Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since November 28, 2016 according to Item 2 of the Order of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2016 No. 125

Registered by

in Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On June 9, 2003, No. 4660


of May 29, 2003 No. 44

About approval of Rules of industrial safety for oil processing productions

The state mining inspection of Russia decides:

1. Approve Rules of industrial safety for oil processing productions.

2. Direct Rules of industrial safety for oil processing productions to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.



State mining inspection of Russia V. M. Kulyechev

Approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2003 No. 44

Rules of industrial safety for oil processing productions

The code of PB 09-563-03 is appropriated to these rules

I. General provisions

1.1. These rules of industrial safety for oil processing productions (further Governed) establish requirements which observance is aimed at providing industrial safety, the prevention of accidents, accidents on hazardous production facilities of oil-processing industry.

1.2. Rules are developed according to the Federal Law of 21.07.97 N 116-FZ "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (The Russian Federation Code. 1997. N 30. The Art. 3588), the Provision about Federal horn and industrial supervision of Russia, the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.12.01 N 841 (The Russian Federation Code. 2001. N 50. The Art. 4742), the General rules of industrial safety for the organizations performing activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 18.10.02 N 61-A, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 28.11.02 N 3968 (The Russian newspaper. 2002. 5 Dec. N 231), are also intended for application by all organizations irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership performing activities in the field of industrial safety.

1.2. These rules extend to the oil and gas processing and petrochemical productions all operating, designed and reconstructed, including trial installations and small-size block and modular installations (mini-oil refinery).

1.3. Rules are applied in addition to requirements of General explosion safety rules to the explosion-fire-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil processing productions approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia of 05.05.03 of N 29, of N 4537, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 15.05.03 taking into account specific features of engineering procedures of industry.

1.4. Preparation and certification of heads, specialists and production personnel is carried out according to established procedure of preparation and employee assessment of the organizations performing activities in the field of industrial safety.

1.5. In each production division of the company there shall be available necessary specifications and technical documentation determining procedure and conditions of safe conducting production process, actions of personnel in emergencies and implementation of repair work. The list of the specified technical documentation for each workplace shall be approved by the chief engineer (the technical director) of the company. This documentation is subject to revision each three years, and also in case of change of regulating technical documents based on which they are developed, by results of investigations of accidents, cases of industrial traumatism or accidents.

II. General requirements of safety to engineering procedures

2.1. Engineering procedures should be developed based on basic data on process design according to requirements of ensuring industrial safety.

2.2. For all productions operating and again put into operation, trial, pilot plants and mini-oil refinery production schedules are developed and affirm in accordance with the established procedure. The structure and contents of Sections of production schedules shall conform to the established requirements of production schedules of production of oil processing productions.

2.3. In production schedules conditions of safe start-up of oil processing productions shall be developed at negative temperatures of outside air.

2.4. Processing equipment, control facilities, managements, alarm systems, communication and the antiemergency automatic protection (AAP) shall be exposed to external survey with the following frequency:

processing equipment, pipeline armature, electric equipment, remedies, technology truboprovodypered the beginning of each change and during change at least every 2 hour operators, the driver, the senior on change;

control facilities, managements, executive mechanisms, means of antiemergency protection, alarm systems and communications - at least once a day employees of metrological service;

ventilating systems - before each change by the senior on change;

fire extinguishing means, including automatic systems, - at least once a month specially nominated persons together with workers of fire protection.

Results of surveys shall be registered acceptance and delivery of changes.

2.5. The plan of localization of emergencies (PLE) in which, taking into account specific conditions of division, necessary measures and actions of personnel for the prevention of emergencies and accidents are provided, and in case of their origin - on their localization, exception of poisonings, ignition or explosions, the maximum decrease in weight of their effects shall be developed for each fire and explosion object.

Procedure for development and contents of plans of localization of emergencies following:

2.5.1. The Liquidation Plan of Emergencies (LPE) provides means of the notification about accident of all persons and the measure excluding formation of sources of ignition in the zones designated by the corresponding plates which are in the territory of the organization.

2.5.2. The list of productions and separate objects for which plans of localization of emergencies are developed is determined and affirms the head of the organization in accordance with the established procedure.

2.5.3. Knowledge of PLAS is checked in case of certification, and practical skills - during the educational and training classes with personnel given in the schedule approved by the chief engineer (the technical director).

2.5.4. On production sites which do not require development of PLAS the personnel shall be guided in case of accident by the instructions on the corresponding workplaces regarding ensuring industrial safety approved by the chief engineer (the technical director) of the organization.

2.6. On explosion-fire-hazardous productions or installations carrying out pilot works on working off of new engineering procedures or their separate stages, to testing of head samples of again developed equipment, approbation of pilot means and systems of automation without the developed additional measures ensuring safety of work of installation and carrying out pilot works is not allowed.

2.7. Dumpings of gases from the safety valves established on vessels and devices with explosive and hazardous substances shall go to torch systems.

2.8. Dumping of neutral gases and vapors from the technology equipment in the atmosphere should be taken away to the safe place. Height of exhaust strut (candle) shall be at least than 5 m higher than the highest point (the building or the servicing platform of the outside equipment in radius of 15 m from exhaust strut). The minimum height of candle shall constitute at least 6 m from the level of planning mark of the platform.


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