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of November 18, 2008 No. 1740

About some questions of documentation of the population of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 20-11-2023)

Based on Item 6 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 3, 2008 "About documentation of the population of the Republic of Belarus" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 294

1. Approve:

The regulations on procedure for the direction in bodies of the border service of information about the lost (kidnapped persons), invalid identity documents, for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus (are applied);

The regulations on procedure for transfer to the state museums, other state organizations of the identity documents which are liable to destruction, for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus (are applied).

1-1. Establish:

form of the reference issued in case of loss (plunder) of the passport, the certificate of the refugee according to appendix 1;

sample of the residence permit of the foreign citizen in the Republic of Belarus and its description according to appendix 2;

sample of the residence permit of the stateless person in the Republic of Belarus and its description according to appendix 3;

sample of the travel document of the Republic of Belarus and its description according to appendix 4;

sample of the certificate of the refugee and his description according to appendix 5;

certificate sample on return to the Republic of Belarus and its description according to appendix 6.

2. Bring in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 30, 1997 No. 626 "About approval of the Regulations on the national identity certificate of the seaman of the Republic of Belarus, sample and the description of this certificate" (Collection of decrees, presidential decrees and orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, 1997, No. 16, Art. 603; National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 53, 5/3280; 2008, No. 6, 5/26438) following changes:

2.1. state the name in the following edition:

"About approval of sample and the description of the national identity certificate of the seaman of the Republic of Belarus";

to exclude paragraph two of Item 1;

2.2. in the description of the national identity certificate of the seaman of the Republic of Belarus approved by this resolution:

to state part one of item 4 in the following edition:

"4. On pages of the national identity certificate of the seaman of the Republic of Belarus specifying on document type, code of the state, series and number of the certificate, the information about the identity of the owner contain (surname, own name, middle name (in the presence), nationality (citizenship) - for citizens (foreign citizens), date (number, month, year) the births, floor, the birthplace of the owner, machine-readable zone, date of issue of the certificate, term of its action, the name of the state body which issued the certificate, the owner's signs (growth, color of eyes, special signs) and also are designated places for signatures of the official of the state body which issued the certificate, the owner of the certificate and introduction by the shipowner, competent authorities of the Republic of Belarus and foreign states of the marks provided by legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.";

exclude Item 5.

3. Recognize invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and their separate provisions according to the list it (is applied).

4. This resolution becomes effective since December 12, 2008.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

V. Semashko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 18, 2008 No. 1740

Regulations on procedure for the direction in bodies of the border service of information about the lost (kidnapped persons), invalid identity documents, for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus

1. This Provision determines procedure for the direction in bodies of the border service of information about the lost (kidnapped persons), invalid identity documents, for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus.

2. Identity documents, for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus, data on which go to bodies of the border service, in this Provision are understood as the documents listed in part one of subitem 1.1 and in part one of subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 3, 2008 to No. 294, which were lost (are stolen), acknowledged invalid if they were not withdrawn.

3. The information about the lost (kidnapped persons), invalid documents (further - data) in bodies of the border service arrives from the State boundary committee (further - State frontier committee).

4. Data send to State frontier committee:

law-enforcement bodies, diplomatic representations or consular establishments of the Republic of Belarus – not later than in three-day time from the date of giving by the owner of the lost (stolen) document of the statement for its loss (plunder);

consular management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – not later than in three-day time from the date of receipt of the written notice of the sending state body, other state organization about loss (plunder) of the diplomatic passport of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus or the service passport of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus;

public institution "Public administration of water transport" – not later than in three-day time from the date of obtaining from the shipowner of the written notice of loss (plunder) of the national identity certificate of the seaman during flight or not later than in three-day time from the date of giving by the owner of the lost (stolen) national identity certificate of the seaman of the statement for its loss (plunder) under the circumstances which are not connected with execution of professional obligations;

the state body which issued the document in the cases specified in part two of Item 8 of the Regulations on identity documents, in part two of Item 8 of the Regulations on documents for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus in part two of Item 10 of the Regulations on biometric identity documents, and in part two of Item 11 of the Regulations on biometric documents for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) the entry into the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 3, 2008 No. 294, – not later than in three-day time from the date of decision making about recognition of the document invalid if it was not withdrawn.

5. Data in State frontier committee arrive directly:

5.1. from information systems (resources) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in cases:

giving by the owner of the lost (kidnapped person), the invalid document in law-enforcement bodies of the statement for its loss (plunder);

recognitions of the document by law-enforcement bodies invalid if it was not withdrawn;

giving by the owner of the lost (kidnapped person), the invalid document for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus in diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Belarus statements for its loss (plunder);

recognitions by diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Belarus of the identity document of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus, and (or) the document for departure from the Republic of Belarus and (or) entry into the Republic of Belarus of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus invalid if it was not withdrawn;

5.2. from consular management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cases:

giving by the owner of the lost (kidnapped person), the invalid certificate on return to the Republic of Belarus to diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Belarus statements for its loss (plunder);

recognitions by diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Belarus certificates on return to the Republic of Belarus invalid if it was not withdrawn.

6. The data sent to State frontier committee shall contain the following information:

document type (in the presence);

document series (in the presence);

document number;

document effective period;

surname, own name, middle name (in the presence) owner of the document;

number, month, year of birth of the owner of the document.

7. In case of obtaining by State frontier committee of the data which are not containing information specified in Item 6 of this provision he has the right to disregard such data what within a day from the date of their receipt informs the state body which provided this information on.

Responsibility for timeliness, completeness, reliability, transfer and relevance of the data sent to State frontier committee are born by officials of the state bodies specified in this Provision.

8. Data go to State frontier committee in electronic form on technical data transmission channels.

9. The procedure for forming, use and storage of the data sent to State frontier committee is determined by State frontier committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


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