of April 30, 2002 No. 318-IIG
About compulsory insurance of government employees
(as of April 28, 2009)
This Law establishes rules and conditions of compulsory insurance of government employees for the purpose of ensuring their social protection based on the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About public service".
Compulsory insurance of government employees is regulated by this Law, the Civil code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About public service", "About insurance activity" and other regulatory legal acts.
According to this Law the government employees carried to the classification of positions established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About public service" are insured.
The insurer of government employees is the state body of insurance.
4.1. Depending on classification of managerial positions insurance sums are established in the following amounts:
4.1.1. the first classification - six thousand six hundred manats;
4.1.2. the second and third classification - five thousand hundred seventy manats;
4.1.3. the fourth, fifth and sixth classification - three thousand seven hundred forty manats;
4.1.4. the seventh, eighth and ninth classification - one thousand nine hundred eighty manats;
4.1.5. it is excluded;
4.1.6. auxiliary positions - one thousand hundred manats.
4.2. The insurance premium is determined in the amount of 0,3 of percent of the insurance sum for every year.
5.1. Death to his health (receipt of disability, restriction of possibility of the health and (or) mutilation) insured as a result of individual accident and damnification are considered as insured events.
5.2. In case of insured event insured insurance payments in the following percent from insurance sum, the stipulated in Clause 4.1 presents of the Law are provided:
5.2.1. death - 100 percent;
5.2.2. appointment of group of disability, establishment of limited opportunities of health up to 18 years as a result of the sustained injuries:
The I group, limited opportunities of health up to 18 years - 80 percent
The II group - 60 percent
III group - 40 percent.
5.2.3. receipt of heavy mutilation without appointment of group of disability or without establishment of limited opportunities of health up to 18 years - 20 percent;
5.2.4. receipt of easy mutilation - 5 percent.
5.3. Insured which public service is stopped or which is transferred to other work in case of his death or damnification, within 3 years insurance payment according to Article 5.2 is provided to health as a result of the injuries sustained in case of stay in former public service. this Law.
6.1. Compulsory insurance of government employees is conducted at the expense of means which are annually provided by the government budget for this purpose for insurers (public authorities).
6.2. Insurers in the next year constitute the list of government employees whose insurance is provided according to article 4.1 of this Law, and until the end of the current year represent it to the insurer.
6.3. For ensuring compulsory insurance of government employees insurers annually on quarters pay to the insurer from the funds allocated for them for this purpose from the government budget, the required amount of insurance premiums.
6.4. The amount of insurance premiums is charged at the beginning of every year according to established by number, classification of positions of government employees.
6.5. The insurer quarterly submits to insurers the performance report of the last quarter.
6.6. In case of appointment of group of disability or heavier group of disability, establishment of limited opportunities of health up to 18 years or in case of death as consequences of insured event for which insurance payment is provided from the provided insurance payment earlier paid amount is calculated.
6.7. The agreement on compulsory insurance is signed between the insurer and the insurer.
The insurer within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant documents provides insured or to his heirs insurance payment with observance of the conditions and the sizes provided by this Law."
8.1. The mutual rights and obligations of the insurer and insured are determined by the agreement according to the insurance legislation.
8.2. From the date of receipt of the amount of insurance premiums provided by the agreement the insurer according to this Law and the agreement shall provide insured insurance payment.
8.3. In case of insured event the insurer or insured (or his heir) shall notify on it the insurer.
8.4. Insured or his heirs within 3 years from the date of emergence of insured event have the right to address the insurer or relevant organ of the government for receipt of insurance payment.
9.1. For receipt of insurance payments insured or his heirs together with the statement of the established form, the identification document and the reference about held insured position in public authority where it serves or before served, submits to the insurer the following documents:
9.1.1. in case of death:
the copy of the death certificate insured;
the copy of the certificate on succession law certified of notarial procedure;
9.1.2. in case of disability or limited opportunities of health up to 18 years - the copy of the certificate of medico-social commission of experts of determination of disability or establishment of limited opportunities of health certified in notarial procedure (with indication of group of disability, the reason of disability or limited opportunities of health and date of their establishment);
9.1.3. in case of receipt of mutilation - the medical certificate about receipt of heavy or easy mutilation.
9.2. The list of types of heavy and easy mutilations establishes relevant organ of the executive authority.
10.0. Insured or to his heirs refuses in provision of insurance payment in the following cases:
10.0.1. in case of insured event as a result of the use insured alcohol, drugs, psychotropic substances or toxic substances;
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The document is cancelled since April 23, 2014 according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 4, 2014 No. 933-IVQD