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of May 13, 2002 No. 52

About Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian economic community

(as amended on on November 27, 2009)

Interstate Council of Eurasian economic community solved:

1. Approve Regulations on Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian economic community it (is applied).

2. Determine the number of the Secretariat of Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Assembly in number of 20 people.

3. Ceased to be valid

4. Charge to Integration Committee of EurAsEC in coordination with Inter-parliamentary Assemblies of EurAsEC to prepare the draft agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Community on conditions of stay of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Authorize the Secretary general of EurAsEC on signing of the above-stated Agreement on behalf of Eurasian economic community.

The specified Agreement is signed on June 6, 2007 in Moscow

Members of Interstate Council of EurAsEC:


From the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

N. Nazarbayev

From the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Akayev

From the Russian Federation

V. Putin

From the Republic of Tajikistan



Approved by the Decision of Interstate Council of Eurasian economic community of May 13, 2002 No. 52

Regulations on Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian economic community

Chapter I. General provisions

1. The inter-parliamentary Assembly of Eurasian economic community (further - MPA or Assembly) according to articles 3 and 7 of the Constitutive treaty of Eurasian economic community of October 10, 2000 (further - the Agreement), is body of parliamentary cooperation within Eurasian economic community (further - Community or EurAsEC) and performs the activities directed to realization of the purposes and tasks of Community within the competence.

2. The assembly is legal successor of the Inter-parliamentary Committee which was acting on the basis of the Contracts between the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation on deepening of integration in economic and humanitarian areas of March 29, 1996 and the Agreement on the Customs union and the Common economic space of February 26, 1999.

3. In the activities the Assembly is guided by the universally recognized norms and the principles of international law specified by agreements and this Provision.

Chapter II. Purposes, tasks and competence MPA

1. The purposes of activities of MPA are legal support of functioning of Eurasian economic community, harmonization (rapprochement, unification) of the national legal system of state members of Community and its reduction in compliance with the agreements signed within EurAsEC for realization of the purposes and tasks of Community.

2. Main objectives of Assembly:

- forming of the approved legal policy of EurAsEC;

- coordination of the legislative activities of national parliaments providing realization of the purposes and tasks of EurAsEC;

- assistance to creation of organization-legal conditions for reduction of legislations of state members of Community in compliance with the agreements signed within EurAsEC;

- organization of inter-parliamentary cooperation.

3. The assembly for realization of the purposes and tasks performs the following functions:

a) develops and approves projects of Bases of the legislation in basic spheres of legal relationship and sends them to Integration Committee for the subsequent introduction in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of Interstate Council of EurAsEC;

b) develops and approves standard projects on the basis of which state members of Community draft acts of the national legal system;

c) considers questions of reduction of legislations of state members of Community in compliance with the agreements signed within EurAsEC;

d) develops recommendations about harmonization (rapprochement, unification) of legislations and the offer on synchronization of procedures of adoption of legal acts in parliaments of state members of Community;

e) reviews requests and recommendations of Interstate Council and Integration Committee, information of Integration Committee on the course of realization of the purposes and tasks of Community;

e) addresses with recommendations Interstate Council, requests and recommendations Integration Committee, parliaments of state members of EurAsEC, with requests - Court of Community;

g) makes recommendations to parliaments of state members of Community on first-priority consideration of legal acts by them, acceptance or change of which is required for execution of decisions of Interstate Council and Inter-parliamentary Assembly, and also the international treaties signed within Community;

h) generalizes, systematizes information of legal nature and provides exchange of such information between parliaments of state members of Community;

i) provides interaction of parliaments of state members of Community;

j) performs interaction with the international parliamentary and other organizations, signs agreements on cooperation with them;

k) appoints on representation of Interstate Judicial council of Court of Community;

l) sends the annual report on the activities for legal support of development of Community to Interstate Council;

m) participates in forming and completion of the budget statement of Community,

and also performs other functions according to the purposes and tasks.

Chapter III. Structure and procedure for forming of MPA

1. The MPA is created of the parliamentarians delegated by parliaments of state members of Community according to their internal regulations and procedures.

Powers of the delegated parliamentarians and the term of their action are determined by national parliaments.

In necessary cases the authority delegation of the member of Assembly to other representative of national parliament is allowed.

2. The number of parliamentary delegations in MPA constitutes:

The Republic of Belarus - 14 parliamentarians;

The Republic of Kazakhstan - 14 parliamentarians;

The Kyrgyz Republic - 7 parliamentarians;

The Russian Federation - the 28th parliamentarian;

The Republic of Tajikistan - 7 parliamentarians.

At the same time each parliamentarian has one voice.

3. The chairman of Assembly and his deputies are elected at the meeting of Assembly from among heads of parliaments (chambers of parliaments) of state members of Community according to the procedure established by Regulations of Assembly.


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