It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On February 5, 2009 No. 1898
of December 31, 2008 No. 46, No. 121
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for introduction and use of the parent payment arriving for training of children at children's schools of music and art
According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 8, 2008 No. PP-910 "About the State program of strengthening of material and technical resources and further improvement of activities of children's schools of music and art for 2009-2014" (2008, No. 28, the Art. 267) the Ministry of national education and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan decide collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for introduction and use of the parent payment arriving for training of children at children's schools of music and art according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Minister of national education |
G. Shoumarov |
Minister of Finance |
R. Azimov |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of Finance of December 31, 2008 No. No. 46, 121
This Provision according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 8, 2008 No. PP-910 "About the State program of strengthening of material and technical resources and further improvement of activities of children's schools of music and art for 2009-2014" (The collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2008, No. 28, of the Art. 267) establishes the size, procedure for introduction and use of tuition fee of children (pupils) (further in the text - children) at children's schools of music and art.
1. This Provision extends to the children's schools of music and art financed by means of the Government budget.
2. The tuition fee at children's schools of music and art is levied in the sizes determined by the legislation.
3. The tuition fee of children at children's schools of music and art is brought based on the agreement signed between parents (persons, them replacing) (further in the text - parents) and administration of children's school of music and art.
4. The tuition fee of children at children's schools of music and art is levied for academic year (September - May months). The payment is brought monthly, no later than the 5th day of the next month.
5. In case of disease of the child (at least 2 weeks) tuition fee at children's school of music and art for the period the disease is not levied. At the same time absence of the child in connection with his disease shall be followed by the statement of parents (persons, them replacing) and to be confirmed by the reference of the relevant medical institution or the district doctor.
6. The tuition fee of children at children's schools of music and art is brought in the relevant servicing bank and the copy of the document confirming payment (notice receipt) is submitted in children's school of music and art.
7. If payment for training of children at children's school of music and art was made on clearing settlement, the copy of the payment order is shown (with mark of bank about payment).
8. The payment arrives into territorial treasurer accounts of the relevant treasurer divisions servicing children's schools of music and art with their reference on treasurer personal account of the relevant children's school of music and art for their further use.
9. In case of failure to pay for training of children at children's school of music and art without reasonable excuse within two weeks after the term specified in item 4 of this provision, pupils are subject to exception of children's school of music and art.
10. In case of compensation of the available debt for training of the child at children's school of music and art within one month recovery of the child at this school is performed on condition of fulfillment of requirements of training programs of this class. The child will be able to continue study at children's school of music and art from next academic year (from first month of incomplete quarter of last academic year), having made the corresponding payment for training.
11. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 02.03.2016 No. 1-mkh
12. The commission on release from tuition fee and establishment of monthly allowances to teachers and leaders (further - the Commission) is created at each children's school of music and art.
13. The commission is appointed by the order of the principal as a part from 5 to 7 people.
The commission chairman - the director of children's school of music and art.
Members of the commission - the deputy director on educational and spiritual and educational work (the responsible secretary), the chairman of trade-union committee of children's school of music and art, two leading teachers and two representatives of parent committee.
14. The main functions of the Commission are:
a) consideration of questions of release from tuition fee at children's school of music and art at the beginning of academic year and, if necessary, within academic year;
b) consideration of candidates for establishment of monthly allowances to teachers and leaders at the beginning of academic year and, if necessary, within academic year.
c) forming and approval of the list of the children exempted from tuition fee.
15. The commission, having considered the arrived documents, makes the relevant decision. The decision goes to the director of children's school of music and art for pronouncement of the relevant order.
16. By consideration of candidates for establishment of monthly allowances to teachers and leaders, managers of departments of children's school of music and art shall provide the Commissions of the characteristic about educational and out-of-class work, professionalism, high effectiveness and quality of training of teachers and leaders, and also the methodical work which is carried out within academic year.
17. The commission, in necessary cases, makes decisions on early change of the size of the allowances established at the beginning of academic year.
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