Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


On June 30, 1998 No. 514-IQ

About waste

(as amended on 05-03-2024)

This Law determines state policy of the Azerbaijan Republic and legal relations in the field of prevention of harmful effects on human health and the environment of waste (further - "waste"), except for harmful gases, the contaminated waters and radioactive waste, reduction of their dangerous impact, ensuring ecological equilibrium in the nature, and also waste managements for the purpose of attraction of such waste in economic circulation as sources of secondary raw materials.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

The concepts used in this Law have the following values:

production waste - the raw materials, materials, substances, semifinished products, objects and other remaining balance of products formed in production process or performance of works (services) and fully or partially the lost primary consumer properties, and also again formed objects and substances of similar origin which are not object of production and of the properties of use which are not entering engineering procedure;

household waste (municipal solid waste) - the objects, substances and materials which are formed in the places of residence of the population as a result of its life activity;

dangerous wastes - the waste containing in the structure having dangerous properties explosive, capable to ignition, the oxidizing, toxic, infectious, corrosion and ecotoxic substances creating direct or potential danger for health of the population and the environment;

safe waste - the waste which is not exerting directly adverse effect on the environment;

secondary raw materials - waste which can be reused in economic activity taking into account technical or technological capabilities, and also cost efficiency;

unsuitable waste - waste with limited properties of use, inefficient from the economic point of view for reuse;

conversion of waste - the purposeful activities consisting of process of collection, preserving, sorting, transportation and neutralization of waste;

placement of waste - activities for preserving or waste disposal;

neutralization of waste - conversion of waste on special installations (including their burning) or burial for the purpose of decrease in environmental impact and health of the person;

the waste substances and objects eliminated, provided for elimination, which are subject to elimination according to legislation provisions;

waste management - activities process in case of which there is waste, and also activities for collection (accumulation), sorting, transportation, placement, conversion, use, utilization, neutralization and waste disposal;

collection (accumulation) of waste - temporary placement of waste in the permitted places for the purpose of their subsequent use, utilization or burial (destruction);

sorting of waste - accumulation of waste on their certain signs (type, structure, properties, etc.);

transportation of waste - transportation of waste between the place and object of their origin, placement, use and utilization, neutralization, burial or destruction;

waste recycling - extraction of required materials and energies from waste and their reduction in suitability for reuse;

waste disposal - isolation of waste, not suitable for subsequent use, in the appropriate order in places, specially allotted for them, for the purpose of prevention of harmful effects on the environment;

use of waste - use of waste in case of production of goods (products) or extraction of energy;

subject to placement of waste - specially equipped construction provided for placement of waste (polygon, slime warehouse, etc.);

cross-border transportation of waste - transportation of waste with transition from the territory of one state to the territory or through the territory of other state, or with transition to the territory or through the territory which is not under jurisdiction of any state provided that it infringes on interests at least two states;

medical waste - the waste arising on medical and veterinary objects and in case of medical manipulations;

the passport of dangerous wastes - the document confirming reckoning of dangerous wastes to the corresponding type of waste and degree of safety, containing the information about their structure;

type of waste - the waste having general signs according to classification system of waste;

the producer of waste - any person whose activities were origin of dangerous or other wastes or if this person is unknown, the person which is the owner of waste and/or exercising control over them;

the owner (owner) of waste - the physical person or legal entity which is the producer of waste, or their owner;

engineering procedure - activities of production unit according to production schedules with the approved term of its start;

the place of emergence of production waste - engineering procedure or floor spaces (companies) on which they arise;

identification of waste - the procedure of determination of belonging of specific dangerous wastes to certain types and properties based on passport data or testings;

low-waste technology - production process which in comparison with traditional methods in case of product receipt provides emergence of waste in smaller amount.

Article 2. The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of waste management

The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of waste management consists of this Law, other corresponding legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic and international agreements supported by the Azerbaijan Republic.


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