of November 13, 1998 No. 537-IQ
About freedom of assembly
I. The freedom of assembly of everyone together with others is provided with the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic and international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic. Implementation and restriction of this freedom is determined by this Law.
II. The state provides implementation of freedom of assembly and undertakes adequate measures for passing of the meetings organized according to this Law, peacefully and without weapon.
I. The freedom of assembly is applied based on this Law according to the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic and international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic.
II. When implementing freedom of assembly the state guarantees equal rights of persons.
The concept used in this Law "meeting" means temporary meeting in the public place of several persons for the purpose of participation in meeting.
The similar meeting can be in forms of meeting, meeting, demonstration, street procession, picket.
I. the meetings held in the following places without damnification to the right of holding meetings in the places relating to private property are not regulated by this Law:
In the places which are in private property of persons leasable or in legal use of other type;
In the closed places specially allotted for holding public actions.
II. The following forms of meetings are not regulated by this Law:
Ceremonies of weddings and funeral;
Festive and mourning actions;
Religious ceremonies.
If ceremonies of weddings and funeral, festive and mourning actions, religious ceremonies are used for holding meetings, meetings, demonstrations, street processions and pickets, the specified meetings can be limited or suspended according to requirements of articles 7 and 8 of this Law.
III. Each member of the peaceful assemblies provided in parts I and II of this Article shall observe general requirements of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.
I. Person or persons organizing any meeting listed in article 3 of this Law shall notify in writing in advance on it relevant organ of the executive authority. The notification shall be, as a rule, provided in 5 working days about day of holding meeting for the purpose of coordination with relevant organ of the executive authority of its place and time for acceptance in connection with holding the provided meeting of necessary measures or route of street procession. Submission of the notification less than in 5 working days prior to day of holding the provided meeting shall be proved by organizers.
II. In the written notification there shall be following data:
1) form of meeting which holding is provided;
2) purpose of general meeting;
3) place and time of holding meeting;
4) approximate number of participants;
5) if the street procession, then the offered route (the place of the beginning, distance and the place of completion of procession) is held;
6) information on organizers of meeting (surname, name, middle name and address of physical person, name and legal address of the legal entity);
7) date of submission of the written notification;
8) phones for communication or in the absence of their address of communication.
Before decision making of the executive authority by relevant organ by organizers additional data can be provided.
III. All organizers of meeting shall sign the written notification.
IV. For accidental meetings submission of the written notification is not required. Accidental meetings according to the requirements determined in articles 7 and 8 of this Law can be limited or suspended.
I. The organizer of meeting, meeting, demonstration, street procession or picket are one or several legal entities or physical persons, the organized peaceful assembly which name is entered in the written notification provided to relevant organ of the executive authority.
II. Persons which did not reach 18 years cannot be the organizer of peaceful assembly without written consent of their parents or other legal representatives, and person whose capacity to act is limited based on taken legal effect the judgment, - without written consent their custodians.
III. It is excluded according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of 02.11.2012 No. 460-IVQD
IV. Organizers of meeting or their representatives shall participate in meeting personally. If it is impossible, then organizers or their representatives at least in 3 hours prior to the action shall inform relevant organ of the executive authority that cannot come to the meeting, at the same time shall notify on it participants. If any of organizers of meeting personally does not participate in meeting, the meeting cannot be held.
I. The freedom of assembly can be limited only in provided by the law and cases, significant for democratic society, for the benefit of homeland or public security, for non-admission of conflicts or crimes, health protection and spirituality, the rights and freedoms of other persons.
II. The restriction of freedom of meeting provided in part of 1 this Article shall be proportional to effective objectives. This restriction to achieve effective objective, shall not go beyond necessary and sufficient limits.
III. The measures taken for the restriction of freedom of assembly provided in part of 1 this Article shall be extremely necessary for goal achievement, the been reason of imposing of restriction.
IV. Freedom of meeting can be limited in various forms, including in the form of change of time and the venue of meeting, route of street procession, is exclusive in the purposes provided by part I of this Article.
I. The meetings which are followed by appeals to discrimination, hostility, violence, propagandizing national, racial or religious discord are forbidden.
II. The meetings propagandizing war are forbidden.
III. Holding peaceful assembly in political goals in the following cases is forbidden:
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