents and data confirming loss occurrence go to the insurer. Represent completely and correctly according to the legislation;

4-1.2.2. in case of change of personal data, in case of impossibility of receipt of information on these changes through centralized electronic information system of body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority within 5 working days to inform on it the insurer in writing.

4-1.3. Article 4-1.1. 2, 4-1.1.3 and 4-1.2.1 these Laws extend also to the heirs of insured person having the right to insurance indemnity.

Article 4-2. Rights and obligations of the insurer

4-2.1. The insurer has the following rights:

4-2.1.1. receive insurance premiums and quarterly reports from insurers;

4-2.1.2. in cases when it is impossible to obtain information through centralized electronic information system of body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority taking into account requirements of article 30.5 of the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic "About administrative production", payment of the insurance premium from the face having the right to insurance indemnity and also accounting information, request of the documents and data necessary for modification;

4-2.1.3. obtain information from the insurer and the relevant state bodies (organizations) in connection with establishment of insured event or the certificate that the insurer is considered insured for this purpose insured (including electronically);

4-2.1.4. analyze observance of requirements of this Law by the insurer and inform the body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority on results;

4-2.1.5. perform other rights established by this Law.

4-2.2. The following obligations are assigned to the insurer:

4-2.2.1. explain to person having the right to insurance indemnity and insured its rights and obligations on the national compulsory personal insurance;

4-2.2.2. provide payment of insurance indemnity according to the procedure and the terms established by this Law;

4-2.2.3. provide information on implementation of insurance payments to each insured face and body (organization) determined by the relevant organ of the executive authority exercising control of the national compulsory personal insurance according to article 9.1 of this Law;

4-2.2.4. record insurers and insurers based on information provided by the insurer;

4-2.2.5. provide accounting information on the amount of the insurance premium estimated and paid based on the written application of the insurer;


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