of June 8, 2001 No. 137-IIQ
About diplomatic service
This Law establishes the legal basis of the organization of the diplomatic service which is special type of public service in the Azerbaijan Republic, legal status of the government employees who are on diplomatic service.
1.1. Diplomatic service - professional activity of citizens in the relevant state bodies performing foreign policy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
1.2. The consular service is one of types of the diplomatic service performed on the basis of the Consular charter of the Azerbaijan Republic.
2.1. The single system of bodies of diplomatic service is constituted by the relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic, diplomatic representations and consulates of the Azerbaijan Republic, the auxiliary organizations created for ensuring activities of relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic, educational institutions of relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic.
2.2. The relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic performs management of single system of bodies of diplomatic service of the Azerbaijan Republic.
3.1. Treat fundamental obligations of bodies of diplomatic service:
3.1.1. preparation and representation to relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic of offers on the concept and main directions of foreign policy of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.1.2. ensuring implementation of foreign policy of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.1.3. coordination of activities of other relevant organs of the executive authority for the purpose of ensuring implementation of the single political line of the Azerbaijan Republic in the relations with other states and the international organizations;
3.1.4. providing with diplomatic methods and means of sovereignty, safety, territorial integrity and immunity of borders of the Azerbaijan Republic, its political, economic and other social interests;
3.1.5. sposobstvyvaniye to protection of international peace and safety by diplomatic methods and means;
3.1.6. protection of the rights and interests of the Azerbaijan Republic, her citizens and her legal entities abroad;
3.1.7. implementation of diplomatic and consular communications of the Azerbaijan Republic with other states and international organizations;
3.1.8. providing the state protocol of the Azerbaijan Republic.
3.2. Bodies of diplomatic service can perform according to the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic and other obligations.
4.1. Bodies of diplomatic service perform the following main functions:
4.1.1. representation of the Azerbaijan Republic in the relations with other states and the international organizations;
4.1.2. rendering assistance to development of cooperation of the Azerbaijan Republic with other states and the international organizations in economic, social, scientific and technical, cultural and other spheres;
4.1.3. the organization of negotiation of the Azerbaijan Republic with other states and the international organizations and signings of international treaties;
4.1.4. legal ensuring interstate exchanges at the high state and government levels;
4.1.5. rendering assistance to development of communications with the compatriots living abroad;
4.1.6. control of accomplishment of diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities;
4.1.7. ensuring distribution abroad through diplomatic representations of the Azerbaijan Republic information on foreign and domestic policy of the Azerbaijan Republic, economic, social and cultural life of the country;
4.1.8. informing state bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic and the subjects of media which are available in the Azerbaijan Republic on world situation and foreign policy of the Azerbaijan Republic;
4.1.9. rendering assistance of activities of diplomatic representations and consulates in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, implementation within the competence of control of activities of the organizations serving them;
4.1.10. ensuring activities of single state system for registration, accounting and storage of international treaties which the Azerbaijan Republic joined;
4.1.11. implementation of functions of depositary of the international treaties signed by the Azerbaijan Republic;
4.1.12. implementation of general observation of execution of international treaties which the Azerbaijan Republic joined;
4.1.13. preparation of suggestions for improvement of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of foreign policy and the international relations and to reduction of this legislation in compliance with the international legal obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic.
4.2. Bodies of diplomatic service can perform also other functions according to the Constitution and the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic.
5.1. The independent communication system and archive are at the disposal of bodies of diplomatic service.
5.2. Originals and verified copies of international treaties, and also other materials necessary for implementation of activities of data of bodies are stored in archive of bodies of diplomatic communication.
5.3. Bodies of diplomatic service use special mail and messenger service.
5.4. Bodies of diplomatic service in the procedure established by the legislation will organize the security system in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and abroad.
6.1. Staff of diplomatic service are persons holding diplomatic position in bodies of diplomatic service.
6.2. Persons performing administrative maintenance of bodies of diplomatic service do not concern the staff of diplomatic service.
Legal status and qualification categories of these persons are regulated by the corresponding legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.
6.3. For the staff of diplomatic service working in diplomatic representations and consulates of the Azerbaijan Republic the following positions are established:
6.3.1. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary; the permanent representative of the Azerbaijan Republic in the international organizations;
6.3.2. deputy ambassador, deputy of the permanent representative, consul general;
6.3.3. minister counselor;
6.3.4. adviser;
6.3.5. consul;
6.3.6. first secretary;
6.3.7. vice consul;
6.3.8. second secretary;
6.3.9. third secretary;
6.3.10. attache
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