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The document ceased to be valid since  October 17, 2019 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 17, 2019 gda No. 479-mkh

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On March 31, 2009 No. 1933


of March 31, 2009 No. 85-mkh

About approval of the Regulations on the certificate of the lawyer and procedure for maintaining the state registers of lawyers

(as amended on 07-12-2018)

According to article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About legal profession" (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, 2, of the Art. 48) I order to No.:

1. Approve Regulations on the certificate of the lawyer and procedure for maintaining the state registers of lawyers according to appendix.

2. Make state registration of this order and enter the corresponding record in the State register of regulatory legal acts of the ministries, state committees and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. To management of systematization of the legislation and legal information (A. Inanbabayev) and to Management of notariate, the REGISTRY OFFICE and legal professions (D. Yakubov) to provide finishing this regulatory legal act within ten days to data of all interested persons and publication to "Uzbekistan to Respublikasi the eve of huzhzhatlara of tuplama"" the Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

4. This order becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister E. Kanyazov.



R. Mukhitdinov


to the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Regulations on the certificate of the lawyer and procedure for maintaining the state registers of lawyers

This Provision according to article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About legal profession" (Sheets of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No. 2, the Art. 48) establishes form of the certificate of the lawyer and procedure for its issue, and also determines procedure for maintaining the Summary state register of lawyers and the state registers of lawyers.

I. General provisions

1. In this Provision the following basic concepts are applied:

the certificate of the lawyer - the document confirming the status of the lawyer;

the state registers of lawyers - the database of the judicial authorities which issued the certificates of the lawyer containing the information about persons who received the status of the lawyer, suspension, renewal and the termination of the status of the lawyer according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About legal profession" (further - the Law), and also other data connected with the status of the lawyer;

The summary state register of lawyers - the single database containing the information about persons who received the status of the lawyer, suspension, renewal and the termination of the status of the lawyer according to the Law and also other data connected with the status of the lawyer.

2. Certificates of the lawyer are issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, justice department of area and Tashkent (further - judicial authorities) in the place of state registration (registration) of lawyer forming in which the lawyer will perform lawyer activities.

The certificate of the lawyer acts on all territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the term of its action is not limited.

3. The state registers of lawyers are kept by judicial authorities in the place of certification of the lawyer.

4. The summary state register of lawyers is kept by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

II. Form of the certificate of the lawyer and procedure for its issue

5. According to article 3-1 of the Law, within three working days from the moment of registration of lawyer forming or obtaining by judicial authority of the documents confirming the introduction of the applicant in the operating lawyer forming the certificate of the lawyer is issued to person applying for acquisition of the status of the lawyer (further - the applicant) (further - the certificate).

State registration (further - registration) and registration of lawyer forming are performed according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 9, 2009 No. 60 "About enhancement of procedure for licensing of lawyer activities and creation of lawyer forming".

6. Certificates are issued in form according to appendix No. 1.

7. The applicant receives the status of the lawyer from the date of issue of the certificate to it that is drawn up by the order of the head of judicial authority on assignment of the status of the lawyer and certification. In three-day time the judicial authority in writing notifies the relevant territorial administration of Chamber of lawyers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on it (further - territorial administration) with indication of details of the issued certificate. From the moment of receipt of such notification the lawyer becomes the member of Chamber of lawyers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The lawyer's obligation on payment of the admission fees to Chamber of lawyers of the Republic of Uzbekistan arises from the date of the edition the head of territorial administration of the order on the accession of the lawyer to Chamber of lawyers.

In case of creation or the introduction of the lawyer in other lawyer forming the new certificate by judicial authority in place of registration (registration) of this lawyer forming is issued to it.

8. The applicant and (or) the lawyer who created lawyer bureau, law firm or Bar no later than the next day after issue by judicial authority of the registration certificate of the specified lawyer forming represent the color pictures of 3 x 4 cm in size in number of 2 pieces taken within the last 12 months to the same judicial authority.

The law firm, Bar, territorial administration, no later than the next day after the introduction of the applicant and (or) the lawyer, in the corresponding lawyer forming (law firm, Bar, legal advice bureau) represents to judicial authority the copy of the order on employment certified by seal of the organization, the copy of the license for the occupation right lawyer activities (further - the license), the color picture of 3 x 4 cm in size in number of 2 pieces taken within the last 12 months and also the decision of the qualification commission on confirmation of bringing by the applicant of the oath of the lawyer.


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