Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 14, 2008

About the Priority directions of state cooperation - members of the CIS in the field of transport for the period till 2020

The Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States solved:

1. Approve the Priority directions of cooperation of the State Parties of the CIS in the field of transport for the period till 2020 (are applied).

2. To the interested ministries and departments of the State Parties of the CIS, the Coordination transport meeting of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth, Intergovernmental council of road builders, Council for aircraft and use of airspace and the Interstate Aviation Committee to take measures for realization of the specified Priority directions.

3. This Decision becomes effective from the date of its signing, and for the states which legislation requires accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for its entry into force, - from date of delivery of the relevant documents to depositary.

It is made in the city of Chisinau on November 14, 2008 in one authentic copy in Russian. The authentic copy is stored in Executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States which will send to each state which signed this Decision, its verified copy.


For the Government

Azerbaijan Republic

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Russian Federation

For the Government

Republic of Moldova

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For the Government

Republic of Kazakhstan

For the Government

Republic of Uzbekistan

For the Government

Republic of Belarus

For the Government

Republic of Tajikistan

For the Government


For the Government

Kyrgyz Republic

For the Government

Republic of Armenia

For the Government


Approved by the Decision of Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of November 14, 2008

The priority directions of state cooperation - members of the CIS in the field of transport for the period till 2020

By the concept of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the CIS of October 5, 2007 it is determined that one of main objectives of the Commonwealth of Independent States is forming in the long term of the integrated economic merging of the interested states providing effective development of each his participant.

As necessary conditions of strategic interaction in the field of transport it is necessary to consider system and consecutive enhancement (taking into account the reached level) the approved transport policy pursued by the State Parties of the CIS which is the key mechanism of economic integration by allocation of the priority directions of interaction for the period till 2020, identifications of new urgent aspects of cooperation in the field of transport and development of complex of the actions directed to achievement of effective objectives.

In case of development of these offers following provisions are initial.

Transport along with other infrastructure industries provides basic conditions of life activity of society, acts as the important instrument of achievement of the social, economic, foreign policy targets. Its sustainable development in the Commonwealth promotes space availability of the national territories, free movement of goods and services, the competition and freedom of economic activity, improvement of conditions and qualities of life of the population.

Functioning and development of transport in the State Parties of the CIS is performed according to their national legal system, and also strategy (concepts, the main directions, etc.) in the transport sphere and is interconnected with the general directions (forecasts) of their social and economic development determining the needs for transport services.

Coordination of regional transport policy is provided by coordination by the State Parties of the CIS of systems of state regulation and program implementation of its development, enhancement of the legislation in the field of transport, and also the approved use of transport and transit potential. At the same time realization of the approved transport policy considers distinctions in the current state of transport systems of the State Parties of the CIS and is directed, including, on their equalization.

Need of development of the economic relations of the State Parties of the CIS is caused first of all by development of transport systems of the states, and also possibility of ensuring their national interests in the world market of transport services, and first of all due to development of regional cooperation in the field of transport.

At the same time implementation of transport integration within the European Union, Asia-Pacific economic union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other regional associations is directed first of all to creation of necessary premises for diversification of the transport activities based, in particular, on development of the international transport corridors (далееМТК), elimination of barriers on the way of the international transit process, carrying out the approved tariff policy.

For last 16 years of cooperation in the transport sphere:

- the foundation of the international legal base of functioning of transport (in 1991-2007 is accepted about 45 documents) answering to new social and economic and market conditions, providing interstate regulation of transport activities are laid;

- bodies of industry cooperation are created and function, the State Parties of the CIS are included into the regional organizations for modes of transport;

- the approved transport policy directed to the decision (according to the available resource providing at the national and interstate levels) separate tasks of obshchetrasportny nature, and also development of separate modes of transport is pursued;

- in the field of rail transport - the leading transport industry it is kept and the organizational, tariff and economic, technical and technological, information unity develops;

- the approved tariff policy in the international freight railway service is pursued;

- the problems aimed at the development of the international motor transportations are solved;

- actions for development of civil aviation and safety of flights, harmonizations of national systems of air traffic management are implemented;

- the international projects in the field of sea and river transport are developed and implemented;


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