of September 18, 1995 No. 746
About approval of the Procedure for receipt of the admission (certificate) on the right of the work connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals
According to article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "About pesticides and agrochemicals" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine DECIDES:
Approve the Procedure for receipt of the admission (certificate) on the right of the work connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals it (is applied).
Prime Minister of Ukraine
Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
V. Pustovoytenko
Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 18, 1995, No. 746
1. This Procedure determines conditions of obtaining by persons which activities are connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals, the admission (certificate) on the right of work with noted medicines (further - the admission) and extends to all industries of production where pesticides and agrochemicals are applied.
2. Before performance of work with pesticides and agrochemicals persons aged up to 18 years, expectant mothers, women who feed children, persons who have contraindications for health reasons, and also persons which are marked out in the list of hard work and works with harmful and dangerous working conditions on which application of work of women, certain MZ is forbidden are not allowed.
3. The admission is issued by the state phytosanitary inspections (further - inspections) in form according to appendix 1.
4. The basis for issue of the admission is the certificate of passing of special preparation concerning safe performance of work with pesticides and agrochemicals according to appendix 2 and the medical book with the conclusion of medical commission about lack of contraindications for health reasons according to appendix 3.
5. Training of persons whose activities are directly connected with transportation storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals, and also employees of the companies, organizations and the organizations, physical persons entrepreneurs who will organize accomplishment of such work (further - organizers of work) is carried out by inspectorates once in three years according to the program approved by Minagropolitiki in coordination with MZ, the Ministry of the environment, Ministry of Labor and Gosgorpromnadzor.
Organizers of work annually improve the skills on the corresponding rates and seminars which are held by inspections.
The tuition fee of specialists of specially authorized bodies of the executive authority in the field of protection of plants is performed at the expense of means of the government budget, and specialists of agricultural enterprises, organizations and the organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, farms and working at entrepreneurial bases, - at the expense of means of such companies, organizations, the organizations and farms or at the expense of own means.
6. Persons whose activities are directly connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals and also organizers of work have medical examination in institutions of health care and are allowed to work in the presence of the conclusion of medical commission about lack of contraindications for health reasons.
7. Organizers of work issue to employees of the companies, organizations and organizations which have the admission, the job specification on performance of work with pesticides and agrochemicals according to appendix 4. Before work it is instructed on workplaces concerning security measures, prevention of pollution by remaining balance of pesticides and agrochemicals of products, the surrounding environment, and also concerning provision of first aid in case of poisoning, emergence of accident.
8. Persons whose activities are connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals shall have in case of themselves during execution of work the admission, the medical book and the job specification on accomplishment of such work.
Performance of work with pesticides and agrochemicals by persons who have no admission is forbidden.
to the Procedure for the admission (certificate) on the right of the work connected with transportation, storage, application and trade in pesticides and agrochemicals
на право работы с пестицидами и агрохимикатами
Выдан ___________________________________________________________
фамилия, имя и отчество
Адрес ___________________________________________________________
Место работы ____________________________________________________
на право работы с пестицидами и агрохимикатами до
_____________________________ 20 __ года.
Допуск (удостоверение) выдано на основании:
1. Заключения медицинской комиссии от ____ 20 _ года.
2. Удостоверения о прохождении специальной подготовки от
________________ 20 __ г., регистрационный N __________ .
Начальник государственной
фитосанитарной инспекции ____________________________
подпись, фамилия, инициалы
Дата выдачи ________ 20 __ г., регистрационный N ________________
ПРОДЛЕНО до __________________ 20 __ года
Допуск (удостоверение) продлено на основании:
1. Заключения медицинской комиссии от ________ 20 __ года
2. Удостоверения о прохождении специальной подготовки от ________
_________ 20 __ года, регистрационный N ______________________________<
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The document ceased to be valid since June 28, 2023 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 9, 2023 No. 458