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of October 9, 1996 No. 1247

Questions of State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose

(as amended on 14-12-2016)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Charter of State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose (further - the Ukrspetseksport company) which is applied.

2. Authorize the Ukrspetseksport company to perform export and import of arms, ammunition, the military and special equipment, materials and dual-use technologies, works and services of military and special purpose, other goods which are subject to export control and goods which contain the data which are the state secret, and also realization of noted products, works and services in the domestic market.

The Ukrspetseksport company is the authorized state the intermediary in implementation of foreign economic activity in the field of export and import of products and services of military and special purpose, and also goods which contain the data which are the state secret.

3. Reorganize specialized foreign trade company "Progress", state-owned self-supporting foreign trade and Ukrinmash investment firm, the State company for export import of products and military services Ukroboronservice, having transformed them to affiliated enterprises of the Ukrspetseksport company with preserving the status of legal entities behind them.

To the ministry of mechanical engineering, military industrial complex and conversion, Industry ministry, the Ministry of external commercial relations of trade to perform transfer in accordance with the established procedure of property complexes of the specified companies as of October 1, 1996 of the Ukrspetseksport company in a month.

4. Determine that the affiliated enterprises formed according to Item 3 of this resolution act on the basis of the charters which affirm the CEO of the Ukrspetseksport company.

Directors of the specified affiliated enterprises and their deputies are appointed to position and exempted from position by the CEO of the Ukrspetseksport company.

5. To the CEO of the Ukrspetseksport company to approve charters of affiliated enterprises and to provide their re-registration.

6. To the Ministry of Finance during refining of indicators of the government budget for 1996 and completions to the draft of the government budget for 1997 to provide transfer to authorized fund of the Ukrspetseksport company of means in the amount of 2000000 hryvnias.

7. To fund of state-owned property, the Ministry of mechanical engineering, military industrial complex and conversion, the Ministry of Defence, the Kiev city public administration to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine proposals on placement of the Ukrspetseksport company in a month.

8. Determine that for ensuring compliance with the mode of privacy check of financial and economic activities of the Ukrspetseksport company and its affiliated enterprises is carried out according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About the state secret" by directly Public auditing service and the State Tax Administration.

9. Declare invalid Item 5 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 14, 1996 No. 944 "About creation of State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose".

Prime Minister of Ukraine

P. Lazarenko

Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 9, 1996, No. 1247

The charter of State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose Ukrspetseksport

I. General provisions

1. The state-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose Ukrspetseksport (further the Company) is the state company founded according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 14, 1996 N 944.

Founder of the Company is the state on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

2. The company in the activities is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other acts of the legislation of Ukraine, regulations and rules following from international treaties of Ukraine and also this Charter.

3. The company is functionally subordinated to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

4. Company name:


Ukrainian - State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose Ukrspetseksport;

in Russian - State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose Ukrspetseksport;

in English - the State Company for Export and Import of Military and Special Products and Services "Ukrspecexport";


Ukrainian - Ukrspetseksport State-owned company;

in Russian - Ukrspetseksport State-owned company;

in English - the State Company "Ukrspecexport".

5. Company location: Ukraine, Kiev, Ulitsa Degtyarevsk, 36.

II. Purpose, tasks, object of activity and rights of the Company

1. The company is created for the purpose of participation in realization of state policy in the field of export and import of products and services of military and special purpose which are subject to export control and also goods which contain the data which are the state secret, increases in efficiency of use and development of the export potential of military entities and expansion of international cooperation in the military and technical sphere.

The company is the authorized state the intermediary in implementation of foreign economic activity in the field of export and import of products and services of military and special purpose, and also goods which contain the data which are the state secret.

2. Such tasks are assigned to the Company:

participation in realization of state policy in industry of export and import of products and services of military and special purpose;

assistance to building-up of efficiency of use and development of export, potential and scientific and technical potential of the Ukrainian companies;

replenishment of revenues of the government budget due to receipt of funds from realization of excessive arms, the military, special equipment, property of Armed Forces and other military forming;

development of the international markets of arms, the military and special equipment, carrying out marketing researches, including with attraction on contractual basis of representatives of other companies and organizations;

the organization and negotiation with residents, nonresidents and the conclusion of the relevant agreements (contracts);


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