of January 27, 2009 No. 63
About provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises
In pursuance of article 53 of the Federal law "About the Public Civil Service of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises.
2. Determine that the one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises by the federal government civil servant which social servicing exercises Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation is provided according to the Rules approved by this resolution, Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation.
3. To the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation to approve in 3-month time:
procedure for forming and work of the commissions formed in federal state bodies for consideration of questions of provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises;
procedure for forming and maintaining the database of the federal government civil servants staying on the registry for receipt of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises and struck off the corresponding register (including federal government civil servants, the information about whose personnel list in the cases established by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts is carried to the data which are the state secret in coordination with federal state bodies in which the specified employees replace positions of Federal public civil service);
technique of determination of correction coefficient of the extent of average market value of 1 sq.m of total area of housing applied when calculating the size of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises.
4. Determine that the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation quarterly, no later than 10 working days from the date of publication of the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation approving indicators of average market value of 1 sq.m of total area of premises on subjects of the Russian Federation for the next quarter for calculation of the one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises provided to the federal government civil servants passing Federal public civil service in subjects of the Russian Federation - the federal cities, approves correction coefficient of the extent of average market value of 1 sq.m of total area of housing.
5. To make to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation explanations on application of the Rules approved by this resolution.
6. Financial provision of payment commitments on provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises is performed within the budgetary appropriations provided to federal state bodies in the federal budget on actions for provision of housing for federal government civil servants.
7. Determine that Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation having the right in coordination with the Government and within the budgetary appropriations provided to Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation on actions for provision of housing for separate categories of citizens to determine the size of the funds allocated for financial provision of payment commitments on provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidies for acquisition of premises.
8. Recommend to subjects of the Russian Federation in case of acceptance of regulatory legal acts about provision by the government civil servant of subjects of the Russian Federation of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises to consider provisions of this resolution.
Russian Prime Minister
V. V. Putin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63
1. These rules establish procedure and conditions of provision of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises (further - lump sum payment) the federal government civil servant (further - the civil servant) 1 time for the entire period of the public civil service of the Russian Federation (further - civil service). For receipt of lump sum payment the civil servant in the presence of the bases specified in Items 2 or 3 of these rules and in case of observance of condition, stipulated in Item 2(1) these rules, is accepted on accounting in federal state body:
a) from the date of entry into force of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 No. 1235 "About modification of Rules of provision by the federal government civil servant of one-time subsidy for acquisition of premises" till December 31, 2016 inclusive - on condition of replacement with the civil servant of positions of civil service at least 1 year;
b) since January 1, 2017 - on condition of replacement with the civil servant of positions of civil service at least 3 years.
2. Lump sum payment is provided according to the decision of the head of federal state body (the head of territorial authority of federal state body - in case of investment with its such powers) to the civil servant according to the procedure, established by these rules provided that the civil servant:
a) is not employer of premises under the agreement of social hiring, or the member of the family of the employer of premises under the agreement of social hiring, either the owner of premises, or the member of the family of the owner of premises;
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