of April 22, 2008 No. 744
About the Interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system
At the present stage of technology development forming, coordination and development of electronic information resources is necessary for enhancement of services in the field of departure from the country and entry into the country of citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, foreigners and stateless persons, their registration at the place of residence and the place of stay.
For the purpose of the organization of effective activities of the relevant state bodies and structures in this area, their information support, ensuring process of automation of documentation, check, request and the analysis, information interchange and information security, determination of organization-legal bases of the interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system I decide:
1. "Rename the automated Entrance departure information retrieval system into "The interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system.
3. Charge to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in two-month time:
3.1. approve the regulatory legal acts providing operation of the interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system;
3.2. establish degree of the admission of state bodies and structures to use of information resources within the interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system;
3.3. prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of the existing legal acts to compliance with this Decree;
3.4. provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the relevant central executive bodies in compliance with this Decree and inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.5. within the powers to resolve other issues following from this Decree.
4. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its publication.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 22, 2008 No. 744
1. This Provision establishes legal, organizational and technological basis of the interconnected use by competent state bodies and structures (further - state bodies) the interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system providing accomplishment of the tasks following from the Migratory code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About passports", "About registration at the place of residence and the place of stay", "About the identity certificate of the citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic" and other regulatory legal acts in this sphere, forming, coordination, maintaining, development of its information resources and information security.
2. The interdepartmental automated "Entrance Departure and Registration" information retrieval system (further – System) is the state information resource of special function. The basic purpose of System consists in information support of activities of law enforcement and other competent state bodies within their powers, rendering electronic services by means of implementation of automation of the works on documentation, check, request and the analysis connected with the following questions:
2.1. individual filling and certification of the personality, passports visas and other travel documents;
2.2. registration at the place of residence and the place of stay;
2.3. accounting of forms of the documents used within System and their movements;
2.4. maintaining lists on faces, vehicles on which restrictions on entry into the country and departure from the country are put or which are wanted, implementation of check according to invalid travel documents;
2.5. check of persons, documents, vehicles according to control lists and accounting of the omission through border;
2.6. identification of the personality, check of authenticity of travel documents and identity documents;
2.7. participation in carrying out coordination between others the distribution, and also being in interrelation with System information systems being its part;
2.8. collection of data for the purpose of forming of information resources according to biometric data.
3. Forming and use of information resources of System are made in case of observance of human rights and freedoms.
4. Activities of System are provided based on the principle of "one window" by use of new technologies. Information resources of System, and also means of its providing, integration and safety are component of national information space and are in property of the Azerbaijan Republic.
5. Financing of System is performed according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, at the expense of the means provided in the government budget.
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