of December 26, 2002 No. ZR-474
About reproductive health and reproductive rights of the person
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on December 11, 2002
This Law governs the relations connected with procedure and conditions of ensuring protection of reproductive health and the reproductive rights of the person, use of auxiliary technologies in the sphere of reproductibility, and also other relations connected with this sphere according to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the laws, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the reproductive health condition of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of the person connected with reproductive system, its functions and vital processes;
2) abortion (termination of pregnancy) - the medical intervention which is carried out for the purpose of termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks of pregnancy;
3) medical sterilization - surgical intervention which is used as permanent method of contraception and is carried out only in voluntary procedure;
4) the auxiliary reproductive technologies actions and interventions including the actions which are carried out in the conditions of test tube with human ova, spermatozoa or embryos for the purpose of overcoming problem of infertility and achievement of pregnancy. Extracorporal fertilization and implantation of embryos, cryopreservation of gametes, tissues of reproductive organs and embryos, donorship of ova and embryos, and also surrogacy concern to them, in addition. Auxiliary reproductive technologies do not include auxiliary fertilization by seed of the spouse or donor;
5) auxiliary insemination - artificial introduction of the processed men's sperm (spermatozoa) in vagina or cavity of uterus of the woman;
6) extracorporal (assay) fertilization and transfer of embryo consolidation of spermatozoa and ova in vitro out of the woman's organism, development of germ in test tube and its transportation in uterus cavity;
7) teenagers - the medicobiological (physiological) concept covering age group of persons aged from 10 up to 18 years and characterizing transition period from the childhood to adulthood;
8) expected parents vapors or individuals who consider surrogacy as method to become parents, using the embryo received from their own or donor gametes;
9) substitute mother - the woman bearing pregnancy free of charge or for monetary compensation according to the procedure, established by this Law, shall give posterity to the expected parent (parents) according to notarially certified written agreement, and the child born from it does not bear its genotype;
10) the biological male parent or the woman whose of gamete the embryo is created and which carrier of genotype is his future child;
11) the reproductive donor (further - the donor) - the man who is voluntarily providing the fertile sperm for use by other persons or the woman who is voluntarily providing the fertile ovum;
12) the embryo received by extracorporal fertilization product of fertilization, received as a result of merge of gametes of the biological parent (parents) or the biological parent and the donor or donors which the natural mother or future mother of the child or substitute mother shall bear;
13) the relative - person having blood relations of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree;
14) contraception - the prevention of undesirable pregnancy by means of means or methods of evidential medicine;
15) infertility - lack of pregnancy at the woman if couple within one year leads regular sex life and does not use contraceptives and methods;
16) the Reproductive database - the register which is kept authorized body and containing information:
and. about persons who showed willingness to act as the donors who underwent physical examination in accordance with the established procedure, chosen as donors and handed over gametes
. about the persons who showed willingness to act as substitute mother, underwent physical examination in accordance with the established procedure and not having contraindications to substitute mother
century about the embryos received and gratuitously provided by method of extracorporal fertilization.
This Law extends to citizens of the Republic of Armenia, living or being on legal causes in Armenia of the foreign citizens and persons which do not have nationality and is applied to legal entities whose activities in the Republic of Armenia are connected with reproductibility of the person, except as specified, provided by this Law.
1. According to the Constitution, the laws of the Republic of Armenia, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia each person has the following vital sexual and reproductive rights:
1) independently to dispose of the sex and reproductive life if it does not threaten health of other persons;
2) to establish family, to independently determine the number of the children and time of their birth and to have for this purpose possibility of use of reliable and effective services of regulation of child-bearing;
3) to be protected from all forms of pressure, including sexual exploitation and violence, forced pregnancy, abortions, sterilization and other violations of the reproductive rights;
4) to obtain reliable and complete information concerning sexual and reproductive health, including about benefits, efficiency and possible dangers of means and methods of regulation of child-bearing;
5) to get medical advice and services in questions of sexual and reproductive health in the conditions of closeness and confidentiality;
6) to use high-quality medico-preventive services and to be protected from the means posing threat for health including from application of scientific experiences;
7) to make own decisions in case of the medical interventions connected with sexual and reproductive health, except for situations, the life-endangering and requiring urgent intervention, and provided by the law other cases;
8) to use new reproductive technologies, inclusive, safe and effective remedies and (or) by methods of regulation of fertilization, and also the auxiliary reproductive technologies applied to treatment of infertility.
The procedure for medical care and servicing using auxiliary reproductive technologies free of charge or on favorable terms and requirements imposed to applicants establishes the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
Everyone has the sexual and other reproductive rights of vital need established by this Law and other laws.
2. For the purpose of protection of public safety, health and customs of society, the rights of other persons the human rights connected with reproductibility can be limited in the cases and procedure established by this Law and other laws.
1. Teenagers have the right:
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