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of February 24, 2009 No. 160

About procedure for establishment of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy and special conditions of use of the parcels of land located in borders of such zones

(as amended on 18-02-2023)

According to Article 89 of the Land code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of establishment of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy and special conditions of use of the parcels of land located in borders of such zones.

2. Determine that:

checks of observance of special conditions of use of the parcels of land located in borders of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy are carried out by authorized federal executive body when implementing federal state energy supervision;

The rules approved by this resolution do not extend to the objects placed in borders of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy before the date of entry into force of this resolution.

3. To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in 3-month time from the effective date of this resolution to develop and approve procedure of the state control of observance of special conditions of use of the parcels of land located in borders of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy.

4. Recognize not acting in the territory of the Russian Federation:

The rules of protection of power networks over 1000 volts approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 26, 1984 N 255 (The compiled laws USSR, 1990, t. 6, page 590);

The rules of protection of power networks up to 1000 volts approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 11, 1972 N 667 (The compiled laws USSR, 1990, t. 6, page 595).

5. Items 1 and 2 of this resolution are effective till January 1, 2025.

Russian Prime Minister

V. Putin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 No. 160

Rules of establishment of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy and special conditions of use of the parcels of land located in borders of such zones

I. General provisions

1. These rules determine procedure for establishment of conservation zones of objects of electric grid economy (further - conservation zones), and also special conditions of use of the parcels of land located within conservation zones (further - the parcels of land), the providing safe functioning and operation of the specified objects.

2. In conservation zones for the purpose of providing safe service conditions and exception of possibility of damage of power lines and other objects of electric grid economy special conditions of use of the territories are established.

3. Borders of conservation zones are determined according to these rules.

4. The parcels of land are not withdrawn from their owners, land owners, land users or lessees.

II. Establishment of conservation zones

5. Conservation zones are established for all objects of electric grid economy proceeding from requirements to borders of establishment of conservation zones according to appendix.

6. Borders of the conservation zone concerning separate object of electric grid economy are determined by the organization which owns it on the property right or other legal cause (further - the network organization).

The network organization addresses in the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision, with the statement for approval of borders of the conservation zone concerning separate objects of electric grid economy and presented in the form of the electronic document and data in paper form on borders of the conservation zone which shall contain text and graphical descriptions of location of borders of such zone, and also the list of coordinates of characteristic points of these borders in the system of coordinates installed for maintaining the State Immovable Property Cadastre. The decision on approval of borders of the conservation zone is made by the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision within 15 working days from the date of receipt specified the statement and the data.

After approval of borders of the conservation zone the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision sends within 5 working days to Federal Registration Service the document reproducing the data containing in the decision on approval of borders of the conservation zone concerning separate objects of electric grid economy including their name and content of restrictions of use of real estate objects in their borders with appendix of text and graphical descriptions of location of borders of such zone, and also the list of coordinates of characteristic points of these borders in the system of coordinates installed for maintaining the State Immovable Property Cadastre based on which the specified federal executive body makes the decision on entering into the State Immovable Property Cadastre of data on borders of the conservation zone.

The conservation zone is considered established from the date of entering into documents of the state cadastral registration of data on its borders.

7. Conservation zones are subject to marking by installation at the expense of the network organizations of the warning signs containing specifying on the size of the conservation zone, information on the relevant network organization, and also need of observance of the restrictions provided by these rules.

III. Rules of protection of the power networks placed on the parcels of land

8. In conservation zones it is forbidden to perform any actions which can break safe work of objects of electric grid economy, including lead to their damage or destruction, and (or) to entail damnification of life, to health of citizens and property of physical persons or legal entities, and also to entail causing ecological damage and emergence of the fires, including:

a) outline foreign objects on wires and support of air-lines of electricity transmission, and also to rise by support of air-lines of electricity transmission;

b) carry out the works menacing to damage of objects of electric grid economy, place objects and objects which can interfere with access of service personnel and the equipment to power generation facilities, without preserving and (or) creation, including according to requirements of the normative and technical documents necessary for such access of passes and entrances for the purpose of ensuring operation of the equipment, buildings and constructions of power generation facilities, work on accident elimination and elimination of their effects throughout border of power generation facility;


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