Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 3, 1998 No. 460-IQ

About information, informatization and information protection

(as amended on 28-06-2024)
Article 1. Law coverage

This Law governs the relations evolving in connection with forming of information reserves from creation, collection, conversion, storage, search, distribution of information with creation and use of information systems, technologies, means of their providing, information protection, and the rights of the subjects participating in information processes are determined.

This Law does not extend to the relations regulated by the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About media" and "About copyright and the related rights".

Article 2. Basic concepts

In the Law the following concepts are used:

information facts, responses, knowledge, news and data of other nature created or received as a result of any activities it is time-invariant creations, forms of issue and classification;

documentary information (document) - the documentary information fixed on material carriers in text, voice or graphic form and giving the chance of identification irrespective of its source, the storage location, the official status, property type, and irrespective of whether it is created by the organization to which belongs;

open information - the documentary information intended for general use, obtaining, conversion, issue or use of which to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic it is not limited;

confidential information - data which receipt is limited for the purpose of protection of legitimate interests of the citizens created irrespective of pattern of ownership of organizations, companies and organizations, other legal entities, and also professional (medical, lawyer, notarial), trade, investigative and judicial secret;

information processes - creation, collection, conversion, storage, search, distribution of information;

information technologies - system of the methods and means used during information processes including using computer facilities and technology of communication;

information system - set of the information technologies and documents arranged in the organizational and technical relation, including with use of computer facilities;

information Internet resource - information resource which is created on the Internet is used for distribution of information, has domain name for the address and other designation established by the owner;

the owner of information Internet resource - the person which has right of possession and uses of information Internet resource, independently establishes instructions for use information Internet resource, including placements of information in it;

domain name - the unique procedure for characters provided for providing the appeal to the information resource placed on the Internet;

the owner of domain name - the person which according to the agreement in urgent form owns domain name;

the Internet service provider - the supplier providing technical capability for connection of telecommunication means to the Internet;

host provider - the supplier providing services in placement of information Internet resource in the information systems for ensuring use to them;

the national administrator of domain names - the authorized person performing administration of domain names in domain zone of the top level with country code of "az";

the logger of domain names - person providing services in registration of domains in domain zone of the top level with country code of "az" based on the agreement signed with the national administrator of domain names;

information reserves - the documents and documentary arrays, and also documents and their arrays existing separately which are in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, information banks, etc.);

means of ensuring of information systems and tekhnologiyprogrammny, technical, linguistic, legal, organizational means prepared during creation of information systems and technologies, providing their operation;

the owner of information systems, technologies, reserves and means of their providing - the subject performing the right of full ownership, use, the order of the specified objects;

the owner of information systems, technologies, reserves and means of their providing - the subject performing right of possession and uses of the specified objects according to the procedure, established by the law;

the user of information - the subject addressing directly information system or the intermediary for the purpose of receipt of information, necessary for it, and having only right to use it;

information products - the documentary information, information systems, technologies and means of their providing created on the basis of user requirements and intended or applied to ensuring their requirements;

information services - activities of subjects (owners, owners or intermediaries) for providing users with information products;


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