Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

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in the Ministry of Justice

Azerbaijan Republic

On April 29, 2002 No. 2826

Approved by the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on April 22, 2002 No. 035

The simplified Rules of declaration of goods, not provided for the production and commercial purposes moved with physical persons through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic with use of two-channel gating system ("The green channel" and "The red channel")

1. General provisions

1.2. In these rules the following main terms are used:

* goods - any personal estate, including currency, currency values and vehicles (except for the means used for international carriages of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment);

* physical resident persons are the physical persons having the permanent residence in the Azerbaijan Republic, including temporarily staying outside the Azerbaijan Republic;

* physical nonresident persons are the physical persons having the permanent residence outside the Azerbaijan Republic, including temporarily staying in the Azerbaijan Republic;

* check points - the territories of railway and automobile transitions, sea and river ports, airports and airfields on customs border, open for the international messages (the international flights), and also other specially equipped place where customs and other types of control of movement through customs border of goods and vehicles are performed;

* the accompanied baggage - the goods moved with physical persons through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic;

* the implied declaration form - such declaration form in case of which not filling with physical person of the established written form about availability in its hand luggage and the accompanied baggage of goods is considered as the case reflecting absence at this person of such goods;

2. Procedure for the simplified declaring and its form

2.1. For accomplishment of the simplified procedure for declaration of goods, moved with physical persons through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic, on customs border check-points of the Azerbaijan Republic the two-channel gating system is applied: "The green channel" and "The red channel".

2.2. "The green channel" is provided for declaring of goods by physical persons in implied form (except for the goods moved in unaccompanied baggage and sent in postal parcels).

The implied declaration form extends to the goods moved with physical persons in the accompanied baggage and hand luggage provided that:

a) the quantity and cost of these goods does not exceed quantity and cost of the goods allowed to transportation without collection of customs payments according to the existing customs legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic;

b) prohibitions or restrictions according to the existing customs legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic are not imposed on these goods.

2.3. In case of passing of physical persons via "The green channel" the customs declaration in writing is not filled in and not issued.

2.4. Customs control in "The green channel" is carried out by the selective method. In case of need officials of customs authorities can apply any form of the customs control provided by the customs legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic in "The green channel".

Non-use of separate forms of customs control in "The green channel" does not exempt physical persons from accomplishment of the obligations following from requirements of legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic.

2.5. "The red channel" is provided for declaration of goods in writing.

The inventory, subject to obligatory declaring in writing, is determined based on the existing normative legal document.

2.6. Acceptance and execution of the written customs declaration are performed according to the current legislation.

3. Conditions for creation and application of two-channel gating system - "Qyrmyzy kanal" and "Yasyl kanal"

3.1. Customs control and customs clearance by application of two-channel gating system - "The green channel" and "The red channel" are performed in places specially allotted for this purpose in borders of the established customs control zones.

3.2. Customs control zones are determined according to "Rules of creation and customs control zones and their designations".

3.3. For application of two-channel gating system are allocated:

a) at least one transition "The green channel" for realization of declaring in implied form;

b) at least one transition "The red channel" for declaring in writing.

The total quantity of transitions is determined by the relevant customs authorities in independent procedure taking into account flow of passengers and the available opportunities according to Item 3.1 of these rules.

3.4. The direction of movement to each of channels and entrance on each of channels otlichima shall be precisely designated and easily.

The direction of channels is as far as possible determined so that after passing of customs control and registration the flow of physical persons from entrance to channels and places of exit from them passed directly.

In arrival time on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic the distance between the place of issue of baggage and entrance to channels (collection zone) shall be sufficient in order that the physical person, without experiencing difficulties, could choose and enter into the relevant channel.

3.5. The entrance to "The red channel" is designated by special graphical symbols in the form of square of red color on white background, and also texts of the following content in the Azerbaijani and English languages. "Qyrmyzy kanal" (Red channel) ("The red channel") and "Mtstlyaq yazyly suryatdya byayan edilmyali olan mallar" (Goods to declare) ("The goods which are subject to obligatory written declaring"). Texts are made in red color.

3.6. The entrance to "The green channel" is designated by special graphical symbols in the form of octagon of green color on white background, and also texts of the following content in the Azerbaijani and English languages: "Yasyl kanal" (Green channel) ("The green channel") and "Yazyly byayan edilmyali mal yoxdur" (Nothing to declare) ("There are no goods which are subject to written declaring"). Texts are made in green color.

3.7. The place of entrance to "The green channel" is designated by the green line 50 cm wide. Movement of goods through the specified line is estimated as designation of the fact that the goods moved with this person through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic do not belong to the goods which are subject to obligatory written declaring.

3.8. The place of exit from "The green channel" is designated by the line of green color 50 cm wide.

3.9. Crossing of the last line by physical person means completion of customs clearance of goods which does not require obligatory declaring during import, movement through customs border of the Azerbaijan Republic. Such goods are considered as the issued goods.


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