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Approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 30, 1997, No. 424-IG

(as amended on 23-02-2024)

This Code determines the legal basis of regulation of the forest relations, uses of the woods, their protection, protection, reproduction, increase in ecological and resource potential of the woods in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Regulation of the forest relations is performed taking into account concept of the wood representing unity of forest vegetation, the soil, fauna and other components of the environment having important ecological, economic and social value.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Code the following basic concepts are used:

* the wood - unity biologically interconnected and influencing at each other in the development of the soil, waters, trees, bushes and herbs, animals, microorganisms and other components of the environment;

* the areas of forest fund - the timberland, and also the forest and not forest parcels of land which are not covered with forest vegetation;

* the forest relations - the relations in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of the woods, the areas of forest fund;

* especially valuable forests - the rare woods containing the relic and local breeds of trees and bushes, the timberland differing in productivity and genetic quality and also with rare landscape in the esthetic relation;

* the woods of green zone - the woods which are behind borders of the cities and other settlements, performing important protective, sanitary and hygienic, improving functions and used for rest of the population;

* wild-growing lesoplodovy plantings - the woods, forest parks, gardens which are naturally growing or created in the artificial way in the territory of forest fund and containing valuable fruits, berries and nuts in number of economic value, and plantation of these breeds;

* the state protective forest strips - the woods which are artificially created in linear procedure, performing klimatoreguliruyushchy, soil-protective and water preserving functions;

* not forest lands - the lands intended for needs of forestry and also other lands which are in limits of borders of forest fund;

* reforestation cabins - the cabins which are carried out on ripe and overmatured forest stand for the purpose of improvement of condition of the woods and strengthening of their natural protective functions;

* cabins of intermediate use - cabins of care of the wood, the selective sanitary cabins and cabins connected with changes, other cabins connected with cutting of invaluable forest stand, and also the trees and bushes which lost protective, water preserving and other functions;

* relic plants - types of the plants which remained from flora of the last geological periods which adapted to the new habitat and being part of modern biocenosis;

* arid plants - plants of the territories with droughty climate on which the size of evaporation of moisture exceeds the size of its accumulating.

Article 2. Forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic

The forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic consists of of this Code, other legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.

If the international interstate treaties which the Azerbaijan Republic joined determine the rules different from the forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic requirements of international treaties are applied.

Article 3. Purposes and tasks of the forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic

The purposes and tasks of the forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic are directed to rational use of the woods, ensuring their protection, protection and reproduction on the basis of the principles of management of the woods on scientific bases, preserving biological diversity of forest ecosystem, increase in reserve potential of the woods taking into account value of the woods.

Article 4. The relations regulated by the forest legislation

The relations in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of the woods, lands of forest fund (the forest relations) are regulated by the relevant standards of the forest legislation and land legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The relations in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction not entering into forest fund green plantings (further - green plantings), are regulated civil, vegetable, land and water by legislations of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About protection of green plantings" the relevant articles of this Code.

The relations in the field of use and protection of fauna, water objects, subsoil, atmospheric air in the territory of forest fund are regulated in limits which by the forest legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic are necessary for rational use, protection, protection and reproduction of the woods, and also not covered with forest vegetation of lands of forest fund.

The property relations arising in usage time, protection of protection of the woods, and also lands of forest fund if this Code does not provide other, are regulated by the civil legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The administrative relations arising in usage time, protection, protection of the woods, and also not covered with forest vegetation of lands of forest fund, including the financial relations are regulated by this Code according to administrative and financial legislations of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 5. Objects of the forest relations

Objects of the forest relations are forest fund of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - forest fund), the areas of forest fund, and right to use them.

Article 6. Forest fund, lands and areas of forest fund

In the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic all woods, and also not covered forest vegetation of the earth of forest fund (forest and not forest lands) constitute forest fund of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Borders of forest fund are determined by the limits separating the earth of forest fund other lands.

Inclusion of lands in forest fund and their withdrawal from it is performed according to the procedure, established by the forest legislation and the land legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.


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