Agreement between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on cooperation on water management questions
of January 16, 1996
The Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan which are hereinafter referred to as by the Parties
being guided by the relations of friendship and neighborliness, confirming need of joint use of resources of the interstate rivers and other water sources, refusal of application of economic and other methods of pressure for the solution of water questions,
recognizing mutually coherence of water problems and responsibility for rational use of water resources,
attaching exclusive significance for the purpose of increase in water inflow to the Aral Sea,
realizing need of respect of mutual interests and settlement of water management questions conciliatory means,
aiming at further development and strengthening of the relations of neighborliness and cooperation,
agreed as follows:
The parties are recognized that the lands provided by Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan under water management objects are its exclusive property.
The parties are recognized, all water management objects and the organizations of the Qarshi and Amu-Bukharsky channels, the Tuyamuyunsky water storage basin located in the territory of Turkmenistan are property of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The parties agreed that lands for the Qarshi, Amu-Bukharsky channels, the Tuyamuyunsky gidrouzel and actually used other water management objects and interstate water systems are provided on the terms of paid use.
The procedure and payment terms are determined on the basis of the Agreement between the governments of the Parties which is integral part of this agreement.
The parties will make necessary efforts on ensuring normal operation of the interstate water management objects located in their territories.
The parties agreed that the companies and the organizations including connected with operation of water management objects of interstate value, which are in the territory of other Party perform the activities according to the international standards and the legislation of the Party in the territory of which they are located.
The parties established water division of the drain of Amu Darya (brought to alignment of water-measuring post of Kerki) equal shares (fifty on fifty) and agreed, is pro rata from the shares, to send to the Aral Sea, and also to jointly perform actions for meliorative improvement of lands, reconstruction and exploitation of interstate collectives, the solution of technical issues of operation of irrigating systems, constructions of the water taking away and water waste paths.
The parties agreed to perform measures for non-admission of river-bed deformations and flooding of the adjacent territories caused by operation Amu-Bukharsky, Qarshi, Sovetyabsky, Dashkhauzsky, Tashsakinsky, Kilichbaysky, Shavat-Gazavatsky water systems.
Before completion of construction of permanent bank protection constructions as agreed by the parties temporary ruslovypryamitelny works on protection against washout and flooding of the adjacent territories on sites of water intakes and trasses of the above-stated channels annually will be carried out.
The parties will make necessary efforts against flooding of the lands located along the Daryalyksky and Lake collectors passing on the territory of Turkmenistan, reconstruction and operation of the above-stated collectors with costs, pro rata amounts of drainage drain.
The parties agreed, according to earlier reached agreements, since 1999, to stop dumping of drainage waters from both river banks Amu Darya, in case of such need resolve issues according to separate arrangements of the Parties.
According to the mutual arrangement of the Party can make necessary additions and changes which are drawn up by the relevant protocols to this agreement and are integral part of this agreement.
This agreement becomes effective from the moment of its signing and is effective is termless.
It is made in the city of Chardzhev on January "16", 1996, in duplicate, everyone in the Uzbek, Turkmen and Russian languages and all texts are equally authoritative.
For the purposes of interpretation of this agreement the text in Russian is help.
For the Republic of Uzbekistan |
For Turkmenistan |
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