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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 23, 2000

No. 857/5078


of October 16, 2000 No. 567

About approval of Safety rules and procedure for mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit their railway transport

(as amended on 25-04-2017)

For the purpose of increase in traffic safety, establishment of procedure for mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods on rail transport, according to the Charter of the railroads of Ukraine approved by the resolution the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 6, 1998 No. 457, and resolutions KMU of April 22, 1997 No. 367 of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Claim Safety rules and procedure for mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit their railway transport (further - Rules) that are applied.

2. Public administration of rail transport of Ukraine (Kirp G. M.):

2.1. Provide provision of noted Rules on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

2.2. After state registration to take the specified Rules for management and to organize their studying with involved workers of rail transport.

2.3. Bring these Rules to the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, other central executive bodies, the companies and the organizations which activities are connected with mitigation of consequences of emergencies, and other interested bodies.

2.4. Until the end of 2001 to make changes and additions to the Qualifier of violations of traffic safety in train and shunting work on the railroads of Ukraine, to No. approved by the order of Ministry of Transport of 12.07.99 363, as for categories of emergencies with dangerous goods.

3. With enforcement of these Rules to consider not applied in the territory of Ukraine, "Safety rules and procedure for liquidation of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit them by the railroads", approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR on December 10, 1983.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister Tsibenko V. G.


L. M. Kostyuchenko


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of transport of Ukraine of October 16, 2000 No. 567

Safety rules and procedure for mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit their railway transport

These Rules are developed according to the Charter of the railroads of Ukraine approved by the resolution the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 6, 1998 No. 457 and the resolution KMU of April 22, 1997 No. 367 "About the Program of increase in traffic safety on the railroads in 1997-2001".

1. Scope

1.1. Rules determine security measures and procedure for mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit their railway transport and are obligatory for workers of rail transport, senders and receivers of dangerous goods, and also for the companies and the organizations performing forwarding servicing and mitigation of consequences of emergency.

2. Normative references

Code of civil protection of Ukraine.

The law of Ukraine "About transportation of dangerous goods".

The law of Ukraine "About protection of the surrounding environment"

The law of Ukraine "About labor protection".

The law of Ukraine "About ensuring sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population".

The resolution KM of Ukraine of April 22, 1997 No. 367 "About the program of increase in traffic safety on the railroads in 1997-2001".

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2014 No. 11 "About approval of the Regulations on single state system of civil protection".

The resolution KM of Ukraine of February 15, 1999 No. 192 "About approval of the Regulations on the organization of the notification and communication in emergency situations".

Regulations of interaction central and local executive bodies within Ministerial information and analytical system concerning emergency situations, No. 28-dsk approved by the directive of the Prime Minister of Ukraine of 20.10.99.

Procedure of the state fire supervision on objects of rail transport and interaction between fire divisions of the departmental militarized protection of Ukrzaliznytsi and divisions of operational rescue service of civil protection of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of technogenic and natural nature, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash against September 16, 2010 No. 672/787, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 19, 2010 on No. 1147/18442.

Regulations on functional subsystem "Forces and means of emergency response on rail transport" the Ministries of Transport and Communications of Ukraine concerning prevention and emergency response of technogenic and natural nature, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of December 8, 2008 No. 1486.

The regulations on procedure for grounding of devices of contact network and overhead power transmission lines of the electrified sites of the railroads in case of suppression of the fires approved by the order of Ukrzheldortrans of July 14, 1999 No. 211-Ts.

The "Rules of transportations of dangerous goods by the railroads" approved at the fifteenth meeting of Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth on April 5, 1996.

Protocol of the twenty second meeting of Council for rail transport of the State Parties of the Commonwealth on November 3-4, 1998 (Tashkent).

Rules of transportations of dangerous goods to the Agreement on the international railway freight traffic (Appendix 2 to SMGS), with changes and amendments.

3. Determination of terms

The stated below terms, determinations and reducings are used in such value:

The Emergency Card (EC) - the document of the established form regulating primary prompt actions of workers of rail transport and the special forming involved in mitigation of consequences of emergencies with dangerous goods in transit by their main railway transport.

Emergency - the conditions other than conditions of normal transportation of goods connected with ignition, effluence, dispersal of dangerous goods, damage of container or railway vehicles with dangerous goods and which can bring or led to explosion, the fire, poisoning, radiation, diseases, burns, frostbites, death of people and animals, effects, dangerous to the environment, and also cases when in accident zone on the railroad there were cars, containers or cargo pieces with dangerous goods.

