It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On January 24, 2007 No. 8840
of December 25, 2006 No. 163
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for office investigation and accounting of transport incidents and other connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport of events
According to article 20 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ "About rail transport in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2003, N 2, the Art. 169, N 28, the Art. 2884) and Item 5.2.34 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 395 "About approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, N 32, Art. 3342; 2006, N 15, Art. 1612; 2601) I order to N 24, of the Art.:
Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for office investigation and accounting of transport incidents and other connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport of events.
I. Levitin
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2006 No. 163
1. This Regulations on procedure for office investigation and accounting of transport incidents and other connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport of events (further - the Provision) according to Item 1 of article 20 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ "About rail transport in the Russian Federation" * establish procedure for office investigation and accounting of transport incidents and other connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport of events.
2. The provision is applied in case of office investigation and accounting of transport incidents and other connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport of the events taking place on railway tracks of general and railway tracks of uncommon use.
3. Heads of infrastructure of rail transport public and (or) railway tracks of uncommon use (further - subjects of rail transport) without delay notify on telephone, cable or electronic communicating device Federal Service for the Oversight of Transport (further - Rostransnadzor), its territorial authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office, law-enforcement bodies, territorial authorities of Emercom of Russia, local government bodies, owners of railway rolling stock on origin in the territory of the specified subjects of rail transport of the transport incidents provided below:
trains wrecks (collisions of passenger, post and luggage, passenger-and-freight, human, economic, freight or other trains with other trains or railway rolling stock, descents of railway rolling stock in passenger, post and luggage, passenger-and-freight, human, economic, freight or other trains on stages and stations, as a result of which:
people died or received heavy bodily harms, or locomotives, or cars to degree of their exception of stock are damaged;
or conditions of normal life activity of 100 and more people are violated).
accidents (collisions of passenger, post and luggage, passenger-and-freight, human, economic, freight or other trains with other trains or railway rolling stock, descents of railway rolling stock in passenger, post and luggage passenger-and-freight, human, economic, freight or other trains on stages and stations as a result of which the railway rolling stock is damaged and recovery of its serviceable condition requires carrying out major repair;
collisions and descents of railway rolling stock in case of maneuvers, equipment and other movements as a result of which people died or received heavy bodily harms or are damaged locomotives, or cars to degree of their exception of stock or the railway rolling stock is damaged and recovery of its serviceable condition requires carrying out major repair, or conditions of normal life activity of 100 and more people are violated).
the incidents connected with unauthorized movement on railway tracks public and (or) railway tracks of uncommon use of the autotractor machinery (collisions of the train, including odinochno the following locomotive, with the autotractor machinery out of the established railroad crossings as a result of which the person died or five or more people received heavy bodily harms; the railway rolling stock is damaged; there was emergency situation in case of which ten and more people suffered or conditions of life activity of hundred and more people are violated);
incidents on railroad crossings (collisions of the train, including odinochno the following locomotive, with the autotractor machinery as a result of which the person died or received heavy bodily harms or five or more people received heavy bodily harms; the railway rolling stock is damaged; there was emergency situation in case of which ten and more people suffered or conditions of life activity of hundred and more people are violated; at the same time the incidents on railroad crossings which arose because of the subject of rail transport and transport drivers or pedestrians are considered separately);
incidents in transit (transportation) of dangerous goods (connected with prosypaniye (passage) of dangerous goods which arose owing to damage of the car or container, damage of packaging, leaky closed hatches of the car, defect (damage) of boiler of the tank car, defect (damage) of armature of boiler of the tank car, defect (damage) of the drain device of the tank car and caused causing the damage of life and to human health, property of physical persons or legal entities, the ecological sphere determined according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2007 N304 "About Classification of Emergency Situations of Natural and Technogenic Nature") **.
4. Heads of subjects of rail transport no later than 3 hours from the moment of the incident notify on telephone, cable or electronic communicating device Rostransnadzor, its territorial authorities, owners of railway rolling stock on origin in the territory of the subjects of rail transport of others connected with violation of safety rules and operation of rail transport, events provided below:
journey by railway rolling stock of the prohibiting signal of the traffic light or clearance point;
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The document ceased to be valid since March 10, 2015 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2014 No. 344