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of July 3, 1998 No. 515-IQ

About cinematography

(as amended on 05-04-2024)

This Law determines forms of the state assistance of cinematography, the right and obligation of the physical persons and legal entities which are engaged in cinema activities, creates legal guarantee of implementation of policy of the state in the field of protection and development of the cinematography which is specific form of art.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

The concepts used in this Law express the following values:

cinematography - the area of culture and art consisting of set of the professional, creative, productive, scientific, technical and educational activity directed to creation and use of pieces of screen;

the movie - the audiovisual work (the feature film - at least 52 minutes, the short film - less than 52 minutes) consisting of cycles of the images created on ideological and creative basis in art, chronicle, documentary, popular scientific, educational, animated, television and other genres making impression of the actions connected with each other combined on the basis of thematic integrity and intended for visual and acoustical perception by means of the corresponding installations which are written down on the movie and other carriers;

newsreel - the documentary plots which are systematically removed by audiovisual means and reflecting specific features of time and history of the people;

distribution of the movie - distribution of the movie different forms and means;

demonstration of the movie - mass display of the movie in cinema hall with satellite, cable transfers and other technical means;

the production director of the movie - the professional creative person managing creative and production work on creation of the movie and determining ideological and art value of the movie;

the producer of the movie - the legal entity or physical person undertaking financing, production and distribution of the movie;

film crew of the movie - personnel of the creative, technical and administrative specialists who are engaged directly in production of the movie;

cinema hall - the place of demonstration of the movie;

the cinema company - the company which is engaged irrespective of form of business, types in movie deyatelnostiproizvodstvo, shooting of newsreel, replication of the movie, restoration, distribution and demonstration, maintenance of cinema hall, preparation of film materials and the equipment, performance of works on production of the movie, newsreel and servicing (transfer to hire of the film equipment, leasing of pavilions, film complexes, sewing of suits, installation of scenery, preparation of make-up, parikovy products, detail, the game equipment, preparation of special effects, processing of movies, scoring of the movie, etc.), study, science, promotion, publishing house, advertizing promotion and supply in the field of cinematography, preserving materials of the movie and newsreel;

cinema public association - creative or professional public association of the cinematographers uniting in the unions, associations, guilds, associations and other structures for the purpose of the solution of creative and social problems;

primary materials of the movie - negative, контратип, the control copy of the movie, the original of magnetic soundtracks of dialogue, monologue, remark, sound and sound effects necessary for replication of the movie;

replication of the movie - preparation of one or more copies of the movie in any material form (on the movie, on video and other carriers);

debut movies - the first creative work of the professional creative specialist in the field of cinematography.

Article 2. Legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on cinematography

The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on cinematography consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic and international treaties recognized by the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 3. Main forms of the state protection of cinematography

Main forms of the state protection of cinematography following:

creation of the legislation, development and implementation of the State program in the field of cinematography;

ensuring creative, educational, production, material, scientific and information base of cinematography, preparation of cinema personnel;

state ensuring protection and development of cinematography, creation of conditions for distribution and demonstration of movies, holding film festivals and other actions of propaganda nature;

financing of production, distribution and participation in the international Film Festivals of the films shot by request of the state, shootings of newsreel and the state fund of movies;

ensuring creation of movies for children and youth and debut movies;

guaranteeing international cooperation in the field of cinematography.

Article 4. National movie

The movie is recognized the national movie the following cases:

if producer of the movie is the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic or the legal entity registered in the Azerbaijan Republic in the procedure established by the legislation;

if in film crew of the movie no more than 30 percent of persons who are not citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic;

if the film is shot in Azerbaijani;

if the cinema companies registered in the procedure established by the legislation in the Azerbaijan Republic and performing production, replication, distribution, demonstration of the movie execute more than 50 percent of the total amount of work provided in the estimate of the movie;

if set of foreign investments in production of the movie makes no more than 30 percent of estimated cost of the movie.

The films shot together with the overseas cinema enterprises in accordance with the terms provided by the international treaties recognized by the Azerbaijan Republic can be also considered as national movies.

Chapter II. Organization of cinema activities

Article 5. State registration of persons who are engaged in cinema activities

It is excluded.

Article 6. Copyright in the field of cinematography

Copyright in the field of cinematography is performed according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 7. State register of movies

For the purpose of prevention of illegal display film and videos or distribution of the pornographic or propagandizing violence movies, all movies provided for mass display (in cinema halls, video halls, rental centers of video, service of TV and radio broadcasting and relaying) in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic are registered relevant organ of the executive authority and join in the state register of movies.

Age classification film and videos is carried out according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About protection of children from harmful information".


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