Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 27, 2001 No. 221-IIQ

About individual accounting in system of the national social insurance

(as amended on 28-06-2024)

This Law establishes the legal basis and the principles of the organization of personal accounting of the data necessary for providing the stipulated by the legislation rights insured for social protection.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

1.1. The main terms used in this Law have the following values:

1.1.1. individual accounting in system of the national social insurance (further - individual accounting) - the organization and accounting of data, the stipulated in Article 5.2 presents of the Law, concerning each insured person for providing the right to work pension and other rights in the sphere of social protection according to the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic;

1.1.2. individual personal account - the account opened by the insurer on everyone insured with social security number in which data of individual accounting are reflected;

1.1.3. the social security number (SSN) - the permanent (invariable) number assigned by the insurer insured.

1.2. Other concepts used in this Law have the values provided by the Labor code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About work pensions" and "About social insurance".

Article 2. Purposes of individual accounting

2.0. Treat the purposes of individual accounting:

2.0.1. creation of information base consisting of data, the stipulated in Article 5.2 presents of the Law for realization, enhancement of the national social insurance, charge of work pensions depending on the amount of fees on compulsory national social insurance and insurance years of service;

2.0.2. ensuring reliability of data on years of service, the salary and other income from which contributions on compulsory national social insurance, and fee on compulsory national social insurance for implementation of provision of pensions and other rights of social protection are assessed and paid;

2.0.3. increase in interest of insurers in payment of fees on compulsory national social insurance;

2.0.4. creation of conditions by the insurer for control of reflection in individual personal accounts of data on the paid fees on compulsory national social insurance;

2.0.5. simplification of rules and acceleration of term of purpose of work pensions by the insurer;

2.0.6. reduction of the amount of fee on the compulsory national social insurance charged and paid by each insurer on individual accounting in compliance with the fee amount on compulsory national social insurance arriving in the insurer.

Article 3. Basic principles of the organization of individual accounting

3.0. Individual accounting will be organized on the principles:

3.0.1. generality and obligation of acceptance on accounting of information about insurers in system of the national social insurance;

3.0.2. obtaining everyone insured the data of individual accounting on himself which are available for the insurer;

3.0.3. uses of information about insurers for implementation of provision of pensions and stipulated by the legislation other rights to social protection;

3.0.4. non-admission of use of information base, the stipulated in Article 2.0.1 this Law, in other purposes without the consent of the insurer;

3.0.5. implementation of individual accounting in the period of all labor activity of the insurer from the moment of registration in system of the national social insurance.

Section II. Organization of individual accounting

Article 4. Procedure of individual accounting

4.1. Individual account is kept by the insurer in electronic procedure.

4.2. Electronic services in the sphere of individual accounting (registration insured and the insurer, representation insured data on individual personal account, recognition of social security number, etc.) are performed through centralized electronic information system of the body (structure) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority.

4.3. Taking into account features of service individual accounting of the military personnel and workers of subjects of intelligence and counterintelligence activities, workers of subjects of operational search activities and other workers and persons, information on whom is subject to konfidentsialization according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About the state secret", is conducted according to the procedure, the determined body (structure) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority.

4.4. Article 4.1 of this Law does not exclude representation by the insurer and insurer of the data specified in Articles 5.2.10 - 5.2.12 and 5.2.14 presents of the Law, in the form of the written instrument to the insurer for provision of work pension and other payments of social insurance.

Article 5. Individual personal account of the insurer

5.1. Ceased to be valid.

5.2. The individual personal account contains the following data:

5.2.1. number (NUS) of social insurance;

5.2.2. surname, name, middle name;

5.2.3. year, month, birthday;

5.2.4. birthplace;

5.2.5. floor;

5.2.6. the address of the place of permanent registration, and to refugees and displaced persons - locations;

5.2.7. series, number, date of issue of the identity document, and the name of the body which issued the document;

5.2.7-1. personal identification number (PIN);

5.2.8. nationality;

5.2.9. phone number;

5.2.10. social insurance years of service for superannuation, including preferential years of service for working conditions;

5.2.11. the salary and other income from which contributions on compulsory national social insurance are assessed and paid (for every month of insurance years of service);

5.2.12. the fee amount on the compulsory national social insurance (for every month of insurance years of service) added and paid on individual personal account by the insurer;

5.2.13. the fee amount on compulsory national social insurance paid by the insurer concerning insured (for every month of the insurance guard);

5.2.14. the period during which the fee on compulsory national social insurance is not paid, but which joins in years of service of social insurance according to article 21.2 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About work pensions";

5.2.15. data on appointment (recalculation) and indexation of work pension;

5.2.16. data on the pension capital added in conditional procedure according to the right of the insurer to work pension acquired to 01.01.2006;

5.2.17.svedeniya about insurance part of individual personal account and about its indexing;


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