Emergency recovery operations - package of measures, the emergency effects performed by special divisions of rail transport and directed to final liquidation.

Accident - the dangerous incident of technogenic nature leading of people to death, or creating on object or the separate territory threat of life and to human health, leading to destruction of buildings, constructions, the equipment and vehicles, violations of production or transport process or causes environmental damage.

The safe place - on stage - the place outside settlements, tunnels, bridges, viaducts and other constructions; on stantsiimesto on separate track, the most remote from the main track, the houses, constructions, cars occupied by people and dangerous goods.

The center - the place of initial emergence of the fire.

Hygienic standard rates - the regulating documents, obligatory for accomplishment, determining criteria of safety and (or) harmlessness for the person of factors of the environment.

Burning - the exothermic reaction of oxidation of substances which is followed by release of smoke and (or) emergence of flame and (or) luminescence.

Combustibility - capability of substance or material to burning.

The pre-medical help - set of the actions directed to primary protection of people against action of the striking factors performed before intervention of the doctor.

Ignition - emergence of burning under the influence of ignition source.

Ignition - not controlled burning out of the special center without damnification.

Measures of first aid - the same, as the pre-medical help.

The protective respiratory device - the device intended for individual protection of respiratory organs of the person from the dangerous and harmful factors operating it is inhalation.

Protective suit - the special clothes having protective properties, component of individual protection equipment.

The Individual Protection Equipment (IPE) - technical means of individual use for protection of the person from dangerous to his life and health of influences.

Zone of transport accident - the territory in which stay the damaged railway vehicles, dispersals, floods of load and increased on perimeter by additional strip 15 m wide and more.

The isolating protective respiratory device - the respiratory device isolating respiratory organs from the environment and providing the person with air or respiratory gas.

The classification code (designation) - the conditional numerical code assigned for dangerous goods, characterizing its transport danger.

Mitigation of consequences of emergency - complex of the organizational and technical actions directed to prevention of threat to people, to environment protection, preserving load, railway vehicles, constructions, recovery of train service and shunting works in perhaps short time.

Emergency situation - the violation of normal living conditions and activities of people on object or the territory caused by accident, catastrophic crash, natural disaster or other factors which brought (can lead) to death of people, animals and plants, and (or) caused to considerable loss of property environmental damage.

Number of the UN (UN) - the four-digit digital identification number provided to dangerous goods by Committee of experts of the UN on transportation of dangerous goods and approved at the global level of classification system and marking of chemicals Economic and UN Social Council;

N.Z.K. (it is not specified specifically) - the generalized line item of dangerous goods At the Index of search of emergency cards (appendix 4 to these rules) to which there can be carried mixes, substances, solutions or products if they:

are not called specifically in this Index;

have the physical and chemical properties corresponding to danger class, classification code / code, packing group and descriptions of line item of N.Z.K.;

Neutralization - the component of actions for mitigation of consequences of emergencies connected with removal, dispersion, transformation to safe forms of dangerous goods, their vapors, products of burning and decomposition.

The danger area - zone of accident in which borders there is threat of defeat from explosion, the fire, poisoning, radiation, burns, frostbite of people and animals.

The Dangerous Goods (DG) - substances, materials, products, waste of productive and other activity which owing to properties inherent in them in the presence of certain factors can entail during transportation explosion, the fire, damage of technical means, devices, constructions and other objects, to cause loss of property and environmental damage, and also to lead to death, injuring, poisoning of people, animals and according to international treaties which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or by results of testing in accordance with the established procedure depending on degree of their environmental impact or the person are carried to one of classes of dangerous substances.

The notification - finishing signals and messages of governing bodies on threat and emergence of emergency situations of technogenic and natural nature, accidents, catastrophic crashes, epidemics, the fires and so forth to central and local executive bodies, the companies, organizations, the organizations and the population.

The fire - not controlled burning out of the special center extending in time and space.

Fire risk - possibility and (or) developments of the fire.

Radiation material - any material containing radionuclides and in which concentration of activity, and also total activity of load exceeds the values caused by Rules of safe transportation of radioactive materials No. ST-1.

Radiation radiation control - complex of the organizational and technical actions directed to receipt of information on condition of radiation situation and the valid doses of radiation of people.

Flash - the ignition which is followed by emergence of flame.

Sanitary and anti-epidemic actions - the activities directed to creation of safe conditions of life, work, training, rest and other spheres of life and activities of the person, prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases for health.


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