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The agreement on cooperation in the field of culture

of May 15, 1992

The governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties

being guided by the Agreement on creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the existing international treaties and other acts and regulations in the field of culture,

proceeding from priority of the inalienable rights of the personality to cultural originality, freedom of creativity, cultural activities, satisfaction of spiritual needs and familiarizing with cultural values,

confirming the right of each state and the people to independently develop and pursue the cultural policy, to establish bilateral and multilateral cultural ties,

recognizing equal advantage of national cultures of all people and aiming to promote their mutual enrichment in case of respect of identity of each of them,

in view of spiritual needs and interests of the citizens living out of the national-state educations

expressing aspiration to development and strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between the states and the people in the field of culture,

supporting aspiration of the art intellectuals, cultural figures and arts to preserving and development of creative contacts, protection of their social and professional interests,

considering that the cooperation in the field of culture is designed to promote approval of universal values, creation of conditions for ensuring social progress and civil consent,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties shall create favorable conditions for development of cultural ties and cultural exchange and cooperation in the field of theatrical, musical, graphic variety, and circus art, cinema, television, and broadcasting, library and museum science, protection and rational use of monuments and other objects of cultural and historical heritage, amateur folk art, national crafts and other types of cultural activities.

Article 2

The parties will promote creation and activities of the national cultural centers and other public organizations of the people and nationalities which do not have or living out of the national-state educations, to give them methodical, advisory help and practical support.

Article 3

The parties guarantee availability of the developed meetings, collections and other cultural values forming library, museum and archive funds of the independent states to citizens of gosudarstvuchastnik of this agreement equally and on the same conditions, as well as for the citizens.

The parties provide for all participants this agreement the complete information about historical and cultural values of the people which are stored in the state meetings, collections and funds of other State Parties of the Commonwealth and their use for the purpose of education, sciences and cultures within interstate programs.

The parties recognize need of creation of interstate commission of experts from plenipotentiaries of the Parties for consideration of questions and preparation of recommendations about restitution of cultural and art values on the basis of two or multilateral agreements according to the legislation and rules of international law.

Article 4

The parties shall on the basis of the approved programs of cultural cooperation and direct contractual connections to help the organization of tours of art collectives and certain contractors, mutual delivery in national fodnokhranilishcha of obligatory copies of printed materials, photo and fondodokument, to creation of the integrated library information systems, summary catalogs and interlibrary subscriptions, to exchange of art exhibitions and museum pieces, movies, television and radio programs, holding festivals, tenders, conferences, seminars, actions in the field of professional art and folk art.

Article 5

The parties shall promote creation of common information space on the basis of agreements, agreements and consultations by free exchange and distribution in the territories TV, radio of video programs, products of news agencies, periodicals, the book and other printed materials, except as specified, contradicting the legislation of the State Parties of the Agreement.

Article 6

The parties will promote cooperation and interconnection between the creative unions and associations, public organizations, associations, funds and other non-governmental organizations, to establishment of contacts between cultural figures and arts, and also realization of direct connections in the field of culture between the republican, autonomous educations which are their part, edges, areas and the cities.

Article 7

The parties will render mutual assistance in preparation and implementation of joint programs of the international cultural ties, the organizations of the international tour and exhibition activities, to promote development of cooperation of government and non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions and arts, the creative unions with relevant international organizations, and also associations of compatriots abroad.

Article 8

The parties will encourage cooperation in questions of enhancement of system of esthetic education and art education, preparation and advanced training of specialists, exchange on parity or mutually advantageous basis with pupils and students of educational institutions of culture and art, trainees and specialists.

Article 9

The parties will perform systematic consultations by determination of the priority directions of research works in the field of culture and art, mutual informing on results of scientific research, holding for this purpose joint scientific and scientific and practical conferences, seminars and symposiums, the edition of collections of scientific works, use of other forms of scientific exchange and cooperation, and also development of the agreed principles of statistics of culture.

Article 10

The parties will assist combination of efforts for rendering the practical help by organizations and cultural workers in the organization of cultural servicing of the population of the areas which were affected by natural and other disasters.

Article 11

The parties will cooperate in implementation of joint programs of development and strengthening of material and technical resources of culture, exchange of new technologies, the organization on mutually advantageous basis of supplies of equipment and technical means for cultural institutions and art.

Article 12

The parties shall support practice of consultations about work experience in area of culture and art, concerning ensuring compliance with the rights and freedom of citizens in the field of culture, legal and social and economic regulation of activities of cultural institutions, protection of interests of cultural figures and art in the conditions of transition to market economy.


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