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The document ceased to be valid since  September 23, 2021 according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2021 No. 650


of January 26, 2009 No. 46

About approval of the Technical regulation "Requirements to Issues to the Environment in case of Production of Ferroalloys"

According to the Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Technical regulation "Requirements to Issues to the Environment in case of Production of Ferroalloys".

2. This resolution becomes effective after six months after the first official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 26, 2009, No. 46

Technical regulation "Requirements to Issues to the Environment in case of Production of Ferroalloys"

1. Scope

1. This technical regulation "Requirements to Issues to the Environment in case of Production of Ferroalloys" (further - the Technical regulation) is developed according to the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" and establishes technical specific standard rates of issues to the environment for the processes applied in case of metallurgical production of ferroalloys (ferrochrome, ferrosilicium, ferrochrome silicon and ferrosilikomarganets), irrespective of type of the used raw materials (enriched, nonenriched).

2. Provisions of the Technical regulation extend to the new, operating and modernized processes of metallurgical production applied in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan taking into account the best available technologies (BAT) providing protection of life and health of the population, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources which list is given in Appendix 1 to this Technical regulation.

3. Issues from processes of preparation, storage and raw material feed and materials, smelting of ferroalloys, release and pouring of metal, preparation of furnaces for warming up or long idle time belong to dangerous factors (risks) in processes of metallurgical production of ferroalloys identified for the purposes of application of this Technical regulation.

2. Terms and determinations

4. In this Technical regulation the following terms and determinations established by the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" are used:

1) the best available technologies (BAT) - the used and planned industry technologies, the machinery and equipment providing the organizational and managerial measures directed to decrease in level of negative impact of economic activity on the environment to providing target indicators of quality of the environment;

2) the service equipment - the devices, aggregates used for collection, transportation of materials, preparation of fuel, pyleulavlivaniye, gas purification; automatic equipment, blocking, devices and control units and protection, chimneys;

3) slag - the metallurgical fusion of variable structure which is usually covering the surface of liquid metal in case of metallurgical processes.

4) safety of processes of metallurgical production (daleebezopasnost) - lack of the unacceptable risk connected with damnification of life, to health of the person, the environment, including plant and animal life taking into account combination of probability of realization of dangerous factor and severity of its effects;

5) processes of metallurgical production (metallurgical processes) - processes of receipt of elements of periodic system and their alloys, and also processes of change of their chemical properties, structures and forms;

6) the capital equipment - furnaces on coke production, the electric arc furnaces (EAF), the equipment in warehouses of commodity product, in the workshops of preparation of raw materials (WPRM) and the workshops of conversion of slag (WCS), crushers, car dumpers, belt conveyers;

7) fuel - the combustible substances (firm, liquid or gaseous) applied for the purpose of obtaining in case of its burning of heat energy;

8) chimney - construction for creation of draft and removal of combustion gases in the atmosphere;

9) the combustion (departing) gases - the gases which are formed as a result of combustion of fuel and roasting of technological material in the furnace;

10) ferroalloy - the semi-product of metallurgical production which is iron alloy with the silicon, manganese, chrome and other elements used when smelting steel (for deoxidation and alloying of liquid metal, binding of harmful impurity, giving to metal of required structure and properties), and also in case of receipt of other ferroalloys (reefficient ferroalloys);

11) raw materials - any the solid, crushed or prepared material which is used in engineering procedure of product receipt (ов);

12) furnace charge - mix of initial materials, and in certain cases and fuels in certain proportion, subject to conversion in metallurgical, chemical and other aggregates;

13) technical specific standard rates of issues - the norms of issues established for processes of metallurgical production to the environment counting on products unit determined proceeding from possibility of their providing with specific technical means in case of costs, acceptable for national economy.

3. Conditions of placement of production in the Republic of Kazakhstan

5. In the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the metallurgical production of ferroalloys providing the technical specific standard rates of issues to the environment which are not exceeding the regulations established by this Technical regulation, on condition of observance of the provided requirements of safe operation of the capital equipment and metallurgical processes of receipt of ferroalloys can be placed.

6. The capital and service equipment used in engineering procedure of receipt of ferroalloys shall have the documents providing its identification, containing schemes of installation, the maintenance instruction and to maintenance and also the documents confirming equipment compliance to accompanying documents of the producer and to the safety requirements established by this Technical regulation.

7. Measuring instruments of the capital and service equipment shall be entered in the State register of the measuring instruments allowed for application in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and have the document confirming their compliance to the approved type.

4. General requirements of safety

8. For providing the technical specific standard rates of issues established by this Technical regulation to the environment it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements:

1) the capital equipment used in case of production of ferroalloys shall conform to requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 21, 2007 "About safety of machines and the equipment", others, the Technical regulations interconnected with it, this Technical regulation and regulating documents harmonized with it;

2) to record (replaceable, daily, monthly, annual) capacities;


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