of August 30, 1999 No. 1596
About approval of the Payment procedure of pensions and the monetary assistance through current accounts in banks
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Payment procedure of pensions and the monetary assistance through current accounts in banks which is applied.
2. Ceased to be valid
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Pustovoytenko
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 30, 1999, No. 1596
General provisions
1. This Procedure determines the payment mechanism of pensions and the monetary assistance to receivers, including benefit for burial and pension amounts, the monetary assistance half-received in connection with the death of the receiver, to persons having the right to such payments, head departments of the Pension fund of Ukraine in areas, Kiev (further - bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine) and structural divisions concerning social protection of the population of the local state administrations, executive body city, district in the cities (in case of their education) councils, the centers for charge and implementation of social payments (further - social security authorities of the population), and also other money payments which are financed by social security authorities of the population by the relevant budgets (further - pension and the monetary assistance), by transfer on current accounts of receivers of pension and the monetary assistance (further - receivers), and in case of their death - on current accounts of persons, having the right to benefit for burial and the half-received pension amount, the monetary assistance, in authorized banks.
2. Authorized banks are the banks determined according to Procedure for selection of banks through which pension payment, the monetary assistance, payments for obligatory national social insurance and the salary to the employees of budgetary institutions approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 26, 2001 No. 1231 is performed.
3. Payment and delivery of pensions and the monetary assistance is performed by authorized banks on the conditions determined by this Procedure and based on the agreements signed:
between authorized banks and social security authorities of the population;
between authorized banks, the Pension fund of Ukraine and bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine.
4. Pension payment and the monetary assistance according to this Procedure is performed in the place of the actual accommodation of receivers specified in the statement in settlements within Ukraine through the authorized banks chosen by receivers, their separate divisions (branches, departments, representations) (further - organizations of authorized banks).
The benefit for burial, the pension amount, the monetary assistance half-received in connection with the death of the receiver pension, the monetary assistance in case of departure of the receiver on the permanent residence abroad and in cases which require due payments are paid by bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine, social security authorities of the population by transfer on the current account of the receiver (person who has the right to payments in connection with his death) in authorized bank. In case of absence at the receiver of the current account such payments can be made by bodies of the Pension fund by money transfer to the receiver without opening of the account through bank which is the representative on implementation of settlement and cash transactions with means of the Pension fund of Ukraine, No. 25 determined by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 21, 2004 "About determination of authorized bank which performs settlement and cash transactions with means of the Pension fund of Ukraine" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2004, No. 3, of the Art. 127), and also social security authorities of the population - through authorized bank with which such payment method is provided by the agreement specified in Item 3 presents of the Procedure.
5. Authorized banks perform operations on opening of current accounts, transfer of pension amounts and the monetary assistance, payments for obligatory national social insurance on current accounts and their payment according to the obligations determined by appendix to the Procedure for selection of banks through which pension payment, benefits and the salary to employees of budgetary institutions, No. approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 26, 2001 1231, and to the signed agreements, the stipulated in Item 3 presents of the Procedure is performed.
6. Receivers of the help choose authorized bank for opening of the current account.
For the internally displaced persons staying on the registry that is confirmed by the reference issued according to the Procedure for registration and issue of the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 1, 2014 No. 509 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2014, No. 81, Art. 2296; 2015, No. 70, the Art. 2312) - with the changes made by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 13, 2022 No. 269 and of March 20, 2022 No. 332, except for of persons specified in the paragraph the eighteenth Item 2 presents of the Procedure, authorized bank is JSC Oschadbank.
7. Bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine and social security authorities of the population provide informing receivers on payment procedure of pensions and the monetary assistance.
Opening of current accounts
8. Current accounts are opened for receivers by authorized banks according to the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of National Bank regulating procedure for opening of accounts in national and foreign currency.
9. Between authorized bank and the receiver the bank account agreement is signed. Provisions of the agreement the conditions of pension payment and the monetary assistance established by this Procedure cannot worsen. Terms of the contract shall provide possibility of its termination at the initiative of one of the parties.
In case of opening of the current account according to the appeal of body of the Pension fund of Ukraine or social security authority of the population the receiver shall sign bank account agreement with the authorized bank specified in the statement.
10. The statement for pension payment or the monetary assistance (appendix 1) or the statement for pension payment or the monetary assistance with opening of the account (appendix 4) moves the receiver personally in body of the Pension fund of Ukraine or social security authority of the population for the place of the actual accommodation of the receiver specified in the statement in the settlement within Ukraine.
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