of March 24, 2000 No. 839-IQ
About the museums
This Law establishes organization-legal, economic bases of activities of the museums in the Azerbaijan Republic and governs the related relations.
The concepts used express the following values in this Law:
the museum - cultural, research establishment where picking, protection, studying, mass demonstration and promotion of material and cultural monuments is performed;
museum fund - set of the museum objects and collections which are constantly stored, protected in the museums functioning in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic being in the state-owned, municipal and private property;
the state museum fund - set of the cultural values which are kept in the state museum funds;
museum subject - cultural value which storage, studying and mass demonstration on its quality or special signs is important for society;
museum collection - set of the museum objects representing as a part of fixed assets scientific, historical, cultural value as a unit;
museum activities - acquisition, storage, accounting, research, promotion and demonstration of cultural values and material samples about the person, its activities and the habitat for the purpose of satisfaction of scientific, cultural, spiritual and esthetic needs;
protection of museum objects and collections - the museum activities providing storage of museum objects and collections, providing creation of material and legal conditions;
museum storages - the place of temporary storage of not shown museum objects and collections.
The basic principles of state policy in the field of museum activities are:
openness for all demonstration of the cultural values and objects protected in the museums;
care of the state of protection of the museums and museum funds in which national values, their first-priority financing are stored.
Tasks of the state in the field of museum activities are:
creation of the new museums in which material and cultural objects, for carrying out research and popular scientific work are collected;
preparation of the museums of regulatory legal acts, necessary for activities, and control of their execution;
providing museums with the respective buildings, content of museum buildings in proper condition, providing museum objects and collections with means of protection and modern technical equipment;
preservation and recovery of museum collections, copying of copies of rare samples of museum objects in the state museums, allocation of the financial resources necessary for acquisition of objects and collections for the museums, their scientific use, publishing activities;
research, studying and ensuring return to the Azerbaijan Republic of the foreign countries of rare museum objects which are stored in the museums and the collections which are national wealth of the Azerbaijani people;
ensuring protection of museum funds during natural disasters, the fires, armed conflicts, wars and in case of other threats;
allocation of financial resources on content, development, strengthening of material and technical resources of the museums and preparation of museum personnel.
The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on the museums consists of this Law, the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About culture", other regulatory legal acts and interstate agreements supported by the Azerbaijan Republic.
In case of contradictions between this Law and interstate agreements supported by the Azerbaijan Republic these international agreements are applied.
The museums in the Azerbaijan Republic are created as form of the organizations performing cultural, research, educational functions according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About culture".
The museums in the Azerbaijan Republic are created on purpose:
identifications, collection, protection, studying and promotion of museum objects and collections;
acquaintance of wide people at large with national wealth, historic and outstanding figures of the Azerbaijani people, involvement of certain citizens to collection and studying of these riches;
demonstrations of museum objects and collections and implementation of educational activities.
Reorganization and liquidation of the museums in the Azerbaijan Republic is performed according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About culture". Change of the purpose of activities of the museum as a result of its reorganization is not allowed.
In case of liquidation of the state museums the museum objects and collections of the decision of relevant organ of the executive authority which are in these museums are transferred to other state museums.
Temporary export of museum objects and collections out of limits of the Azerbaijan Republic is performed according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About culture".
In case of natural disasters, the fires, armed conflicts, wars and in case of other danger the museums and separate museum objects and collections entering into their funds move according to the decision of relevant organ of the executive authority in the established first-priority procedure to the safe places or places established by structures of civil defense.
In the Azerbaijan Republic the museums which are in the state-owned, municipal and private property function.
Museum activities in the Azerbaijan Republic are:
picking of museum objects and collections, organization of their accounting, protection and ensuring integrity;
scientific research on the basis of museum collections, archives, libraries and other materials;
the organization of museum exposures and exhibitions, implementation of works on design and registration in the museum sphere;
all types of preservation and recovery of museum objects;
preparation and edition of catalogs of museum collections;
promotion of museum collections.
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