The contract between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia on the status of the Border troops of the Russian Federation which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and conditions of their functioning
of September 30, 1992
The Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia which are hereinafter referred to as by the Parties
considering new political realities in the world and in the Transcaucasian region, finding by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia of the state independence,
proceeding from intentions to develop friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation on the basis of the principles and rules of international law,
recognizing the inalienable right of all independent states to take measures for protection of the frontier,
being guided by need of ensuring collective security of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States,
wishing to create contractual basis for stay of Border troops of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, and ensuring protection of border with Turkey and Iran with them,
agreed as follows:
For the purposes of this agreement stated below terms mean:
1. "Border troops of the Russian Federation" - connections, parts and divisions of Border troops of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
2. "Persons which are part of Border troops of the Russian Federation":
a) military personnel of Border troops of the Russian Federation;
b) the civilians from among citizens of the Russian Federation working in parts, organizations, the organizations and at the companies of Border troops of the Russian Federation.
3. "Members of families of persons which are part of Border troops of the Russian Federation" - the spouses, children and also jointly living and being in dependence relatives.
4. "The place of dislocation" - the territory in which Border troops of the Russian Federation, including arrangements of military units with the training centers, shooting ranges and other objects used by Border troops of the Russian Federation are placed.
5. "Personal estate of Border troops of the Russian Federation" all types of arms, ammunition, military equipment, including vehicles, and also any other appliances necessary for providing troops.
6. "Real estate of Border troops of the Russian Federation" - the parcels of land occupied by Border troops of the Russian Federation, and military camps located on them, airfields, shooting ranges and other buildings and constructions.
The Republic of Armenia for the benefit of ensuring own safety, safety of the Russian Federation and collective security of the State Parties of the CIS, delegates questions of protection of frontier with Turkey and Iran within the territory to the Border troops of the Russian Federation deployed at the time of the signature of this agreement in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
The border troops of the Russian Federation which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and protecting frontier in the activities are guided by the valid interstate contracts of the former USSR with Turkey and Iran, Agreements on boundary questions of the State Parties of the CIS, the Law of USSR "About frontier of the USSR", legal acts of the Republic of Armenia, and also regulations of Border troops of the Russian Federation in the part which is not contradicting the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
The actions for protection of frontier of the Republic of Armenia approve Border troops of the Russian Federation with the President and the Government of the Republic of Armenia
The border troops of the Russian Federation which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia respect sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia, observe the local legislation and do not allow intervention in internal affairs of the Republic of Armenia. Local authorities respect legal status of Border troops of the Russian Federation, persons which are their part, and members of families of these persons and do not allow any actions complicating accomplishment by Border troops of the Russian Federation of the tasks. They accept the necessary and approved with Border troops of the Russian Federation measures ensuring their safety, and also safety of property of troops including measures for the prevention of any illegal actions.
For accomplishment of other tasks which are not connected with protection of border with Turkey and Iran (except for works on liquidation of natural disasters, accidents and catastrophic crashes) Border troops of the Russian Federation are not attracted.
Organizational and regular structure of the Border troops of the Russian Federation which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia by the time of the signature of this agreement, places of their dislocation remain to the conclusion of special agreements between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.
For the purpose of ensuring management of troops the Task force Armenia is created.
Completing of troops is performed by command of Border troops of the Russian Federation.
In process of creation of own boundary structures, the Republic of Armenia in coordination with management of Border troops of the Russian Federation consistently takes sites of border with Turkey and Iran under the protection, organizing their cover in close interaction with Border troops of the Russian Federation.
For the benefit of protection of frontier of the Republic of Armenia with Turkey and Iran the Border troops of the Russian Federation which are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia in interaction with Public administration of homeland security and other law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Armenia conduct operational and search work, inquiry on cases on violation of border, make urgent investigative actions according to the penal and criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Frontier representative activities of Border troops of the Russian Federation are performed according to current agreements with Turkey and Iran concerning the border mode with participation and under the common directorship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
Border troops of the Russian Federation according to the existing legal acts regulating procedure for crossing of border perform the omission of persons, vehicles, loads, goods and other objects through the existing check points located on border of the Republic of Armenia with Turkey and Iran.
Movement of passengers and vehicles through border at again established check points opens the government of the Republic of Armenia after completion of all works on construction (reconstruction) of these Items, on the projects approved with Border troops of the Russian Federation and creation of necessary infrastructure for their functioning.
Border troops of the Russian Federation use in protection of border of force and means of the air units which are based both in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and beyond its limits, both from depot aerodromes, and from airfields (platforms) of temporary basing.
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