On December 27, 2001 No. 242-IIG
About iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases
This Law establishes legal, organizational and economic basis of the measures connected with iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases in the Azerbaijan Republic and governs the relations arising in this area.
1.0. The basic concepts used in this Law express the following values:
1.0.1. diseases of iodic insufficiency - the pathological condition arising in connection with violation of functions of thyroid gland as a result of shortage of iodine in organism (violation of functions of brain, abortion, the birth of the dead child, weak-mindedness, cretinism and so forth);
1.0.2. prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases - the measures directed to prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases;
1.0.3. salt iodination - process of enrichment of the salt eaten and for forage, iodine for the purpose of mass prevention of diseases.
The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases consists of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About food safety", other regulatory legal acts and international treaties supported by the Azerbaijan Republic.
This Law extends on all physical persons and legal entity, irrespective of form of business, iodine-deficiency diseases performing activities in the field of iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention in the Azerbaijan Republic.
4.0. In the field of iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases treat tasks of the state:
4.0.1. preparation and implementation of the target state programs connected with mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases;
4.0.2. studying, assessment and forecasting of extent of distribution among the population of iodine-deficiency diseases;
4.0.3. implementation of economic, legal and organizational measures for the purpose of ensuring need of the population for iodinated salt.
5.0. In the field of iodination of salt for the purpose of mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases in the Azerbaijan Republic the following measures are performed:
5.0.1. the organization of preventive inspection of the population and identification of the patients suffering from iodic insufficiency;
5.0.2. annual assessment for the purpose of monitoring of dynamics of iodine-deficiency diseases and efficiency of the carried-out preventive measures and provision to relevant organs of information on its results;
5.0.3. the organization of carrying out the scientific research directed to prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases;
5.0.4. informing the population on measures for mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases and the organization by means of seal, radio, television of sanitary education concerning prevention of these diseases, the edition of posters, bulletins and so forth;
5.0.5. According to article 9 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About food safety" in the field of food safety obligation of the technical regulatory legal acts determining conditions of production, conversions, addresses and utilizations of iodinated salt.
6.1. The state control of prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases is exercised in the procedure established by the legislation by relevant organs of the executive authority within their powers.
6.2. Examination of samples of salt for the purpose of establishment of compliance of indicators of the minimum quality and safety of iodinated salt, the requirement of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety is carried out by relevant organ of the executive authority.
6.3. Public control over observance of requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety in the field of ensuring the minimum quality and safety of iodinated salt is performed in the procedure established by the legislation.
7.1. The salt eaten and used for forages shall be iodated, its minimum quality, safety, control methods of amount of iodine in its structure shall meet relevant requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety. The amount of iodine as a part of salt is established by relevant organ of the executive authority.
7.2. Conditions of production, conversion, the address and utilizations of salt are performed according to technical regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety.
7.3. It is cancelled.
7.4. Rules of use, secondary conversion and repeated iodination of iodinated salt expired are established by relevant organ of the executive authority.
8.1. Objects (subjects) performing production, conversion, the address and utilization of iodinated salt in the Azerbaijan Republic are registered or affirm according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About food safety"
8.2. The iodinated salt imported to the Azerbaijan Republic shall have the sanitary and hygienic act on the imported products issued by body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority.
8.3. Production, sale and import to the Azerbaijan Republic not of iodinated salt for the food and fodder purposes are forbidden.
8.4. For the purpose of determination of compliance of indicators of quality to the requirements established by the corresponding standard, iodinated salt voluntarily will be certified by accredited bodies on assessment of conformity at the discretion of the manufacturer. Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies is performed according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About accreditation in the field of assessment of conformity".
For the purpose of ensuring need of the population for iodinated salt target investment, price, credit policy and policy of subsidies in the field of production of iodinated salt in the Azerbaijan Republic is performed.
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