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of May 13, 2002 No. 55

About Fundamentals of boundary policy of state members of Eurasian economic community

Interstate Council of Eurasian economic community solved:

Accept Fundamentals of boundary policy of state members of Eurasian economic community (are applied).

Members of Interstate Council of EurAsEC:


From the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

N. Nazarbayev

From the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Akayev

From the Russian Federation

V. Putin

From the Republic of Tajikistan




to the Decision of Interstate Council of Eurasian economic community of May 13, 2002 No. 55

Fundamentals of boundary policy of state members of Eurasian economic community

Fundamentals of boundary policy of state members of Eurasian economic community (further - EurAsEC or Community) represent system officially of the views of the purpose, tasks, the principles, the main directions and the mechanism of realization of boundary policy of state members of Community accepted in these states.

1. General provisions

The boundary policy of state members of Community is understood as their joint activities for complex implementation of the functions in boundary spaces. It is aimed at providing sovereignty and territorial integrity, realization and protection of national interests and safety of state members of Community.

The boundary policy of state members of Community is created on the basis of their constitutions, the laws and other regulatory legal acts, international treaties which participants they are of decisions of governing bodies of integration within EurAsEC and the commonly accepted principles and rules of international law.

The boundary policy of state members of Community is performed in boundary space of each of the Parties.

Object of boundary policy are the boundary spaces of state members of Community covering them external borders within the border territories (check points through frontiers, cross-border (boundary) water objects, water areas of territorial and internal waters) and air spaces.

Subjects of boundary policy of state members of Community are governing bodies of integration within EurAsEC, public authorities, authorities of administrative-territorial educations, local government bodies, public associations, the organizations and citizens of state members of Community.

Purpose of boundary policy of state members of Soobshchestvarealization and protection of national interests, ensuring boundary safety of state members of Community.

Boundary safety - condition of security of the vital interests of the personality, society and state in boundary spaces.

Main objectives of boundary policy of state members of Community:

creation of conditions for ensuring boundary safety of state members of Community;

assistance to interstate cooperation and acceptance of joint efforts according to international treaties on prevention of military danger, crises and the conflicts in the territories adjacent to borders of state members of Community with the states which are not entering into Community (further - external borders);

joint counteraction of negative economic, demographic, religious expansion, and also to the international terrorism;

ensuring economic safety on external borders;

strengthening and arrangement of external borders.

Principles of boundary policy of state members of Community:

mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states, inviolability of their frontiers;

full cooperation in protection and protection of external borders;

the cross liability for acceptance of proper measures on ensuring protection of the frontiers taking into account interests of boundary safety of all state members of Community,

peaceful resolution of matters of argument with the adjacent states on boundary questions;

respect of the rights and freedoms citizen.

2. Main threats of boundary safety of state members of EurAsEC

The main potential hazards of boundary safety of state members of Community are:

regional armed conflicts near external borders of state members of Community;

territorial claims of the certain adjacent states;

manifestations of national and religious extremism, ethnic and regional separatism;

cross-border organized crime and international terrorism;

instability of situation in the territories adjacent to external borders of state members of Community, owing to decline in living standards of the population;

increase in flows of illegal migration of citizens through the territory of state members of Community and illegal economic activity;

accidents, catastrophic crashes and natural disasters with cross-border transfer;

adverse sanitary and epidemiologic effect of the adjacent countries on state members of Community, drift on the territory of state members of Community of the mass infectious diseases dangerous to people, farm animals and plants.

3. Main directions of boundary policy of state members of EurAsEC

3.1. Ensuring boundary safety of state members of Community.

Ensuring boundary safety of state members of Community assumes:

- creation and enhancement of regulatory framework on boundary questions;

- implementation on external borders of all types of control (passport and visa, customs, immigration, autocargo, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary);

- forecasting of situation in the territories adjacent to external borders of state members of Community, development and implementation of measures for enhancement of the mechanism of adoption of joint decisions.

3.2. Development of interstate and interregional boundary cooperation of state members of Community.

The interstate and interregional boundary cooperation assumes:

forming of the regulatory legal base of state members of Community in the field of interstate and interregional boundary cooperation;

cooperation in fight against cross-border organized crime, the international terrorism, all types of smuggling, arms trafficking, narcotic and psychotropic substances, illegal migration and other offenses;

The boundary cooperation of state members of Community with the states which are not entering into Community is based on coincidence of their interests and is directed to consecutive deepening of interaction and coordination of joint efforts according to the solution of boundary problems.

3.3. International legal registration of frontiers of state members of Community.

International legal registration of frontiers of state members of Community is performed on the basis of the principles of international law fixed in the Charter of the UN, other international legal documents, and also reached interstate agreements on boundary questions.


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