of December 29, 2008 No. 1053
About some measures for management of federal property
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Determine that the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body performing functions on management of the federal property which is at the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the right of economic maintaining or operational management, the parcels of land which are on the right of permanent (termless) use, property of the federal state unitary enterprises subordinated to it and public institutions, shares of open joint stock companies and shares in the authorized capital of the limited liability companies created as a result of privatization of the federal state unitary enterprises which are under authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, shares and shares in which authorized capital are in federal property (further - property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation).
2. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for the purpose of property management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation performs according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following main functions:
a) performs on behalf of the Russian Federation legal acts on protection of property and other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation in case of property management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and its privatization, including powers of the owner of property of the debtor - the subordinated federal state unitary enterprise when carrying out insolvency proceedings;
b) exercises control of management, the order, proper use and safety of the property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation which is in federal property and the organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation including transferred in accordance with the established procedure to other persons and in case of identification of violations takes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation measures for their elimination and involvement of perpetrators to responsibility;
c) appoints and carries out documentary and other inspections of the subordinated federal state unitary enterprises and federal state institutions, including will organize carrying out audits and makes the decision on carrying out audit inspections;
d) makes in accordance with the established procedure withdrawal at organizations of the excessive, not used or used not for designated purpose property fixed in operational management of the organizations which are under authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation;
e) will organize assessment of property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for the purpose of implementation of property, other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, determines conditions of agreements on evaluating federal property;
e) performs cession of property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in property of subjects of the Russian Federation and in municipal property;
g) fixes the property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation which is in federal property and the organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in operational management or economic maintaining subordinated federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises, gives tasks on its use in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
h) acts on behalf of the Russian Federation as the founder (participant) of the open joint stock companies and limited liability companies created by privatization of the subordinated federal state unitary enterprises and also in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation acts as the founder of other legal entities created with participation of the state;
i) performs actions for preparation of the subordinated federal state unitary enterprises and other objects to privatization and on privatization (alienation) of property;
j) acts on behalf of the Russian Federation in case of state registration of the property right of the Russian Federation to property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations subordinated to Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and transactions with it;
k) will organize in accordance with the established procedure works on withdrawal, including by the redemption, and to fixing of the parcels of land, and also reservation of lands for needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including the conclusion of contracts with owners, owners of the parcels of land and (or) other real estate units located on them, and also on registration of the appropriate rights to the specified parcels of land and objects;
l) makes decisions on inclusion of premises in specialized housing stock with reference of such rooms to certain type of premises of specialized housing stock, and also on exception of premises of the specified fund;
m) performs forming of specialized housing stock at the expense of means of the federal budget and other sources, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation;
o) provides to the military personnel premises, including service premises and rooms in hostels, and according to the procedure and on the conditions established by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - money on acquisition of premises;
o) performs issue of construction licenses and commissioning of military facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
p) provides at the request of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to the military personnel of the Integrated headquarters and members of their families who are not citizens of the Russian Federation and it is permanent not living in it, during implementation of the powers by them in the Integrated headquarters premises according to employment contracts of premises of the housing stock assigned to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in the presence of not populated premises, according to the procedure and on the conditions established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
3. Approve the enclosed changes which are made to orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.
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