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The agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on cooperation in the field of the higher education

of March 29, 1996

Government of the Russian Federation and Government of the Kyrgyz Republic,

hereinafter referred to as with the Parties,

in view of the Resolution and Recommendations of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States "About single educational space and increase in the social status of pupils of education system and science in the State Parties of the CIS" of March 18, 1994,

being guided by regulations of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on cooperation in the field of culture, science and education of March 27, 1995,

aiming to develop and enhance cooperation in the field of the higher education,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties will promote establishment and development of direct connections between educational institutions, educational institutions and the scientific organizations, to creation of joint educational scientific-industrial complexes, branches based on the state higher educational institutions of both countries, development of joint programs in the fields of education and sciences, to exchange of scientific information.

Article 2

The parties on the basis of the principle of reciprocity will establish acceptance training quotas in the approved specialties of citizens of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic in higher educational institutions of both countries (to 50 people annually).

Article 3

The parties will annually, provide till March 1 each other the list of specialties with indication of the number of places and the name of the desirable higher educational institution for the direction on training of citizens of the states according to Article 2 of this agreement.

The parties will annually, inform no later than May 15 each other on possibility of acceptance in higher educational institutions on the specified specialties.

Article 4

Level of training of candidates for training according to Article 2 of this agreement shall conform to requirements of the accepting higher educational institutions of each of the countries.

Article 5

The candidates for training selected according to Article 2 of this agreement arrive in higher educational institutions on the basis of the existing Regulations of Admission in higher educational institutions of the host party.

Article 6

The sending party annually, no later than July 1, represents on each candidate for the training in the approved specialty of the file including:

notarized copy of the certificate of birth;

the notarized copy of the certificate about secondary education (for graduate students - the copy of the diploma about the higher education and the insert to it);

the medical certificate about lack of contraindications for training in higher education institution of the host party with obligatory specifying of results of check on HIV infection;

six photos of 4х6 cm in size;

other additional documents confirming the education got by the candidate.

Article 7

The parties will promote reception of citizens of other state on the terms of total compensation of expenses on their training.

Financial and other conditions of training at compensation basis will be determined by separate contractual documents which will be signed by the Parties.

Article 8

The parties will assist the higher educational institutions in individual acceptance on training of citizens of other state at contractual basis.

The parties will not interfere with citizens of other state in individual receipt in higher educational institutions on the terms of higher educational institution of the host party, over target figures of acceptance.

Article 9

The parties determine training cost on contractual basis depending on the chosen specialty and specific higher educational institution, proceeding from cost of training in this higher educational institution.

Article 10

The higher educational institutions of both countries which accepted within this agreement on training of citizens of other state reserve the right for their early assignment in cases:

academic poor progress;

diseases which can cause damage to health of people around;

gross violation of rules of conduct in higher educational institution or the laws of the state in the territory of which they study.

In case of early expel of the student (graduate student) studying at conditions of total compensation, financial resources for the school hours which are not used by it do not return.

Article 11

The host party will provide to the citizens of the state of the sending party accepted on training within Article 2 of this agreement, payment of grants and medical attendance according to the legislation of the states of host parties, will grant right to use by the hostel, educational audiences, libraries, laboratories, etc., and also high school sports complexes on the same conditions, as for citizens of the state.

Article 12

The parties will carry out mutual studying of the state educational standards for the solution of question of equivalence of education documents, classification systems of levels of higher education.

The Russian side will direct on the conditions of the Russian experts for participation in the procedure of the state assessment of activities of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic approved with the Kyrgyz Side.

Article 13

The sending party pays the train of the citizens of the state accepted in higher education institutions according to Article 2 of this agreement to the place of training and back, including departures for vacation and in case of their early assignment.

Article 14

The parties according to the legislation existing in each state will promote development of cooperation in the field of scientific research on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual advantage by means of exchange of scientific and technical information, documentation and literature, implementation of bilateral joint research programs and projects, studying of achievements in the field of scientific research by the organization of conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, and also by exchange of specialists.

Article 15

The parties will render every possible assistance to the Russian-Kyrgyz (Slavic) university and Regional institute of Slavic studies.


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